updated on Thu Jan 26 16:09:46 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / quagga-dn42 / PKGBUILD
1 # quagga routing suite PKGBUILD
2 # Forked from quagga by helios <helios+aur@wiresphere.de>
4 # Thanks to quagga AUR Maintainer:
5 # Contributor: shild <shildv@gmail.com> 
6 # Contributor: Georg Grabler (STiAT) <ggrabler@gmail.com>
7 # Contributor: Bart Kos, bro at fast-stable-secure dot net
8 # Contributor: HomeCreate <homecreate@list.ru>
10 # And equinox <dl@diac24.net>
12 pkgname=quagga-dn42
13 _pkgname=quagga
14 pkgver=20111222
15 pkgrel=1
16 pkgdesc="BGP/OSPF/ISIS/RIP/RIPNG routing daemon suite. With AS4, advanced dumpfile output and IPv6 linklocal peering support"
17 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
18 url="http://www.diac24.net/files/quagga/info-1.1.0-dn42.11.html"
19 license=('GPL2')
20 makedepends=('git')
21 depends=('libcap' 'libnl' 'net-snmp' 'readline' 'ncurses' 'iproute')
22 backup=()
23 install=quagga.install
24 source=('quagga.rc'
25         'quagga.conf')
26 md5sums=('be82af403747a29911206fb3e5fa7644'
27          '0c4f2dd13c7dac1b73de923d1d5e4e17')
28 provides=('quagga')
29 conflicts=('quagga' 'quagga-patched')
31 _gitroot='git://git.spaceboyz.net/equinox/quagga.git'
32 _gitname='quagga'
34 build() {
35     cd $srcdir
37     if [ -e ${_gitname} ] ; then
38       cd ${_gitname}
39       git pull
40       cd ..
41     else
42       git clone ${_gitroot} ${_gitname}
43     fi
45     cd $srcdir/${_gitname}
47     ./bootstrap.sh
48     ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/quagga --localstatedir=/run/quagga \
49                 --enable-exampledir=/usr/share/doc/quagga/examples \
50                 --enable-vtysh \
51                 --enable-isisd \
52                 --enable-isis-topology \
53                 --enable-netlink \
54                 --enable-snmp \
55                 --enable-irdp \
56                 --enable-pcreposix \
57                 --enable-multipath=64 \
58                 --enable-user=quagga \
59                 --enable-group=quagga \
60                 --enable-configfile-mask=0640 \
61                 --enable-logfile-mask=0640 \
62                 --enable-ospf-te \
63                 --enable-opaque-lsa \
64                 --disable-tcp-zebra \
66     make
69 package() {
70   # initscripts files
71   for d in zebra ripd ripngd bgpd ospfd ospf6d isisd; do
72     install -D -m 755 ${_pkgname}.rc "$pkgdir/etc/rc.d/$d"
73     install -D -m 644 ${_pkgname}.conf "$pkgdir/etc/conf.d/$d"
74     backup+=("etc/conf.d/$d")
75   done
77   # create /run/quagga directory at startup
78   install -D -m 644 /dev/null "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${_pkgname}.conf"
79   echo "d /run/${_pkgname} 0750 ${_pkgname} ${_pkgname}" > "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${_pkgname}.conf"
81   # soft
82   cd ${_gitname}
83   make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install