1 # Maintainer: Cliff Hood <archlinux@hoodgroup.us>
6 pkgdesc="Network UPS Tools for power mangement and controlling of more than just APC's UPS models on Unix and Linux machines."
8 url="http://www.networkupstools.org"
10 depends=('gcc-libs' 'gd' 'gconf')
12 makedepends=('pkgconfig')
14 source=(http://networkupstools.org/source/2.4/nut-$pkgver.tar.gz
16 md5sums=('6f893b61b07915e7a139324fa3f79121'
17 'ec33471deb4330b8b89c7e9a502ec933')
20 cd $startdir/src/nut-$pkgver
21 ./configure --prefix=/usr \
22 --with-serial --with-usb \
23 --with-drivers=apcsmart,usbhid-ups,belkinunv,genericups \
24 --with-drvpath=/usr/lib/nut \
25 --with-user=nut --with-group=ups \
26 --sysconfdir=/etc/nut \
27 --libdir=/usr/lib/nut \
28 --datadir=/etc/nut/data \
29 --with-udev-dir=/etc/udev \
30 --with-cgi --with-lib \
31 --with-cgipath=/srv/http/cgi-bin \
32 --with-htmlpath=/srv/http/nut \
33 --with-pidpath=/var/run/nut \
34 --with-statepath=/var/run/nut
37 make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
39 install -D -m755 $startdir/nut $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/nut && \
40 chmod 755 $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/* && \
41 mkdir -p $pkgdir/srv/http/cgi-bin/$pkgname && \
42 mv $pkgdir/srv/http/cgi-bin/*.cgi $pkgdir/srv/http/cgi-bin/$pkgname