2 # Maintainer: nignux <nignux@freaknet.org>
7 pkgdesc="Crypto Undertaker, simple tool to manage encrypted storage, from the hashes of the dyne:bolic nesting mechanism."
9 url="http://tomb.dyne.org"
11 depends=('bc' 'cryptsetup'
13 'libnotify' 'pinentry'
15 makedepends=('autoconf')
16 optdepends=('steghide: steganography support'
17 'dcfldd: dd progress bar support'
18 'wipe: secure delete support')
20 install=${pkgname}.install
21 source=(https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/tarball/v1.2)
22 md5sums=('30fb11ef26355a1828933b13ee265924')
25 cd ${srcdir}/dyne-Tomb-ddd9331
27 ./configure --prefix=/usr
32 cd ${srcdir}/dyne-Tomb-ddd9331
33 make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install