1 # Contributor: Jesus Jerez <jhuss@archlinux.org.ve>
3 pkgname=eclipse-wtp-wst
5 _pkgbuild=3.3.1-20110915193224
7 pkgdesc="Web Developer Tools for the Eclipse platform - part of webtools, includes enough to do web development (e.g. HTML, CSS, Javascript, and XML)"
8 url="http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/"
11 depends=('eclipse-emf' 'eclipse-gef')
13 conflicts=('eclipse-wtp')
14 provides=('eclipse-wtp')
15 changelog=$pkgname.changelog
16 source=("http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&file=/webtools/downloads/drops/R${pkgver}/R-${_pkgbuild}/wtp-sdk-R-${_pkgbuild}.zip")
17 md5sums=('daf2bdc179ddddd11f99cdff8e8c80e0')
18 sha256sums=('cc27b06fe3f72bc1d50f21a4c25cc10d134ff87efc501ff792109cf695286da0')
22 _dest=${pkgdir}/usr/share/eclipse/dropins/${pkgname/eclipse-}/eclipse
27 find features -type f | while read _feature ; do
28 if [[ ${_feature} =~ (.*\.jar$) ]] ; then
29 install -dm755 ${_dest}/${_feature%*.jar}
30 cd ${_dest}/${_feature/.jar}
31 jar xf ${srcdir}/${_feature} || return 1
33 install -Dm644 ${_feature} ${_dest}/${_feature}
38 find plugins -type f | while read _plugin ; do
39 install -Dm644 ${_plugin} ${_dest}/${_plugin}