1 # Maintainer: Joao Cordeiro <jlcordeiro at gmail dot com>
6 pkgdesc="Goblin Camp is a roguelike citybuilder, inspired by Anno 1404, Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper."
8 url="http://www.goblincamp.com/"
10 makedependes=('boost-build')
11 depends=('libgl' 'python2' 'sdl_image')
12 source=(gc-config.jam)
13 md5sums=('18bd877061925bfbf4f3478135c165d2')
15 _hgroot="https://bitbucket.org/genericcontainer"
19 _dest_dir="$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname"
24 msg "Connecting to hg server..."
25 if [[ -d "$_hgrepo/.hg" ]]; then
27 ( cd $_hgrepo && hg pull -u )
30 hg clone "${_hgroot}/${_hgrepo}"
36 if test "$CARCH" == x86_64; then
37 bjam --user-config=../../gc-config.jam -j2 release address-model=64
38 cp -r build/bin-release-x64/{bin,share} $_dest_dir/
40 bjam --user-config=../../gc-config.jam -j2 release address-model=32
41 cp -r build/bin-release-x86/{bin,share} $_dest_dir/
46 chown -R :games $_dest_dir
47 chmod -R g+rw $_dest_dir
50 ln -s $_dest_dir/bin/$pkgname $pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname
53 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: