1 # Maintainer: Lucky <aur.archlinux.org [at] lucky.take0ver [dot] net>
2 # Contributor: Ashren <edgar [at] archlinux [dot] us>
3 # Contributor: Daenyth <Daenyth [at] gmail [dot] com>
4 # Contributor: Jeff Mickey <jeff@archlinux.org>
7 pkgname=rtorrent-extended
9 #_pkgname="${pkgname%-*}" currently not work with bauerbill
12 pkgdesc="Ncurses BitTorrent client based on libTorrent with eXtended patches."
13 arch=("i686" "x86_64")
14 url="http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no"
16 depends=("curl>=7.14.3" "libtorrent-extended>=0.12.6-7" "xmlrpc-c>=1858")
17 conflicts=("${_pkgname}")
18 provides=("${_pkgname}")
19 install="${pkgname}.install"
27 # 1 = canvas color patch / 2 = karabja mod patch
31 # 1 = tjwoosta vi keybindings / 2 = akston vi keybindings
34 source=("${url}/downloads/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz"
39 "ex_bad_peer_handling.patch"
40 "ex_equal_operator.patch"
41 "ui_canvas_color.patch"
42 "ui_karabaja_mod.patch"
43 "ui_show_idle_times.patch"
44 "ui_trackerinfo.patch"
46 "kb_vi_tjwoosta.patch"
47 "fix_fatal_exception.patch")
48 md5sums=("b804c45c01c40312926bcea6b55bb084"
49 "d1863ff23b0b17839e3f09b53f217bd8"
50 "dfd7f1344734a6cdeab476213ba90701"
51 "10a4f15d0c2cf122722b6b47a023da2b"
52 "2d6ababca0dee540ae70d764cc4f1fc0"
53 "e698da498f306435fb8f89824c47e0e8"
54 "78cb7da5c0080f0ae67ef3632c3c9b69"
55 "732394d3d2f6e642b4969728e40490ca"
56 "535bbc3747fde174aef3600e304e725a"
57 "611f429ec089e76cabb44161be5ab308"
58 "1fc3b40153450f34f8f4c4e1a161b6b8"
59 "b512babd89e65a94c949088da0745446"
60 "828f38bb78d839765b153ad3e6e09182"
61 "dacf00e1ddf2a27e7661167f193312f3")
64 cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}"
68 if [[ "${_magnet_uri}" = "1" || "${_ipv6}" = "1" ]]; then
69 echo "ex_magnet_uri.patch"
70 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ex_magnet_uri.patch"
72 if [[ "${_ipv6}" = "1" ]]; then
74 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ex_ipv6.patch"
75 _cfg_opts="--enable-ipv6"
77 if [[ "${_ip_filter}" = "1" || "${_friend}" = "1" ]]; then
78 echo "ex_ip_filter.patch"
79 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ex_ip_filter.patch"
81 if [[ "${_friend}" = "1" ]]; then
82 echo "ex_friend.patch"
83 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ex_friend.patch"
85 if [[ "${_bad_peer_handling}" = "1" ]]; then
86 echo "ex_bad_peer_handling.patch"
87 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ex_bad_peer_handling.patch"
89 if [[ "${_equal_operator}" = "1" ]]; then
90 echo "ex_equal_operator.patch"
91 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ex_equal_operator.patch"
94 if [[ "${_interface}" = "1" ]]; then
95 echo "ui_canvas_color.patch"
96 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ui_canvas_color.patch"
97 elif [[ "${_interface}" = "2" ]]; then
98 echo "ui_karabaja_mod.patch"
99 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ui_karabaja_mod.patch"
101 if [[ "${_show_idle_times}" = "1" ]]; then
102 echo "ui_show_idle_times.patch"
103 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ui_show_idle_times.patch"
105 if [[ "${_trackerinfo}" = "1" ]]; then
106 echo "ui_trackerinfo.patch"
107 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/ui_trackerinfo.patch"
110 if [[ "${_keybindings}" = "1" ]]; then
111 echo "kb_vi_tjwoosta.patch"
112 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/kb_vi_tjwoosta.patch"
113 elif [[ "${_keybindings}" = "2" ]]; then
114 echo "kb_vi_akston.patch"
115 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/kb_vi_akston.patch"
119 echo "fix_fatal_exception.patch"
120 patch -uNp1 -i "${srcdir}/fix_fatal_exception.patch"
122 sed -i 's/rTorrent \" VERSION/rTorrent-eXtended " VERSION/' \
123 "src/ui/download_list.cc"
126 CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -fno-strict-aliasing" \
127 ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --with-xmlrpc-c "${_cfg_opts}"
129 make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
131 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: