1 # arg 1: the new package version
4 # do pre-install stuff here
9 # arg 1: the new package version
11 getent group yacy >/dev/null || usr/sbin/groupadd -g 3287 yacy
12 getent passwd yacy >/dev/null || usr/sbin/useradd -c 'YaCy P2P Searchengine' -u 3287 -g yacy -d '/usr/share/yacy/' -s /bin/false yacy
13 chown yacy:yacy /usr/share/yacy/DATA
14 chown yacy:yacy /var/lib/yacy
15 chown yacy:yacy /var/lib/yacy/LOG
16 chown yacy:yacy /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS
17 echo "> Start YaCy with \"/etc/rc.d/yacy start\""
18 echo "> For permanent usage add yacy to /etc/rc.conf"
19 echo "> Go on here: http://localhost:8090/"
23 # arg 1: the new package version
24 # arg 2: the old package version
27 # do pre-upgrade stuff here
29 if [ -f /var/run/yacy.pid ] ; then
35 # arg 1: the new package version
36 # arg 2: the old package version
39 # do post-upgrade stuff here
41 chown yacy:yacy /usr/share/yacy/DATA
42 chown yacy:yacy -R /var/lib/yacy
46 # arg 1: the old package version
49 # do pre-remove stuff here
51 if [ -f /var/run/yacy.pid ] ; then
52 echo "please stop daemon before removing"
58 # arg 1: the old package version
60 /usr/sbin/userdel yacy &>/dev/null
61 /usr/sbin/groupdel yacy &>/dev/null
63 echo "> All configfiles and the cache are in /var/lib/yacy/"
64 echo "> You may use this for another installation."
65 echo "> If you don't need it, you should delete it, because"
66 echo "> it may have grown very large"