1 # Maintainer: Carl Ellis <carl.ellis@comp.lancs.ac.uk>
5 pkgdesc="A lightweight battery monitor written in Ruby/Gtk2. Will sit in the system tray, poll ACPI and update the tooltip."
7 url="http://jimhi.com/content/projects/rbatmon/"
9 depends=('acpi' 'ruby' 'ruby-gnome2' 'gtk2' 'ruby-pango')
19 md5sums=() #generate with 'makepkg -g'
21 _gitroot="git://github.com/carl-ellis/BatteryMonitor.git"
22 _gitname="BatteryMonitor"
26 msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
28 if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then
29 cd $_gitname && git pull origin
30 msg "The local files are updated."
32 git clone $_gitroot $_gitname
35 msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
36 msg "Starting make..."
38 rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
39 git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
40 cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
48 cp batterymon.rb $pkgdir/usr/bin/rbatmon
54 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: