1 # Maintainer: doorknob60 <doorknob60 at gmail dot com>
6 pkgdesc="Official Hulu Desktop client for Linux. You may need to edit ~/.huludesktop to the correct path of your Flash plugin."
8 url="http://www.hulu.com/labs/hulu-desktop-linux"
11 depends=('flashplugin' 'gtk2' 'glib2')
12 optdepends=('lirc: for remote control functionality')
14 if [ `uname -m` = "x86_64" ]; then # On 64 bit machines
15 md5sums=('bccc94d7f327989dab2653d254f40869')
16 _debsrc=huludesktop_amd64.deb
17 else # On 32 bit machines
18 md5sums=('d9b27d1837ab86526100964e80c3cdd1')
19 _debsrc=huludesktop_i386.deb
21 source=(http://download.hulu.com/$_debsrc)
27 local hulubin=$pkgdir/usr/bin/huludesktop
28 local flashplugin=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
29 # End config variables
33 ar p $_debsrc data.tar.gz | (cd $pkgdir; bsdtar xf -)
36 # sed -i 's/Categories=GTK;AudioVideo;Audio;Video;Player;TV;/Categories=GNOME;Application;Network;/' $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/huludesktop.desktop
38 # Create a huludesktop.ini if necessary on first startup
39 mv $hulubin $hulubin-bin
43 [ -f ~/.huludesktop ] || cat <<! >~/.huludesktop
45 flash_location = $flashplugin
47 ; To bypass first-run EULA, uncomment: