updated on Thu Jan 26 16:09:46 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / crossover-standard / cxoffice.conf
1 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;
3 ;;  CrossOver Linux Standard Configuration File
4 ;;
5 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
8 ;;-----< [CrossOver] Section >------------------------------------------
9 ;;    This section supplies configuration information that applies to
10 ;; CrossOver as a whole.
11 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 [CrossOver]
14 ;;-----------------< Basic Settings >-----------------------------------
16 ;; PreferredBrowser     Specifies the browser command that CrossOver
17 ;;                      should use when asked to open a URL. The
18 ;;                      default is to try to automatically pick the
19 ;;                      most appropriate browser.
20 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
21 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'. Note that only simple
22 ;;                      commands are supported. In particular
23 ;;                      backquotes and semi-colons have no special
24 ;;                      meaning.
26 ;;                      Default:    "" (auto-detect)
28 ;; ManagedShortcutDirs  Specifies a colon-separated list of directories
29 ;;                      where managed bottles should create scripts to
30 ;;                      start Windows applications.
31 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
32 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
34 ;;                      Default:    ""
36 ;; PrivateShortcutDirs  Specifies a colon-separated list of directories
37 ;;                      where private bottles should create scripts to
38 ;;                      start Windows applications. These directories
39 ;;                      must be writable by non-root users and thus
40 ;;                      should probably be relative to '${HOME}'.
41 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
42 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
44 ;;                      Default:    ""
46 ;; MenuIgnoreList       This is a colon-separated list of menuing system
47 ;;                      IDs. It specifies menuing systems which should
48 ;;                      be ignored when creating and deleting menus.
50 ;;                      Default:    ""
52 ;; AssocIgnoreList      This is a colon-separated list of association
53 ;;                      system IDs. It specifies association systems
54 ;;                      which should  be ignored when creating and
55 ;;                      deleting associations.
57 ;;                      Default:    ""
59 ;; MIMEIgnoreList       A colon-separated list of MIME Types to ignore.
60 ;;                      You can use this to prevent CrossOver Setup
61 ;;                      from ever associating these MIME types to a
62 ;;                      Windows application.
64 ;;                      Default:    ""
66 ;; ExtIgnoreList        A colon-separated list of extensions to ignore
67 ;;                      when scanning the Windows associations. The
68 ;;                      leading dot of the extension should be omitted
69 ;;                      and regular expressions are allowed.
71 ;;                      Default:    ""
73 ;; ManagedLinuxNSPluginDirs
74 ;; ManagedLinux64NSPluginDirs
75 ;;                      Specifies a colon-separated list of directories
76 ;;                      where managed bottles should install their
77 ;;                      Unix 32 bit (respectively 64 bit) Netscape
78 ;;                      plugin libraries.
79 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
80 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
82 ;;                      Default:    ""
84 ;; PrivateLinuxNSPluginDirs
85 ;; PrivateLinux64NSPluginDirs
86 ;;                      Specifies a colon-separated list of directories
87 ;;                      where private bottles should install their
88 ;;                      Unix 32 bit (respectively 64 bit) Netscape
89 ;;                      plugin libraries. These directories must be
90 ;;                      writable by non-root users and thus should
91 ;;                      probably be relative to '${HOME}'.
92 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
93 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
95 ;;                      Default:    ""
97 ;; CreateNSPluginDirs   If a directory mentioned in one of the other
98 ;;                      *NSPluginDirs settings does not exist and it is
99 ;;                      present in this colon-separated list of
100 ;;                      directories, then an attempt to create it will
101 ;;                      be made.
102 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
103 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
105 ;;                      Default:    ""
107 ;; AntiVirusScan        When to scan for viruses. If set to 'never',
108 ;;                      then no scan is ever done. If set to
109 ;;                      'untrusted', then only untrusted files are
110 ;;                      scanned. If set to 'start', then files are
111 ;;                      scanned before they are run by the wine script.
113 ;;                      Note that there is no way to have all files be
114 ;;                      scanned before they are opened by Windows
115 ;;                      applications, for instance when one uses the
116 ;;                      File -> Open dialog.
118 ;;                      Default:    start
120 ;; AntiVirusCommand     The command to use to scan for viruses in
121 ;;                      Windows applications and files.
122 ;;                      The default is to auto-detect Clam AntiVirus,
123 ;;                      Avast Anti-Virus, AVG Anti-Virus, McAfee
124 ;;                      LinuxShield, F-Prot AntiVirus, AntiVir
125 ;;                      Workstation and the Sophos Anti-Virus,
126 ;;                      and uses the first one found.
127 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
128 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'. Note that only simple
129 ;;                      commands are supported. In particular
130 ;;                      backquotes and semi-colons have no special
131 ;;                      meaning.
133 ;;                      Default:    auto-detect
135 ;; AntiVirusClean       A regular expression to apply to the hexadecimal
136 ;;                      scanner exit code to identify when it determined
137 ;;                      that the file is clean. So for instance "(0|13)"
138 ;;                      would mean that the virus scanner returns 0 or
139 ;;                      19 ('13' in hexadecimal) for clean files.
141 ;;                      Default:    Automatically set for supported
142 ;;                                  virus scanners, "0" otherwise.
144 ;; AntiVirusMatch       A regular expression to apply to the hexadecimal
145 ;;                      scanner exit code to identify when it determined
146 ;;                      that the file is infected. So for instance "[cd]"
147 ;;                      would mean that the virus scanner returns 12
148 ;;                      ('c' in hexadecimal) or 13 ('d') when it detects
149 ;;                      a virus.
150 ;;                      Any exit code that matches neither AntiVirusMatch
151 ;;                      nor AntiVirusClean indicates a scanner
152 ;;                      malfunction.
154 ;;                      Default:    Automatically set for supported
155 ;;                                  virus scanners, "1" otherwise.
157 ;; ReportWineUsage      If set to 1, then the wine script will
158 ;;                      record usage data and CrossOver will
159 ;;                      periodically upload that data to a server.
160 ;;                      If set to 0, then no usage will be recorded.
161 ;;                      If empty, CrossOver will periodically ask the
162 ;;                      user to opt in.
164 ;;                      Default:    ""
166 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
167 ;;"PreferredBrowser" = ""
168 "ManagedShortcutDirs" = "/usr/bin:${CX_ROOT}/bin"
169 "PrivateShortcutDirs" = "${HOME}/bin"
170 ;;"MenuIgnoreList" = ""
171 ;;"AssocIgnoreList" = ""
172 "MIMEIgnoreList" = "application/x-crossover-doc:application/x-gettext:text/html:text/plain:text/x-gettext-translation-template"
173 "ExtIgnoreList" = "exe:htm:html:lnk:txt:url"
174 "ManagedLinuxNSPluginDirs" = "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
175 "ManagedLinux64NSPluginDirs" = "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
176 "PrivateLinuxNSPluginDirs" = "${HOME}/.mozilla/plugins:${HOME}/.netscape/plugins"
177 "PrivateLinux64NSPluginDirs" = "${HOME}/.mozilla/plugins:${HOME}/.netscape/plugins"
178 "CreateNSPluginDirs" = "${HOME}/.mozilla/plugins:${HOME}/.netscape/plugins"
179 ;;"AntiVirusScan" = ""
180 ;;"AntiVirusCommand" = ""
181 ;;"AntiVirusClean" = ""
182 ;;"AntiVirusMatch" = ""
183 ;;"ReportWineUsage" = ""
186 ;;-----------------< Advanced Settings >--------------------------------
188 ;; These values are for exceptional circumstances and are not for
189 ;; general use by end users.
191 ;; ProductVersion       The internal product version.
193 ;;                      Default:    ""
195 ;; BuildTag             Identifies the source code the product was built
196 ;;                      from.
198 ;;                      Default:    ""
200 ;; BuildTimestamp       The build's timestamp.
