1 # Maintainer: Kao Dome <kaodome .:at:. gmail .:dot:. com>
3 pkgname=dropbox-light-panel-icons
6 pkgdesc="Notification icons for Dropbox for themes with bright panels."
7 url="http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=7818"
10 depends=('dropbox-experimental') # Until 0.8 branch goes stable.
11 conflicts=('dropbox-dark-panel-icons' 'dropbox-humanity-icons' 'dropbox-humanity-dark-icons')
12 source=(dropbox-light-panel-icons.tar.gz::http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62148/Misc/Dropbox%20Light%20Panel.tar.gz)
13 sha256sums=('ddf634665612aa8dad6ca4a733286b4b4625e74beb71c6daa9bdd9ab15fbc39a')
14 _destdir=$pkgdir/opt/dropbox
16 # The next variable allows you to choose if you want the icons to be system-wide or for the user building the package.
17 # If set to '1' they will be system-wide, and you'll have to install the package with the -f parameter (forzed install) as the
18 # replacement icons override the default ones. Note that if you choose them to be system-wide you'll have to reinstall the package
19 # every time you update the Dropbox one:
22 # Update destination and package name in case it's not built system-wide:
23 [ "$_systemwide" = "0" ] && _destdir=$pkgdir$HOME/.dropbox-dist/
24 [ "$_systemwide" = "0" ] && pkgname=dropbox-humanity-dark-icons-for-$USER