1 # Contributor: leepesjee <lpeschier at xs4all.nl>
5 pkgdesc="A data plotting OpenGL/GLU/glut based 2D/3D graphical library program, supporting high quality plot output to PS, EPS and PDF files."
7 url="http://wwwinfo.jinr.ru/programs/jinrlib/gluplot/indexe.html"
9 depends=('fltk' 'freeglut' 'libxpm')
10 source=(http://wwwinfo.jinr.ru/programs/jinrlib/gluplot/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz
11 gluplot-1.3.0-draw.patch)
12 md5sums=('0f60883595a13c5656c3274990fd0c37'
13 '1a7ef6b04bf509a1758b09f1c7338e71')
17 patch -Np0 -i ./gluplot-1.3.0-draw.patch
18 cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
19 sed -i 's|tolower|::tolower|' ./src/plot/glp_plot_gl.cpp
20 sed -i '/^using namespace std;/i #include <cstdlib>' ./src/test/terrain.cpp
21 sed -i 's|Fl_File_Chooser.h|Fl_File_Chooser.H|' ./src/gui.h
23 ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-fltk
24 sed -i 's|mandir = ${datarootdir}|mandir = ${DESTDIR}/${datarootdir}|' ./docs/Makefile
25 sed -i 's|docdir = ${datarootdir}|docdir = ${DESTDIR}/${datarootdir}|' ./docs/html/Makefile
28 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install