updated on Mon Jan 23 04:00:55 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / kupfer-git / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: SpepS <dreamspepser at yahoo dot it>
3 _pkg=kupfer
4 _wafver=1.6.8
5 pkgname=$_pkg-git
6 pkgver=20111116
7 pkgrel=1
8 pkgdesc="An interface for quick and convenient access to applications and their documents"
9 arch=(any)
10 url="http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer/"
11 license=('GPL')
12 depends=('pyxdg' 'pygtk' 'dbus-python' 'python2-gconf' 'python-keybinder'
13          'hicolor-icon-theme' 'desktop-file-utils')
14 optdepends=('gnome-python-desktop: enables all plugins and gnome integration'
15             'python-appindicator: ubuntu-style notification icon'
16             'python-keyring: gnome keyring integration'
17             'python-wnck: tracks running applications'
18             'python2-setproctitle: set process name'
19             'python-gdata: google services')
20 makedepends=('git' 'gnome-doc-utils' 'docutils')
21 provides=("$_pkg")
22 conflicts=("$_pkg")
23 install="$pkgname.install"
24 source=("http://waf.googlecode.com/files/waf-$_wafver")
25 md5sums=('b0f4b73b30c024ccb9c804a437c0faad')
27 _gitroot="git://git.gnome.org/kupfer"
28 _gitname="kupfer"
30 build() {
31   cd "$srcdir"
32   msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
34   if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then
35     cd $_gitname && git pull origin
36     msg "The local files are updated."
37   else
38     git clone $_gitroot $_gitname
39   fi
41   msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
42   msg "Starting make..."
44   rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
45   git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
46   cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
48   #
50   #
52   # placing waf builder
53   cp ../waf-$_wafver waf
55   # python2 fixes
56   export PYTHON="/usr/bin/python2"
58   python2 waf configure --prefix=/usr \
59                         --no-update-mime \
60                         --no-update-icon-cache
61   python2 waf
64 package() {
65   cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
67   python2 waf install -f --destdir="$pkgdir/"