202 ;;                      Default:    ""
204 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
205 "ProductVersion" = "10.0.3"
206 "BuildTag" = "cxoffice-10.0.3rc1"
207 "BuildTimestamp" = "20110426T173647Z"
211 ;;-----< [MIMEAliases] Section >----------------------------------------
212 ;;    This section specifies a list of MIME type aliases for use when
213 ;; creating associations.
214 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
215 [MIMEAliases]
217 ;;-----------------< MIME Type Aliases >--------------------------------
219 ;; This is a set of key/value pairs of the form:
221 ;; "mime/type1" = "mime/type2;mime/type3"
223 ;; This specifies that 'mime/type1', 'mime/type2' and 'mime/type3' are
224 ;; synonymous and causes CrossOver to associate with all three MIME
225 ;; types whenever it encounters one of them.
227 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
228 "application/msexcel"     = "application/vnd.ms-excel;application/x-msexcel"
229 "application/mspowerpoint"= "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint;application/x-mspowerpoint"
230 "application/msword"      = "application/vnd.ms-word"
231 "application/pdf"         = "application/x-pdf"
232 "application/wordperfect" = "application/vnd.wordperfect;application/x-wordperfect"
233 "application/zip"         = "application/x-zip-compressed"
234 "audio/midi"              = "audio/x-midi"
235 "audio/mp3"               = "audio/mpeg"
236 "audio/mp4"               = "audio/x-m4a"
237 "audio/x-pn-realaudio"    = "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio"
238 "audio/x-wav"             = "audio/vnd.wave;audio/wav"
239 "text/calendar"           = "text/x-vcalendar"
240 "text/directory"          = "text/x-vcard"
241 "video/x-ms-asf"          = "application/vnd.ms-asf"
245 ;;-----< [OfficeSetup] Section >----------------------------------------
246 ;;    This section specifies settings *only* used by the CrossOver Setup
247 ;; utility.
248 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
249 [OfficeSetup]
251 ;;-----------------< OfficeSetup Settings >-----------------------------
253 ;; BottleManagerSize    If set, this is the size (widthxheight) that the
254 ;;                      Bottle Manager will request when starting up.
256 ;;                      Default:    ""
258 ;; RemoteDisplay        If set to 1, CrossOver Setup will go easy on GUI
259 ;;                      actions so as not to swamp the network. If unset
260 ;;                      or left empty, CrossOver Setup will try to
261 ;;                      automatically detect remote displays.
263 ;;                      Default:    ""
265 ;; ExpandInstallDetails If set to 1, the CrossOver Software Installer will start
266 ;;                      installs with the list of tasks shown.
268 ;;                      Default:    ""
270 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
271 ;;"BottleManagerSize" = ""
272 ;;"RemoteDisplay" = ""
273 ;;"ExpandInstallDetails" = ""
274 ;;"AutoUpdate" = "0"
275 ;;"ShowUntestedApps" = "0"
276 "TIEURL" = "http://ftp.codeweavers.com/pub/crossover/tie/crossover.tie.gz"
280 ;;-----< [Wine] Section >-----------------------------------------------
281 ;;    This section specifies defaults for all applications to use. Any
282 ;; application that is active, but does not have a matching
283 ;; configuration section, will obtain its parameters from this section.
284 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
285 [Wine]
287 ;;-----------------< Advanced Path Settings >---------------------------
289 ;; Each of these values, if specified, will override the default value
290 ;; computed via CX_ROOT.
292 ;; BinPath              Specifies a list of directories to prefix the
293 ;;                      PATH with prior to invoking a Wine subprocess.
294 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
295 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
296 ;;                      If you wish to use an alternative version of
297 ;;                      Wine, you should set this to a minimum of:
298 ;;                      <your-wine>:<your-wine>/server:${CX_ROOT}/bin
300 ;;                      Default:    ${CX_ROOT}/bin
302 ;; LibPath              Specifies a list of directories to prefix
303 ;;                      LD_LIBRARY_PATH with prior to invoking a Wine
304 ;;                      subprocess.
305 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
306 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
307 ;;                      If you wish to use an alternative version of
308 ;;                      Wine, you should set this to a minimum of:
309 ;;                      <your-wine>:${CX_ROOT}/lib
311 ;;                      Default:    ${CX_ROOT}/lib
313 ;; DllPath              Specifies a list of directories containing
314 ;;                      builtin Wine builtin dlls.
315 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
316 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
317 ;;                      Note that this setting overrides WINEDLLPATH.
318 ;;                      To use WINEDLLPATH, set this field to
319 ;;                      "${CX_ROOT}/lib/wine:${WINEDLLPATH}". If you
320 ;;                      wish to use an alternative version of Wine, you
321 ;;                      should set this to a minimum of:
322 ;;                      <your-wine>/dlls:${CX_ROOT}/lib/wine
324 ;;                      Default:    ${CX_ROOT}/lib/wine
326 ;; LDPreload            If set, specifies a value to override
327 ;;                      LD_PRELOAD.
328 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
329 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
330 ;;                      Note that if it is set to an empty string, then
331 ;;                      LD_PRELOAD will be set to an empty string too.
332 ;;                      To not modify LD_PRELOAD, set it to
333 ;;                      ${LD_PRELOAD}.
335 ;;                      Default:    ""
337 ;; LDAssumeKernel       If set, specifies a value to override
338 ;;                      LD_ASSUME_KERNEL.
339 ;;                      This setting can use environment variables with
340 ;;                      the syntax '${VARNAME}'.
341 ;;                      Note that if it is set to an empty string, then
342 ;;                      LD_ASSUME_KERNEL will be set to an empty string
343 ;;                      too. To not modify LD_ASSUME_KERNEL, either
344 ;;                      comment out the LDAssumeKernel setting, or set
345 ;;                      it to ${LD_ASSUME_KERNEL}.
347 ;;                      Default:    ${LD_ASSUME_KERNEL}
349 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
350 ;;"BinPath" = ""
351 ;;"LibPath" = ""
352 ;;"DllPath" = ""
353 ;;"LDPreload" = ""
354 ;;"LDAssumeKernel" = ""
357 ;;-----< [BottleDefaults] Section >-------------------------------------
358 ;;    This section specifies settings to be used when creating a new
359 ;; bottle.
360 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
361 [BottleDefaults]
363 ;;-----------------< Bottle Settings >----------------------------------
365 ;; MenuRoot             Specifies where Wine should create the menu
366 ;;                      entries for Windows applications, i.e. where
367 ;;                      the root of the "Start Menu" should be.
369 ;;                      Default:    ""
371 ;; MenuStrip            Specifies that the first N Windows menu levels
372 ;;                      should be stripped. So if MenuStrip is set to
373 ;;                      one, then a menu that would be in the 'Programs'
374 ;;                      menu folder on Windows, would appear in the menu
375 ;;                      root in your desktop environment.
377 ;;                      Default:    0
379 ;; HttpProxyHost        If set and non empty, this host is used as the
380 ;;                      Http proxy host. If empty, no proxy is set.
381 ;;                      If not set, $http_proxy is used.
383 ;;                      Default:    Based on $http_proxy
385 ;; HttpProxyPort        If HttpProxyHost is set and non empty,
386 ;;                      this value is used as the Http proxy port.
388 ;;                      Default:    Based on $http_proxy
390 ;; OutlookSecurity      Activate the Outlook security measures.
392 ;;                      Default:    0
394 ;; BlockedExtensions    File extensions that Outlook is not allowed
395 ;;                      to execute for security reasons.
397 ;;                      Default:    ""
399 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
400 "MenuRoot" = "/Windows Applications"
401 "MenuStrip" = "1"
402 ;;"HttpProxyHost" = ""
403 ;;"HttpProxyPort" = ""
404 "OutlookSecurity" = "1"
405 "BlockedExtensions" = "bat;com;cpl;exe;hta;lnk;pif;scr;vbe;vbs;wsf;wsh"