1 # Contributor: Bernardo Barros <bernardobarros@gmail.com>
2 # Contributor: SpepS <dreamspepser at yahoo dot it>
8 pkgdesc="A MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities"
10 url="http://muse-sequencer.org/"
12 depends=('qt' 'fluidsynth' 'dssi' 'steinberg-vst' 'lash' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
13 makedepends=('cmake' 'doxygen' 'graphviz')
14 provides=('muse' 'muse2')
15 install="$pkgname.install"
16 source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/lmuse/$_realname-$pkgver.tar.gz")
17 md5sums=('9622b5bbba33add3f0e49a719e924879')
20 # Does not link with as-needed
21 export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS//-Wl,--as-needed}"
23 cd "$srcdir/$_realname-$pkgver"
26 sed -i "s_env python_&2_;s_bin/python_&2_" \
27 `grep -rlE "(env python|bin/python)" .`
29 # Fix desktop category and app name
30 sed -i "s_Audio;_&AudioVideo;_;s_use\$_&2_g" \
31 packaging/muse.desktop
34 [[ -d build ]] || mkdir build && cd build
36 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release \
47 cd "$srcdir/$_realname-$pkgver/build"
48 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
49 # Prevent conflicts with Muse qt3
50 cd "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications"
51 mv muse.desktop $pkgname.desktop