3 /usr/sbin/useradd -c "IRAF system login" -d /iraf/iraf/local -m -s /bin/csh -u 501 iraf >& /dev/null
8 cd /iraf/iraf/unix/hlib/
9 su iraf -c "source irafuser.csh"
12 echo 'Run "iraf-install" as root and answer "Default" (Press Enter) to all.'
13 echo 'Make iraf folder in your home with "mkdir ~/iraf" and run "mkiraf"'
14 echo 'in this directory'
23 cd /iraf/iraf/unix/hlib/
24 su iraf -c "source irafuser.csh"
26 echo "Run "iraf-install" as root and answer "Default" (Press Enter) to all, to finish the re-instalation"
32 /usr/sbin/userdel -f iraf
35 rm -f cl ds9 mkiraf mkmlist mkpkg generic xgterm rmbin rmfiles rpp rtar sgidispatch wtar xc xpp ximtool* vximtool xyacc
37 rm -f imtoolrc libcdl.a