1 Index: src/perl/urxvt-popup
2 ===================================================================
3 RCS file: /schmorpforge/rxvt-unicode/src/perl/urxvt-popup,v
4 retrieving revision 1.15
5 diff -u -r1.15 urxvt-popup
6 --- src/perl/urxvt-popup 24 Dec 2007 08:21:40 -0000 1.15
7 +++ src/perl/urxvt-popup 2 Aug 2009 08:22:52 -0000
11 # might fail, but try anyways
12 - $self->grab ($self->{data}{event}{time}, 1)
13 + $self->grab ($self->{data}{event}{time})
14 and $self->allow_events_async;
16 on_button_press $self, $self->{data}{event} if $self->{data}{event}{button};
18 my ($self, $event) = @_;
20 # should definitely not fail
21 - $self->grab ($self->{data}{event}{time}, 1)
22 + $self->grab ($self->{data}{event}{time})
23 and $self->allow_events_async;