updated on Mon Jan 16 00:01:41 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / ldislin / processh.lua
1 --[[ processh.lua
2 * Lua pre-processor for DISLIN header file
3 * created October 17, 2006 by e
5 * Copyright (c) 2006 Doug Currie, Londonderry, NH
6 * All rights reserved.
7 *
8 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
9 copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
10 "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
11 without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
12 distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
13 to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above
14 copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of
15 the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this
16 permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
27 ************************************************************************
28 ]]--
29 --[[
32 finish with quesimpl functions
34 document all the handimpl functions
38 Most Lua functions match the signature of the DISLIN function. There are a
39 few exceptions, listed here...
41 LEGINI - since Lua strings are not mutable, LEGINI omits the first (string)
42 argument, and returns a Lua userdata l_legend_t. This userdata is used as
43 the first (char *cbuf) argument to the legend functions. So:
44 cbuf = legini (nlin, nmaxln)
45 legend (cbuf, ncor)
46 leglin (cbuf, cstr, ilin);
47 piegrf (cbuf, nlin, xray, nseg)
48 x = nxlegn (cbuf)
49 y = nyegn (cbuf)
51 ITMCAT - is not implemented since it mutates a string; the Lua .. operator
52 provides the same capability, so there is no need for itmcat.
54 Other functions that mutate strings, or have Lua implementations already,
55 are: fcha, intcha, and upstr.
57 Binary I/O - DISLIN provides several binary I/O functions for FORTRAN. The
58 Lua file functions work with full 8-bit data, so these functions are not
59 needed and not implemented: closfl, openfl, posifl, readfl, skipfl, tellfl,
60 writfl.
62 The following functions were in earlier versions of DISLIN, but are now
63 obsolete: dattim, digits (use LABDIG), lsechk, moment, scale (use AXSSCL),
64 swgcb, swgmod, winini.
66 UNIT is an old DISLIN routine for suppressing error messages. It should be
67 replaced by the newer routines ERRMOD, ERRDEV and ERRFIL. Nevertheless, we
68 implement UNIT(0) to accommodate the old idiom. GETUNI is not implemented.
70 --]]
71 local fn = arg[2] or "/usr/lib/dislin/dislin.h"
72 local fo = arg[3] or "ldislin.txt.c"
73 local fd = arg[4] or "ldislin.txt.pod"
74 local fe = arg[5] or "ldislin.tx2.pod"
76 local li32 = true -- longs and ints are both 32 bits in the Lua implementation
78 local gsub = string.gsub
79 local fmt = string.format
81 --[[----------------------------------
83 function orderedtable(t)
84 local currentIndex = 1
85 local metaTable = {}
87 function metaTable:__newindex(key,value)
88 rawset(self, key, value)
89 rawset(self, currentIndex, key)
90 currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
91 end
92 return setmetatable(t or {}, metaTable)
93 end
95 function ordered(t)
96 local currentIndex = 0
97 local function iter(t)
98 currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
99 local key = t[currentIndex]
100 if key then return key, t[key] end
102 return iter, t
105 --]]----------------------------------
107 local o = io.open (fo,"w")
109 local rtncmalloc = {}
110 -- these return (char *) malloc()'d by DISLIN (per Helmut), free()'d by ldislin
111 rtncmalloc["itmstr"] = true
112 rtncmalloc["dwgfil"] = true
113 rtncmalloc["dwgtxt"] = true
115 local hand = {} -- hand implemented
116 local function handimpl (n,g) hand[n]=g end
118 handimpl("bars", "v_EEEi") -- has in/out rays - sometimes!
