1 # Contributor: 3ED <krzysztof1987@gmail.com>
2 pkgname=alsa-tools-emu10k1
5 pkgdesc="ALSA tools package for emu10k1 sound card"
6 backup=(etc/rc.d/alsa-emu10k1d etc/conf.d/alsa-emu10k1d)
7 url="http://alsa-project.org/"
10 depends=('alsa-lib' 'alsa-utils')
11 optdepends=("alsa-tools-emu10k1-gui: dsp editor with gui in qt3")
12 sha256sums=('17d43de93ab2db98886d89a53e45341daa46a4ef6edd405db87f4b5a5dc64a05'
13 '4db2b08b8391b60bc4306977090562ba226761e7fcd3932d5780dbf8b34480ff'
14 '7f6c82a038ed891fe706552baf401eec65b5b396634d217d8e6a9f1f37d45dfe')
15 source=("ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/tools/alsa-tools-$pkgver.tar.bz2"
18 install=alsa-tools-emu10k1.install
20 alsa_tools_mods=(ac3dec as10k1 ld10k1 seq)
23 cd "$srcdir/alsa-tools-$pkgver"
25 local -i modmax=0 modcount=0
28 # ARCHWAY ARRAY (hack for disabled positions)
29 for imod in ${!alsa_tools_mods[*]}
31 [ "${alsa_tools_mods[$imod]:0:1}" = '!' ] || modmax=$[modmax + 1]
35 for imod in ${!alsa_tools_mods[*]}
37 nmod="${alsa_tools_mods[$imod]}"
39 # checking: if mod has been disabled (archway) then do nothing..
40 [ "${nmod:0:1}" = '!' ] && continue || modcount=$[modcount + 1]
42 msg2 "Compiling: ${nmod} ($modcount/$modmax).."
44 # exceptions, entering to dir
46 "seq") cd "$nmod/sbiload/";;
51 ./configure --prefix=/usr
59 cd "$srcdir/alsa-tools-$pkgver"
61 local -i modmax=0 modcount=0
64 # ARCHWAY ARRAY (hack for disabled positions)
65 for imod in ${!alsa_tools_mods[*]}
67 [ "${alsa_tools_mods[$imod]:0:1}" = '!' ] || modmax=$[modmax + 1]
71 for imod in ${!alsa_tools_mods[*]}
73 nmod="${alsa_tools_mods[$imod]}"
75 # checking: if mod has been disabled (archway) then do nothing..
76 [ "${nmod:0:1}" = '!' ] && continue || modcount=$[modcount + 1]
78 msg2 "Packaging: ${nmod} ($modcount/$modmax).."
80 # exceptions, entering to dir
82 "seq") cd "$nmod/sbiload/";;
87 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
92 # INSTALLING extra files
93 msg2 "Copying: daemon, conf.."
94 install -v -dm755 "$pkgdir/etc/"{rc.d,conf.d}
95 install -v -m755 "$srcdir/alsa-emu10k1d" "$pkgdir/etc/rc.d/alsa-emu10k1d"
96 install -v -m644 "$srcdir/alsa-emu10k1d.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/conf.d/alsa-emu10k1d"
98 find "$pkgdir/" -name '*.la' -type f -delete