1 # Contributor: suppaman2 <suppaman2@gmail.com>
3 # Note: no md5sum, because they change their .tar.gz without changing its filename
4 # but its not that important because the game has its own update system
5 # so there won't be any need to rise pkgver.
11 pkgdesc="An entertaining, action-packed game of strategy, tactics, and skill."
12 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
17 install=${pkgname}.install
19 conflicts=('clonk_rage_x86_64')
20 replaces=('clonk_rage_x86_64')
22 depends=('libxpm' 'sdl_mixer' 'libstdc++5' 'gtk2' 'grep')
24 source=("http://www.clonkx.de/rage/cr_full_linux.tar.bz2" \
25 clonk_rage.i686.sh clonk_rage.x86_64.sh clonk_rage.desktop)
29 # clean up unneeded files
30 cd $startdir/src/cr_full_linux
34 # move everything else (its about 100mb, so moving saves a lot of resources)
35 install -d $startdir/pkg/opt/clonk_rage/
36 cd $startdir/pkg/opt/clonk_rage/
37 mv $startdir/src/cr_full_linux/* ./
38 chgrp -R games $startdir/pkg/opt/clonk_rage/
39 chmod -R g+w $startdir/pkg/opt/clonk_rage/
41 # link icons (we could also link mime icons, but idk where so i left it out)
42 install -d $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/
43 ln -sf /opt/clonk_rage/icons/cr.png $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/clonk_rage.png
52 install -Dm755 $startdir/src/clonk_rage.$CARCH.sh $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/clonk_rage
55 install -Dm644 $startdir/src/clonk_rage.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/clonk_rage.desktop
59 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: