updated on Mon Jan 16 00:01:41 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / umineko-en / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Linus Sjögren <thelinx@unreliablepollution.net>
2 # Very much inspired by the "ut2004" package.
4 pkgname=umineko-en
5 pkgver=4.4
6 pkgrel=2
7 pkgdesc="A Japanese murder mystery doujin soft visual novel. English patched by The Witch Hunt."
8 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
9 url="http://07th-expansion.net/umi/Main.htm"
10 license=('custom: "commercial"')
11 depends=('onscripter-en')
12 conflicts=('umineko')
13 options=(!strip !zipman)
14 install=umineko-en.install
15 source=('http://m.witch-hunt.com/get/5/%5BWH%5D_Umineko_English_v4.4.zip'
16         'umineko-en.desktop'
17         'install.sh'
18         'umineko-en.sh')
20 build() {
21   # Create directories
22   install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
24   install -d $pkgdir/usr/games/umineko
26   # Install english patch
27   cp -r "$srcdir/[WH] Umineko English/" "$pkgdir/usr/games/umineko/[WH] Umineko English/"
29   # Install scripts
30   install -D -m 555 $srcdir/install.sh \
31     $pkgdir/usr/games/umineko/install.sh
32   install -D -m 555 $srcdir/umineko-en.sh \
33     $pkgdir/usr/games/umineko/umineko-en.sh
35   # Install desktop file
36   install -D -m 644 $srcdir/umineko-en.desktop \
37     $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/umineko-en.desktop
41 md5sums=('5ea6579f15022bd886eb9870ab70e1ec'
42          '916a7cbce2d20b8b42b9aa686b0aa3a8'
43          '5050abc8c792d5af0878a64cbf5f0f40'
44          '3960f9c75b9e71a48c0ba6ba446a9aaf')
46 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: