1 # Contributor: Murtuza Akhtari <inxsible at gmail dot com>
6 pkgdesc="thinkblinkd is a python daemon to control the thinklight (and possibly other lights on your Thinkpad) it comes with the daemon and a control script."
8 url="http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkLight"
11 install=$pkgname.install
12 source=(http://badcode.de/downloads/thinkblinkd-0.1.7.tar.gz)
14 md5sums=('ec43a566d0973881eb302c72e3d57dcf')
17 cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
18 install -Dm644 tbd_tools.py $pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/tbd_tools.py
19 install -Dm644 tbd_presets.py $pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/tbd_presets.py
20 install -Dm755 thinkblinkd.py $pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname.py
21 install -Dm755 tbdctrl.py $pkgdir/usr/bin/tbdctrl.py