1 # Maintainer: Daniele Paolella <danielepaolella@email.it>
2 # Contributor: Philipp Überbacher <hollunder at gmx dot at>
8 pkgdesc="Tools that take advantage of the DBus interfaces recently added to JACK and LASH."
10 url="http://www.marcochapeau.org/software/laditools"
12 depends=(python2 pygtk python2-yaml glade)
14 optdepends=(g15composer g15daemon wmdocklib)
15 provides=(laditray ladilog ladiconf g15ladi wmladi)
16 changelog=$pkgname.changelog
21 _gitrev=f4d4a23d60a0dd2c146b282d355ac6e03e96b187
26 if [ ! -d $_gitname ] ; then
27 git clone git://git.marcochapeau.org/laditools.git $_gitname
33 python2 setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir"
36 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: