1 # Author: Oberon27 <http://oberon27.deviantart.com/>
2 # Maintainer sanderd17 < sanderd17 AT gmail DOT com >
4 pkgname=gnome-shell-theme-adwaita-white-single-user
7 pkgdesc="This is a white version of the Adwaita gnome-shell theme. No system wide installation."
8 url="http://half-left.deviantart.com/art/Adwaita-White-212572423"
11 depends=('gnome-shell')
12 optdepends=('gnome-shell-extension-user-theme: User Theme extension for GNOME Shell'
13 'gnome-tweak-tool: A tool to customize advanced GNOME 3 options.')
14 source=("http://www.deviantart.com/download/212572423/adwaita_white_by_oberon27-d3ik5xj.zip")
15 DLAGENTS=('http::/usr/bin/wget -c -t 3 --waitretry=3 -H -U Mozilla -O %o %u')
16 md5sums=('cf22bb908d4f89b629646003ad76c90c')
19 mkdir -p ${pkgdir}$HOME/.themes/
20 unzip adwaita_white_by_oberon27-d3ik5xj.zip -d ${pkgdir}$HOME/.themes/
21 chmod -R 755 ${pkgdir}$HOME/.themes/Adwaita-White