1 ## arg 1: the new package version
3 echo "==> An user "fms" is created which own the /opt/fms directory"
5 useradd -u 114 -g fms -d /opt/fms/ -s /bin/bash fms &>/dev/null
6 echo "==> You must add yourself to the 'fms' group and re-login before attempting to start the daemon!"
7 echo "==> To start your node:"
8 echo "==> /etc/rc.d/fms start"
9 echo "==> Go to to configure your node"
10 echo "==> Read /opt/fms/readme.txt for further info"
13 ## arg 1: the old package version
15 userdel fms &>/dev/null
16 groupdel fms &>/dev/null
19 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: