1 # Maintainer: Mika Fischer <mika.fischer@zoopnet.de>
5 pkgdesc="Light weight streaming audio player for Logitech's Squeezebox audio server"
7 url="http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeSlave"
10 makedepends=('alsa-lib' 'lirc-utils' 'ncurses' 'patch' 'subversion')
12 # Use __svn* instead of _svn* to prevent makepkg from overwriting ${pkgver}
13 __svntrunk="http://squeezeslave.googlecode.com/svn/squeezeslave/branches/squeezeslave-1.1-253"
14 __svnmod="squeezeslave-1.1"
20 msg "Connecting to SVN server...."
21 if [ -d "${__svnmod}/.svn" ]; then
22 (cd "${__svnmod}" && svn up -r "${__svnrev}")
24 svn co "${__svntrunk}" --config-dir ./ -r "${__svnrev}" "${__svnmod}"
26 msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout"
28 msg "Starting build..."
29 rm -rf "${srcdir}/${__svnmod}-build"
30 cp -r "${srcdir}/${__svnmod}" "${srcdir}/${__svnmod}-build"
31 cd "${srcdir}/${__svnmod}-build"
33 if [[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then
34 make -f makefile.linux26-i64-alsa-display
35 elif [[ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]]; then
36 make -f makefile.linux26-alsa-display
38 echo "Unknown architecture: ${CARCH}"
44 install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/${__svnmod}-build/bin/squeezeslave" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/squeezeslave"