119 handimpl("bezier","v_DDiEEi") -- has out rays
120 handimpl("colray","v_DNi") -- has out iray
121 handimpl("conpts","v_DiDiDdEEiNiJ") -- has out irays
122 handimpl("disini","v_v") -- must keep track of spline size
123 handimpl("getlab","v_CCC") -- has out crays
124 handimpl("getmat","v_DDDiEiidNE") -- has out rays
125 handimpl("gwgfil","v_iC") -- has out cray[256]
126 handimpl("gwgtxt","v_iC") -- has out cray[256]
127 handimpl("histog","v_DiEEJ") -- has out irays
128 handimpl("legend","v_Ci") -- needs legini
129 handimpl("legini","v_Cii") -- makes userdata
130 handimpl("leglin","v_CKi") -- needs legini
131 handimpl("piegrf","v_CiDi") -- needs legini
132 handimpl("nxlegn","i_C") -- needs legini
133 handimpl("nylegn","i_C") -- needs legini
134 handimpl("pdfbuf","i_Ci") -- big out buffer
135 handimpl("rbfpng","i_Ci") -- big out buffer
136 handimpl("setcbk","v_ZK") -- callback for user defined projection function
137 handimpl("sortr1","v_EiK") -- has in/out ray
138 handimpl("sortr2","v_EEiK") -- has in/out rays
139 handimpl("spline","v_DDiEEJ") -- has out rays; output array size coordinated with SPLMOD and DISINI
140 handimpl("spline","v_DDiEEJ") -- has out rays; output array size coordinated with SPLMOD and DISINI
141 handimpl("splmod","v_ii") -- must keep track of spline size
142 handimpl("surfun","v_Zidid") -- callback
143 handimpl("surfcp","v_Zdddddd")-- callback
144 handimpl("swgcbk","v_iZ") -- widget callback
145 handimpl("trfco1","v_EiKK") -- has in/out ray
146 handimpl("trfco2","v_EEiKK") -- has in/out rays
147 handimpl("trfco3","v_EEEiKK") -- has in/out rays
148 handimpl("trfmat","v_DiiEii") -- has out mat
149 handimpl("trfrel","v_EEi") -- has in/out rays
150 handimpl("triang","i_DDiNNNi")-- has out rays -- userdata candidate TRIANG
151 handimpl("tripts","v_DDDiIIIidEEiNiJ") -- yow
152 handimpl("unit","v_V") -- suppress error messages; legacy
154 -- "confll" -- const rays, uses TRIANG
155 -- "contri" -- const rays, uses TRIANG
156 -- "crvtri" -- const rays, uses TRIANG
157 -- "surtri" -- const rays, uses TRIANG
159 local cast = {} -- hand checked type (e.g., scalar output type R or J)
160 local function castimpl (n,g) cast[n]=g end
162 castimpl("abs3pt","v_dddRR")
163 castimpl("circ3p","v_ddddddRRR")
164 castimpl("csrpos","i_JJ")
165 castimpl("csrpt1","v_JJ")
166 castimpl("getclp","v_JJJJ")
167 castimpl("getdig","v_JJJ")
168 castimpl("getgrf","v_RRRRK")
169 castimpl("getind","v_iRRR")
170 castimpl("getlen","v_JJJ")
171 castimpl("getor","v_JJ")
172 castimpl("getpag","v_JJ")
173 castimpl("getpos","v_JJ")
174 castimpl("getran","v_JJ")
175 castimpl("getres","v_JJ")
176 castimpl("getrgb","v_RRR")
177 castimpl("getscl","v_JJJ")
178 castimpl("getscr","v_JJ")
179 castimpl("getsp1","v_JJJ")
180 castimpl("getsp2","v_JJJ")
181 castimpl("getsym","v_JJ")
182 castimpl("gettcl","v_JJ")
183 castimpl("gettic","v_JJJ")
184 castimpl("getvk" ,"v_JJJ")
185 castimpl("getwin","v_JJJJ")
186 castimpl("gmxalf","i_KAA")
187 castimpl("hsvrgb","v_dddRRR")
188 castimpl("pos2pt","v_ddRR")
189 castimpl("pos3pt","v_dddRRR")
190 castimpl("rel3pt","v_dddRR")
191 castimpl("rgbhsv","v_dddRRR")
192 castimpl("rpixel","v_iiJ")
193 castimpl("trfdat","v_iJJJ") -- (date calc)
195 local noti = {} -- not implemented
196 local function notbimpl (n) noti[n]=true end
197 notbimpl "closfl" -- FORTRAN
198 notbimpl "dattim" -- Obsolete per Helmut
199 notbimpl "digits" -- Obsolete per Helmut -- use LABDIG
200 notbimpl "fcha" -- has out cray (dtoa) -- use Lua
201 notbimpl "getuni" -- returns (FILE *)
202 notbimpl "intcha" -- has out cray (itoa) -- use Lua
203 notbimpl "itmcat" -- side affects 1st arg (per Helmut) -- use Lua
204 notbimpl "lsechk" -- Obsolete per Helmut
205 notbimpl "moment" -- Obsolete per Helmut
206 notbimpl "openfl" -- FORTRAN
207 notbimpl "posifl" -- FORTRAN
208 notbimpl "readfl" -- FORTRAN; and has out cray
209 notbimpl "scale" -- Obsolete per Helmut -- use AXSSCL
210 notbimpl "skipfl" -- FORTRAN
211 notbimpl "swapi2" -- has in/out sray; rarely used per Helmut (not in Python wrapper)
212 notbimpl "swapi4" -- has in/out iray; rarely used per Helmut (not in Python wrapper)
213 notbimpl "swgcb" -- Obsolete per Helmut
214 notbimpl "swgmod" -- Obsolete per Helmut
215 notbimpl "tellfl" -- FORTRAN
216 notbimpl "upstr" -- has in/out cray -- use Lua
217 notbimpl "winini" -- Obsolete per Helmut
218 notbimpl "writfl" -- FORTRAN
220 local ques = {} -- not implemented
221 local function quesimpl (n) ques[n]=true end
223 quesimpl "csrmov" -- has out irays
224 quesimpl "csrpos" -- has optional args
225 quesimpl "csrpts" -- has out irays
226 quesimpl "getind" -- has optional args
227 quesimpl "rpixls" -- has out iray or cray?
228 quesimpl "rpxrow" -- has out iray or cray?
230 --[[
231 =head2 C<dislin.csrpos>
233 dislin.csrpos ()
235 i_JJ -- this needs custom implementation for optional arguments!
237 =head2 C<dislin.getind>
239 dislin.getind (i)
241 Returns the corresponding RGB coordinates stored in the current color table
243 v_iRRR -- this needs custom implementation for optional arguments!
246 local ty =
248 ["const float *"] = "F ",
249 ["float *"] = "G ",
250 ["const double *"] = "D ",
251 ["double *"] = "E ",
252 ["const unsigned char *"] = "K ", -- only 3 funs; all take raw pixels
253 ["unsigned char *"] = "U ",
254 ["const char *"] = "K ",
255 ["char *"] = "C ",
256 ["const int *"] = "I ",
257 ["int *"] = "N ",
258 ["const long *"] = "L ", -- li32 and "I " or "L ", -- results in warning
259 ["long *"] = "M ", -- li32 and "I " or "L ", -- results in warning
260 ["short *"] = "S ",
261 ["void *"] = "V ",
262 ["double"] = "d ",
263 ["float"] = "f ",
264 ["long"] = li32 and "i " or "l ",
265 ["int"] = "i ",
266 ["short"] = "s ",
267 ["void"] = "v "
270 --[[-- derived/pseudo types
271 K -- constant char *
272 Z -- function pointer
273 J -- out (scalar result) int *
274 A -- out (scalar result) char *
275 R -- out (scalar result) double *
276 --]]
278 local sigcompat =
280 ["Z"] = {},
281 -- double
282 ["R"] = {["D"]=true,["E"]=true},
283 ["D"] = {["R"]=true,["E"]=true},
284 ["E"] = {["R"]=true,["D"]=true},
285 -- long
286 ["L"] = { ["M"]=true,["I"]=li32,["J"]=li32,["N"]=li32},
287 ["M"] = {["L"]=true, ["I"]=li32,["J"]=li32,["N"]=li32},
288 -- int
289 ["I"] = {["J"]=true, ["N"]=true,["L"]=li32,["M"]=li32},
290 ["N"] = {["J"]=true,["I"]=true, ["L"]=li32,["M"]=li32},
291 ["J"] = { ["I"]=true,["N"]=true,["L"]=li32,["M"]=li32},
293 ["S"] = {},
294 -- ["U"] = {},
295 ["K"] = {["C"]=true},
296 ["A"] = {["C"]=true},
297 ["C"] = {["K"]=true,["A"]=true},
298 ["V"] = {},
299 ["d"] = {},
300 ["f"] = {},
301 ["l"] = {["i"]=li32},
302 ["i"] = {["l"]=li32},
303 ["s"] = {},
304 ["v"] = {},
306 local function sigmatch (g1,g2)
307 local n = string.len(g1)
308 if n ~= string.len(g2) then return false end
309 for i = 1,n do
310 local c1 = string.sub (g1,i,i)
311 local c2 = string.sub (g2,i,i)
312 if c1 ~= c2 and not (sigcompat[c1])[c2] then
313 return false
316 return true
319 local funs = {}
320 local sigs = {}
321 local nope = {}
322 local punt = {}
323 local cust = {}
324 local docs = {}
