1 # Contributor: Piotr Rogoża <rogoza.piotr@gmail.com>
5 pkgdesc='Azeri language pack to the MyBB. It includes the translation as well as translated images.'
7 url=('http://mybb.com/downloads/translations')
11 source=('lang_azeri_1400.zip::http://mybb.com/download/86/zip')
15 _install_dir="${pkgdir}/srv/http/mybb"
16 install -dm755 ${_install_dir}/{images,inc} || return 1
19 cp -r images/* ${_install_dir}/images || return 1
20 cp -r inc/* ${_install_dir}/inc || return 1
23 find ${_install_dir} -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' ';'
26 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et ft=sh tw=100:
27 md5sums=('c6c44ee3f967941d73e708dda8473db3')