1 _kernel_version=3.1.8-zen-bfs-g8a4dbff
13 echo -e "$_B >$_W Kernel version:$_b $_kernel_version$_n"
16 echo -e "$_B >$_W Updating module dependencies$_n"
17 /sbin/depmod "$_kernel_version"
20 echo -e "$_B >$_W Mkinitcpio setup"
21 echo -e "$_n If you use LVM2, encrypted root or software RAID,"
22 echo -e "$_n ensure you enable support in $_b/etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-zen.conf"
24 echo -e "$_n More information about mkinitcpio setup can be found here:"
25 echo -e "$_b http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mkinitcpio"
28 echo -e "$_B >$_W Generating initial ramdisks using mkinitcpio$_n"
29 /sbin/mkinitcpio -p linux-zen
32 echo -e "$_B >$_W Contact"
33 echo -e "$_n If you need help with the package or have any suggestions"
34 echo -e "$_n to improve zen-sources, feel free to join"
35 echo -e "$_b #zen-sources$_n on$_b irc.rizon.net$_n"