325 local docn = {}
327 local function line (str)
328 --for k,v in pairs(ty) do s = gsub (s, k, v) end -- must be ordered
330 local s = str
331 if s == "" then return end
332 s = gsub (s, "([%w_]* [%w_]* [%w_]* %*)", ty)
333 s = gsub (s, "([%w_]* [%w_]* %*)", ty)
334 s = gsub (s, "([%w_]* %*)", ty)
335 s = gsub (s, "([%w_]*)", ty)
336 -- function arg
337 -- (double (*zfun)(double x, double y, int i
338 -- (void (*callbck) (double *x, double *y)
339 s = gsub (s, "[%w_]*%s*%(%*[%w_]*%)%s*%([%w%s_,]*%)", "Z z")
340 local ds = s
342 for i = 1,15 do
343 s = gsub (s, "%(%s*([ZDELMINSUKCVAdflisv])%s*[%w_]*[,]?", "%1(")
345 s = gsub (s, "%(%)%;%s*", "")
346 if string.find (s,"%(") then
347 print ("what is "..s)
348 table.insert (punt, str)
349 return
351 --print (s)
352 s = gsub (s, "^%s*([%w_]*)%s*([%w_]*)%s*([%w_]*)%s*$", --([.]*) --%s*
353 function (r,n,a)
354 if n == nil or n == "" or a == nil or a == "" then
355 print ("#### "..s.." # "..r.." # "..n.." # "..a)
356 else
357 --if ischarsafe[n] then a = gsub (a,"C","K") end
358 if r == "C" then if rtncmalloc[n] then r = "C" else r = "K" end end
359 g = r.."_"..a
360 if hand[n] then
361 if not sigmatch(g,hand[n]) then
362 print ("WARNING, signature mismatch:", n, g, hand[n])
364 funs[n] = "CUSTOM"
365 table.insert (cust, str)
366 docn[n] = ds
367 elseif cast[n] then
368 if sigmatch(g,cast[n]) then
369 funs[n] = cast[n]
370 sigs[cast[n]] = true
371 else
372 print ("mismatch:", n, g, cast[n])
373 table.insert (punt, str)
375 elseif noti[n] or ques[n] then
376 -- funs[n] = "notimp"
377 table.insert (nope, str)
378 elseif string.find (a, "[GEUCNMS]") then
379 print ("non-const array in: "..str)
380 table.insert (punt, str)
381 elseif string.find (a, "Z") then
382 print ("callback in: "..str)
383 table.insert (punt, str)
384 else
385 funs[n] = g
386 sigs[g] = true
387 docs[n] = ds -- doc string
390 end)
393 -- for s in io.lines(fn) do line (s) end
395 local fa = io.open(fn):read("*a")
396 -- remove the conditional code; all is C++ related
397 fa = gsub (fa, "#ifdef", "<")
398 fa = gsub (fa, "#endif", ">")
399 fa = gsub (fa, "%b<>", "")
400 -- remove comments
401 fa = gsub (fa, "/%*", "<")
402 fa = gsub (fa, "%*/", ">")
403 fa = gsub (fa, "%b<>", "")
404 -- -- debug
405 -- -- od = io.open("pldebug.txt","w")
406 -- remove spaces at starts of lines
407 fa = gsub (fa, "[\n\r]%s*", "\n")
408 -- -- od:write(fa)
409 -- -- od:write("\n#############\n")
410 -- remove newlines
411 fa = gsub (fa, "[\n\r]", "")
412 -- process what's left
413 for s in string.gmatch (fa, "(%w[%s%w%(%),%*]*;)") do line (s) end
414 -- -- od:close()
416 -----------------------------------------------
418 function __genOrderedIndex( t )
419 local orderedIndex = {}
420 for key,_ in pairs(t) do
421 table.insert( orderedIndex, key )
423 table.sort( orderedIndex )
424 return orderedIndex
427 function orderednext(t, state)
428 if state == nil then
429 -- the first time, generate the index
430 t.__orderedIndex = __genOrderedIndex( t )
431 key = t.__orderedIndex[1]
432 return key, t[key]
434 -- fetch the next value
435 key = nil
436 for i = 1,#(t.__orderedIndex) do
437 if t.__orderedIndex[i] == state then
438 key = t.__orderedIndex[i+1]
441 if key then
442 return key, t[key]
444 -- no more value to return, cleanup
445 t.__orderedIndex = nil
446 return
449 function orderedpairs (t)
450 -- equivalent to pairs(), but in order
451 return orderednext, t, nil
454 ---------------------------------------------------------
456 -- for k,_ in pairs(sigs) do print (k) end
458 for k,_ in orderedpairs(sigs) do
459 local qresults = 0
460 local results = {}
461 local as = ""
462 o:write (fmt ("#define %s(nm) \\\n", k))
463 o:write (fmt ("static int l_ ## nm (lua_State *L) { \\\n"))
464 if string.sub (k,3,-1) == "v" then
465 -- no args, nothing to do
466 else for i = 3,#k do
467 local a = "a"..(i-2)
468 local c = string.sub (k,i,i) -- DLISUCVdflisv
469 if c == "D" then
470 o:write (fmt (" double *%s = magic_doublestar_function (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
471 elseif c == "L" then
472 o:write (fmt (" long *%s = magic_longstar_function (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
473 elseif c == "I" then
474 o:write (fmt (" int *%s = magic_intstar_function (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
475 elseif c == "S" then
476 o:write (fmt (" short *%s = magic_shortstar_function (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
477 elseif c == "U" then
478 o:write (fmt (" const unsigned char *%s = luaL_checkstring(L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
479 elseif c == "C" or c == "K" then
480 o:write (fmt (" const char *%s = luaL_checkstring(L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
481 if c == "K" then a = "(char *)"..a end
482 elseif c == "V" then
483 o:write (fmt (" void *%s = magic_voidstar_function (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
484 elseif c == "d" or c == "f" then
485 o:write (fmt (" lua_Number %s = luaL_checknumber (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
486 elseif c == "l" or c == "i" or c == "s" then
487 o:write (fmt (" lua_Integer %s = luaL_checkinteger (L, %d); \\\n", a, i-2))
488 elseif c == "J" then
489 o:write (fmt (" lua_Integer %s; \\\n", a))
490 results[a] = "J"
491 a = "&"..a
492 qresults = qresults + 1
493 elseif c == "R" then
494 o:write (fmt (" double %s; \\\n", a))
495 results[a] = "R"
496 a = "&"..a
497 qresults = qresults + 1
498 elseif c == "A" then
499 o:write (fmt (" char %s[4] = {0,0,0,0}; \\\n", a))
500 results[a] = "A"
501 qresults = qresults + 1
502 elseif c == "v" then
503 error (fmt("sig format has void arg"))
504 else
505 error (fmt("unknown sig format char %s",c))
507 as = as..","..a
508 end end -- else for
509 as = string.sub (as,2)
510 c = string.sub (k,1,1)
511 if c == "D" then
512 o:write (fmt (" double *r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
513 o:write (fmt (" magic_push_doublestar(L, r); \\\n", as))
514 elseif c == "L" then
515 o:write (fmt (" long *r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
516 o:write (fmt (" magic_push_longstar(L, r); \\\n", as))
517 elseif c == "I" then
518 o:write (fmt (" int *r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
519 o:write (fmt (" magic_push_intstar(L, r); \\\n", as))
520 elseif c == "S" then
521 o:write (fmt (" short *r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
522 o:write (fmt (" magic_push_shortstar(L, r); \\\n", as))
523 elseif c == "K" or c == "C" or c == "U" then
524 o:write (fmt (" char *r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
525 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushstring (L, r); \\\n", as))
526 if c ~= "K" then
527 o:write (fmt (" free (r); \\\n"))
529 elseif c == "V" then
530 o:write (fmt (" void *r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
531 o:write (fmt (" magic_push_voidstar(L, r); \\\n", as))
532 elseif c == "d" then
533 o:write (fmt (" double r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
534 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushnumber (L, r); \\\n", as))
535 elseif c == "f" then
536 o:write (fmt (" float r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
537 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushnumber (L, r); \\\n", as))
538 elseif c == "l" then
539 o:write (fmt (" long r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
540 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushnumber (L, r); \\\n", as))
541 elseif c == "i" or c == "s" then
542 o:write (fmt (" int r = nm (%s); \\\n", as))
543 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushinteger (L, r); \\\n", as))
544 elseif c == "v" then
545 o:write (fmt (" nm (%s); \\\n", as))
546 -- nothing to push
547 else
548 error (fmt("unknown sig format char %s",c))
550 for r,c in orderedpairs(results) do
551 if c == "J" then
552 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushinteger (L, %s); \\\n", r))
553 elseif c == "R" then
554 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushnumber (L, %s); \\\n", r))
555 elseif c == "A" then
556 o:write (fmt (" lua_pushstring (L, %s); \\\n", r))
557 else
558 error (fmt("unknown res format char %s",c))
561 if c ~= "v" then qresults = qresults + 1 end
562 o:write (fmt (" return %d; \\\n", qresults))
563 o:write (fmt ("}\n"))
566 o:write "\n#define CUSTOM(nm) static int l_ ## nm (lua_State *L); /* custom impl */\n\n"
568 for n,g in orderedpairs(funs) do
569 o:write (fmt ("%s(%s)\n", g, n))
572 o:write "\nstatic const luaL_reg ldislin_lib[] =\n{\n"
574 local function ss (n)
575 if 0 <= n and n <= 8 then
576 return (({""," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "})[n+1])
577 else
578 return " "
582 for n,_ in orderedpairs(funs) do
583 o:write (fmt (" {\"%s\",%s l_%s},\n", n, ss(7 - #n), n))
586 o:write " {NULL, NULL}\n};\n"
588 o:write "\n"
590 if #nope ~= 0 then
591 o:write (fmt ("/* **** %d excluded functions ****\n", #nope))
592 for _,v in ipairs(nope) do
593 o:write (fmt ("** **** %s\n", v))
595 o:write (fmt ("** **** ******************* ****\n*/\n\n"))
598 if #punt ~= 0 then
599 o:write (fmt ("/* **** %d punted functions ****\n", #punt))
600 for _,v in ipairs(punt) do
601 o:write (fmt ("** **** %s\n", v))
603 o:write (fmt ("** **** ******************* ****\n*/\n\n"))
606 if #cust ~= 0 then
607 o:write (fmt ("/* **** %d custom functions ****\n", #cust))
608 for _,v in ipairs(cust) do
609 o:write (fmt ("** **** %s\n", v))
611 o:write (fmt ("** **** ******************* ****\n*/\n\n"))
614 local function doco (fn, tbl, ps)
615 local q = 0
616 local t2tn = {["d"]="number", ["i"]="integer", ["s"]="integer", ["C"]="string"}
617 local o = io.open (fn,"w")
618 for n,s in orderedpairs(tbl) do
619 local t
620 s = gsub (s,";","")
621 s = gsub (s,"([ZDELMINSUKCVAdflisv])%s*([%w_]*)%s*%(",
622 function (ty,nm)
623 if n ~= nm then print ("OOPS ", n, nm) end
624 t = ty
625 return fmt("dislin.%s (", n)
626 end)
627 s = gsub (s, "%(%s*[ZDELMINSUKCVAdflisv]%s*", "(")
628 s = gsub (s, "%,%s*[ZDELMINSUKCVAdflisv]%s*", ", ")
629 o:write (fmt("=head2 C<dislin.%s>\n\n %s\n\n",n,s))
630 if t ~= "v" then
631 tn = t2tn[t]
632 if tn == nil then print ("need", t); tn = t end
633 o:write (fmt("Returns %s C<%s>.\n\n",tn,n))
635 q = q + 1
637 print ("making docs for", q, ps)
638 o:close()
641 if fd ~= nil then
642 doco (fd, docs, "simple functions")
645 if fe ~= nil then
646 doco (fe, docn, "custom functions")
649 local function sz (t) local n = 0; for _,_ in pairs(t) do n = n + 1 end return n end
650 print ("Nope",#nope,"Punt",#punt,"Cust",#cust,"Cast",sz(cast),"Simp",sz(docs),"Funs",sz(funs))