1 # Contributor: v01d <phreakuencies@gmail.com>
2 pkgname=pacman-notifier
5 pkgdesc="A System Tray new-package notifier for ArchLinux"
7 url="http://wiki.github.com/v01d/pacman-notifier"
9 depends=(ruby ruby-gtk2 librsvg 'ruby-libnotify>=0.5' 'pacman>=3.3' sudo)
11 source=(pacman-notifier-${pkgver}.tgz::http://github.com/v01d/pacman-notifier/tarball/${pkgver})
12 optdepends=('kdebase-konsole: default configuration uses konsole to run upgrade command')
13 optdepends=('gnome-terminal: you can also use the GNOME terminal for the upgrade command')
16 cd ${srcdir}/v01d-pacman-notifier-*
17 ruby setup.rb config --prefix=/usr
19 ruby setup.rb install --prefix=${pkgdir}
22 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
24 md5sums=('e09fe9c64d424eee745b4f03d4774568')