1 #Contributor: Brandon Andrews <bsa@bsa.isa-geek.com>
2 #Maintainer: Bin Jin <bjin1990 at gmail dot com>
8 pkgdesc="tool for the photometric calibration of cameras and for the recovery of high dynamic range (HDR) images from the set of low dynamic range (LDR) exposures."
9 url="http://pfstools.sourceforge.net/pfscalibration.html"
10 license="GPL LGPL FDL"
11 depends=('pfstools' 'jhead')
12 provides=('pfscalibration')
13 source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pfstools/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz")
14 md5sums=('1844a6e3f03f585dbc8bcc3eaacf66b9')
17 cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
18 ./configure --prefix=/usr
20 make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install