1 ################################################
2 # MOBAC system wide directory configuration
3 ################################################
5 # For activating this configuration file rename it to "directories.ini"
6 # (remove the .template extension) and place it in the same directory as
7 # the file Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar
12 # user home directory, e.g. /home/username/ on Linux or C:\Users\username\ on Win Vista/7
15 # directory where MOBAC (or to be detailed Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar) has been installed into
18 # On Windows you have to use slashes "/" instead of back-slashes "\" e.g. C:/temp/mobac
19 # Absolute pathes are also valid
21 #Uncomment one of the following lines starting with "mobac." for redefining the directory
23 # Directory where to save settings.xml and serach for log4j.xml
24 mobac.usersettingsdir=${home}/.mobac
25 #mobac.usersettingsdir=D:/MOBAC
27 # Directory where to save and load atlas profiles
28 mobac.atlasprofilesdir=${home}/.mobac
30 # Directory where to search "map packs", custom maps and beanShell map sources
31 # Updated map packs are also saved into this directory overwriting old ones
32 #mobac.mapsourcesdir=${mobac-prog}/mapsources
34 # Directory where to create the cache databases of downloaded tiles
35 mobac.tilestoredir=${home}/.mobac/tilestore
37 # Directory where to create the temporary download container