updated on Thu Jan 19 04:14:35 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / postgresql84 / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer:  Scott Smith <jcdenton513 gmail com>
2 # Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade <douglas@archlinux.org>
4 #pkgname=('postgresql84-libs')
5 pkgname=('postgresql84')
7 # To save some compile time you can opt to uncomment the following lines
8 # if you're building this package using makepkg. If you're using a packager
9 # like clyde, I don't guarantee anything. This will build both postgresql84
10 # and postgresql84-libs. Remember to comment the pkgname lines above!
12 #pkgbase=('postgresql84')
13 #pkgname=('postgresql84-libs' 'postgresql84')
15 pkgver=8.4.8
16 pkgrel=1
17 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
18 url="http://www.postgresql.org"
19 license=('BSD')
20 makedepends=('libxml2' 'python2' 'perl')
21 source=("ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v${pkgver}/postgresql-${pkgver}.tar.bz2"
22         postgresql84
23         postgresql84.confd
24         build.patch
25         postgresql84.pam
26         postgresql84.logrotate
27         plperl-5.14-8.4.patch)
29 _pkgbase=postgresql
30 _pqdir=pqsql84
32 build() {
33   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
35   # patch to remove regress/test make target (won't build with it present)
36   #patch -Np1 -i ../build.patch
38   # patch for plperl for Perl 5.14
39   patch -Np1 -i ../plperl-5.14-8.4.patch
41   # configure
42   ./configure \
43           --prefix=/usr/${_pqdir} \
44           --with-libxml \
45           --with-openssl \
46           --with-perl \
47           --with-python PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 \
48           --with-pam \
49           --with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo \
50           --enable-nls \
51           --enable-thread-safety
53   sed -i -e '/interfaces/d' src/Makefile
55   # build
56   make
58   # build libs
59   for dir in src/interfaces src/bin/pg_config; do
60     pushd ${dir}
61     make
62     popd
63   done
65   cd src/include
66   make
68   # build contribs
69   cd ../../contrib/
70   make
73 package_postgresql84-libs() {
74   pkgdesc="Libraries for use with PostgreSQL 8.4"
75   depends=('openssl>=1.0.0')
77   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
79   # install license
80   install -D -m644 COPYRIGHT "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
82   # install libs
83   for dir in src/interfaces src/bin/pg_config; do
84     pushd ${dir}
85     make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
86     popd
87   done
89   install -D -m644 doc/man1/pg_config.1 "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/share/man/man1/pg_config.1"
91   cd src/include
93   mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/${_pqdir}/include/{libpq,postgresql/internal/libpq}
95   # these headers are needed by the public headers of the interfaces
96   install -m644 pg_config.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/"
97   install -m644 pg_config_os.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/"
98   install -m644 postgres_ext.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/"
99   install -m644 libpq/libpq-fs.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/libpq/"
100   install -m644 pg_config_manual.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/"
102   # these headers are needed by the not-so-public headers of the interfaces
103   install -m644 c.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/postgresql/internal/"
104   install -m644 port.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/postgresql/internal/"
105   install -m644 postgres_fe.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/postgresql/internal/"
106   install -m644 libpq/pqcomm.h "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/postgresql/internal/libpq/"
109 package_postgresql84() {
110   pkgdesc="A sophisticated object-relational DBMS version 8.4"
111   backup=('etc/conf.d/postgresql84' 'etc/pam.d/postgresql84' 'etc/logrotate.d/postgresql84')
112   depends=("postgresql84-libs>=${pkgver}" 'libxml2' 'readline>=6.0')
113   optdepends=('python2: for PL/Python support'
114               'perl: for PL/Perl support')
115   provides=('postgresql84-client')
116   conflicts=('postgresql84-client')
118   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
120   # install
121   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
122   # we don't want this, it is in the -libs package
123   pushd src/bin/pg_config
124   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" uninstall
125   rm "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/share/man/man1/pg_config.1"
126   popd
128   # install license
129   install -D -m644 COPYRIGHT "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/LICENSE"
131   # install contribs
132   cd contrib
133   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
135   # create symlinks for 8.4 binaries
136   mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
138   for bin in $(ls ${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/bin/); do
139           ln -s /usr/${_pqdir}/bin/$bin ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${bin}84
140   done
142   # clean up unneeded installed items
143   rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/postgresql/internal"
144   rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include/libpq"
145   find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_pqdir}/include" -maxdepth 1 -type f -execdir rm {} +
147   # install launch script
148   install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/postgresql84" "${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/postgresql84"
150   # install conf file
151   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/postgresql84.confd \
152     "${pkgdir}/etc/conf.d/postgresql84"
154   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/postgresql84.pam \
155     "${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d/postgresql84"
157   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/postgresql84.logrotate \
158     "${pkgdir}/etc/logrotate.d/postgresql84"
160   chown root:root "${pkgdir}"/usr/${_pqdir}/share/doc/postgresql/html/*
163 md5sums=('4603e8ea30cee97189b62b39022f2043'
164          'aa60b154a9233e218723d8fb39626bbd'
165          '1d9f982cf5800b8b699a39a38bd51e04'
166          '4d74f4227dc5e12bf95b3490758d86c9'
167          '96f82c38f3f540b53f3e5144900acf17'
168          'b365e638136e6394dfeeb3dae1473c79'
169          'e44b21275b69cc5157f5f9fae638c8a5')