1 # Maintainer: Jeremy Sands <cto@jeremysands.com>
2 # Contributor: William Rea <sillywilly@gmail.com>
4 # Since gcc-gcj is in AUR and "needs updating..." trying to build this from scratch is insanity.
7 pkgname=python-pylucene
11 pkgdesc="Use Lucene's text indexing and searching capabilities for Python"
12 url="http://lucene.apache.org/pylucene/"
13 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
15 depends=('python' 'openjdk6')
16 makedepends=('deb2targz')
17 provides=('python-pylucene')
18 if [ ${CARCH} = 'x86_64' ]; then
19 source=(http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pylucene/pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_amd64.deb)
20 md5sums=('cf2600db451739e490b7e887f00350af')
21 elif [ ${CARCH} = 'i686' ]; then
22 source=(http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pylucene/pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_i386.deb)
23 md5sums=('774742bd6595da9ce499bc5ef17b86c6')
30 if [ ${CARCH} = 'x86_64' ]; then
31 deb2targz pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_amd64.deb || return 1
32 gzip --decompress pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_amd64.tar.gz || return 1
33 tar -xvf pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_amd64.tar || return 1
34 elif [ ${CARCH} = 'i686' ]; then
35 deb2targz pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_i386.deb || return 1
36 gzip --decompress pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_i386.tar.gz || return 1
37 tar -xvf pylucene_"$pkgver"-"$_pkgrel"_i386.tar || return 1
39 # Unnecessary empty Debian crap
40 rm -rf "$startdir"/pkg/etc