updated on Thu Jan 26 16:09:46 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / flacgain / help.patch
1 --- apply_replaygain.pl 2007-12-31 14:55:39.000000000 +0100
2 +++ apply_replaygain.pl.new 2011-01-05 18:31:38.112189683 +0100
3 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ use Getopt::Long;
4 our $metaflaccmd = "metaflac";
6 # Depending on your application, you may not require --preserve-modtime
7 -our @flacargs = qw ( --preserve-modtime --add-replay-gain );
8 +our @flacargs = qw ( --add-replay-gain );
10 #-------------------- End User-changeable options ---------------------
12 @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ GetOptions( \%Options,
13 #$d_info = 0;
14 #$d_debug = 0;
16 -showusage() unless ( scalar @ARGV <= 1 );
17 +showusage() if ( scalar @ARGV <= 0 );
19 # Use current directory if no dir specified on command-line
20 @ARGV = ('.') unless @ARGV;
21 @@ -147,7 +147,19 @@ sub process_dirs {
24 sub showusage {
25 - print "Usage goes here\n";
26 +print "flacgain [options] [directory]
28 +Options:
29 + --processall Default behaviour is if all files in the directory
30 + have ReplayGain information (specifically, the
31 + REPLAY_ALBUM_GAIN tag) then the directory is skipped.
32 + This option recalculates ReplayGain information
33 + for all directories.
34 + --info Output information (directories processed, etc.)
35 + --debug Output debugging information
37 +directory is the directory to scan for flac files. If omitted, the
38 +current directory is processed.\n";
39 exit 1;