2 _astkdir=${_installdir}/ASTK
8 for _FILE in bibpyt commande
10 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/python${_pythonver}/compileall.py -f ${_installdir}/PAR${_pkgvershort}/${_FILE}
11 /usr/bin/python -O /usr/lib/python${_pythonver}/compileall.py -f ${_installdir}/PAR${_pkgvershort}/${_FILE}
14 sed -e "s|#vers : ?parvaster?|vers : PAR${_pkgvershort}|g" \
15 -i ${_astkdir}/ASTK_SERV/conf/config
19 echo " You can launch code-aster from the command-line using"
20 echo " '/opt/aster/ASTK/ASTK_SERV/bin/as_run *.export' or you"
21 echo " can use ASTK interface. In the latter case - more frequent -"
23 echo " - install xinetd if you want to use rsh (ssh and rsh"
24 echo " should already be installed if you have installed astk)"
25 echo " - verify that you haven't option 'no-listen' enabled when"
26 echo " you start X server;"
27 echo " - start xinetd verifying that rsh is available or"
28 echo " alternatively start ssh if you want to use this."
29 echo " Installing script of astk should have configured astk to be"
30 echo " executed locally."
39 sed -e "s|vers : PAR${_pkgvershort}|#vers : ?parvaster?|g" \
40 -i ${_astkdir}/ASTK_SERV/conf/config