1 # Contributor: Phillip Smith <fukawi2@NO-SPAM.gmail.com>
5 pkgdesc="Postfix greylisting policy service with auto-white-listing written in Perl with SQL database as storage backend. Greylisting stops 50 to 90 % junk mails (spam and virus) before they reach your Postfix server (saves BW, user time and CPU time)."
7 url="http://sqlgrey.sourceforge.net/"
9 depends=('perl' 'perl-net-server' 'perl-io-multiplex' 'perl-dbi' 'perl-date-calc' 'postfix>=2.1')
10 optdepends=('perl-dbd-pg: for using postgresql as backend database' 'perl-dbd-mysql: for using mysql as backend database')
11 backup=('etc/sqlgrey/sqlgrey.conf' 'etc/sqlgrey/clients_ip_whitelist.local' 'etc/sqlgrey/clients_fqdn_whitelist.local')
12 install=$pkgname.install
13 source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.bz2" "rc.$pkgname")
14 md5sums=('513ddb38e5a9760773d8e1a2b27e31a1'
15 '028c1b536ef89fa2eb6cbc7fb4708395')
18 # UID / GID 111 = sqlgrey
19 cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
25 cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
27 make ROOTDIR=${pkgdir} install || return 1
29 msg "Installing rc.d script..."
30 install -D -m755 $srcdir/rc.$pkgname $pkgdir/etc/rc.d/$pkgname || return 1
32 msg "Creating .local config files..."
33 touch $pkgdir/etc/sqlgrey/clients_ip_whitelist.local
34 touch $pkgdir/etc/sqlgrey/clients_fqdn_whitelist.local
35 cat > $pkgdir/etc/sqlgrey/clients_ip_whitelist.local <<EOD
36 # This is the local configuration for whitelisted IP addresses for sqlgrey.
37 # Add any IP addresses you need whitelisted to this file. One IP address per line.
38 # To add a /24 address space, omit the last octet of the address.
39 # For example, to whitelist, add the line:
43 cat > $pkgdir/etc/sqlgrey/clients_fqdn_whitelist.local <<EOD
44 # This is the local configuration for whitelisted hostnames for sqlgrey.
46 # hostname.domain.com # whole system name (least CPU intensive)
47 # *.domain.com # whitelist any fqdn in the domain 'domain.com'
48 # /regexp/ # whitelist any fqdn matching the regexp (by far most CPU intensive)
50 # Note you need the following two lines to allow both
51 # <lots of mtas>.example.com and example.com
56 msg "Setting permissions..."
57 chown -R 111:111 $pkgdir/etc/sqlgrey || return 1
60 rm -Rf $pkgdir/etc/init.d || return 1
63 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: