updated on Thu Jan 26 16:09:46 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / dropbox-pyndexer / pyndexer.template.html
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
3 <!-- This is valid XHTML1.0 Transitional! Keep it that way, the parser is very picky. -->
4 <!-- For example, you must use the numeric representation for entities like &copy; :( -->
5 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
6 <head>
7 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
8 <title>Dropbox :: Folder listing :: %(currentfolder)s</title>
9 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.dropbox.com/static/1238803391/images/favicon.ico"/>
10 <link href="http://www.dropbox.com/static/1241315492/css/sprites.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
11 <script id="jsenc" type="text/javascript" src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/552/pyndexer/1.2/jsencryption.js"> </script>
12 <script id="jsswfobj" type="text/javascript" src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/552/pyndexer/1.2/swfobject.js"> </script>
13 <script id="jsjwplay" type="text/javascript" src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/552/pyndexer/1.2/jwplay.js"> </script>
14 <!-- the CSS file can be changed to a central place in your own public folder if you want to change it -->
15 <link id="css" href="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/552/pyndexer/1.2/pyndexer.template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
16 </head>
17 <body><center>
18 <span id="md5span">%(md5span)s</span>
19 <div id="maindiv">
20 <table id="maintable">
21 <thead id="maintablehead">
22 <tr>
23 <th colspan="3">
24 <a id="dropboxref" href="%(dropboxref)s"><img alt="dropbox" src="http://www.dropbox.com/static/images/main_logo.png"/></a>
25 </th>
26 </tr>
27 <tr><th colspan="3"><hr/></th></tr>
28 <tr id="jwplayerrow" class="audio">
29 <th colspan="3">
30 <span id="playerdiv" name="playerdiv">
31 This will be replaced by the player when playing the media files. When no media is found, it will be removed.
32 </span>
33 <hr/>
34 </th>
35 </tr>
36 <tr>
37 <th class="row1" id="currentfolderth">Contents of <b>%(currentfolder)s</b></th>
38 <th class="row2">Size</th>
39 <th class="row3">Date</th>
40 </tr>
41 </thead>
43 <tfoot id="maintablefoot">
44 <tr id="footrowhr"><th colspan="3"><hr/></th></tr>
45 <tr>
46 <th id="lastmodifiedth">
47 Index file generated on %(gendate)s with <a id="pyndexerref" href="%(pyndexer_url)s">pyndexer v.%(pyndexer_ver)s</a>
48 </th>
49 <th colspan="2"><p id="foot_logo">&#169; 2011 dropbox</p></th>
50 </tr>
51 </tfoot>
53 <tbody id="maintablebody" title="base64-encoded-cipher">
54 <tr id="encryptedrow">
55 <td colspan="3" class="row1">
56 <a href="javascript:decryptText('maintablebody')">Show encrypted file listing</a>
57 </td>
58 </tr>
59 <tr id="emptytr">
60 <td colspan="3" class="row1"><i>No files in here...</i></td>
61 </tr>
62 <tr id="updirtr">
63 <td colspan="3" class="row1">
64 <img alt="up" src="http://www.dropbox.com/static/images/icons/icon_spacer.gif" style="vertical-align:middle;" class="sprite s_arrow_turn_up"/><a id="updirref" href="../%(indexfilename)s">Parent directory</a>
65 </td>
66 </tr>
67 <tr class="direntry">
68 <td class="row1">
69 <img alt="folder" src="http://www.dropbox.com/static/images/icons/icon_spacer.gif" style="vertical-align:middle;" class="sprite s_folder"/><a href="%(dirname_link)s">%(dirname_text)s</a>
70 </td>
71 <td class="row2">%(dirsize)s</td>
72 <td class="row3">%(dirdate)s</td>
73 </tr>
74 <tr class="fileentry">
75 <td class="row1">
76 <img alt="file" src="http://www.dropbox.com/static/images/icons/icon_spacer.gif" style="vertical-align:middle;" class="sprite %(filename_type)s"/><a href="%(filename_link)s">%(filename_text)s</a>
77 </td>
78 <td class="row2">%(filesize)s</td>
79 <td class="row3">%(filedate)s</td>
80 </tr>
81 </tbody>
82 </table>
83 </div>
84 </center>
85 <div id="readme"><hr/>Here goes the README file if you defined it.</div>
86 </body>
87 </html>