1 # Maintainer: Nick Østergaard <oe dot nick at gmail dot com>
3 pkgname=kicad-bzr-qi-hardware-patches
6 pkgdesc="This is KiCad with the Qi Hardware patched added. This gives command line argument capabilities."
8 url="http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/eda-tools/source/tree/master/kicad-patches"
10 depends=('mesa' 'shared-mime-info' 'wxgtk' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
11 makedepends=('cmake' 'boost' 'bzr' 'git' 'quilt')
12 optdepends=('kicad-doc-bzr' 'kicad-library-bzr')
14 provides=('kicad' 'kicad-bzr')
23 _gitroot=git://projects.qi-hardware.com/eda-tools.git
29 # Get the compatible BZR version of KiCad
30 msg "Connecting to BZR server..."
31 if [ ! -d ${srcdir}/${_bzrmod} ] ; then
32 bzr co --lightweight -r ${_bzrver} ${_bzrtrunk} ${_bzrmod}
34 bzr up -r ${_bzrver} ${_bzrmod}
36 msg "BZR checkout done or server timeout"
38 # Get the patches from Qi Hardware
39 msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
40 if [[ -d "$_gitname" ]]; then
41 cd "$_gitname" && git pull origin
42 msg "The local files are updated."
44 git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname"
46 msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
50 cd ${srcdir}/${_bzrmod}
51 ln -f -s ${srcdir}/${_gitname}/kicad-patches patches
52 # cp -r ${srcdir}/${_gitname}/kicad-patches patches
57 mkdir -p build/Release && cd build/Release
64 cd ${srcdir}/${_bzrmod}/build/Release
65 make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install