1 ## arg 1: the new package version
4 ## code from freedesktop-menus rpm tag postin
6 #### Inappropriate parts removed:
7 #### - mime.type stuff is already provided by mime-types package
8 #### - /etc/mailcap does not exist on ArchLinux normaly
9 #### - Don't use 'which' because tools are already in depends
11 update-desktop-database -q /usr/share/applications
13 update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
15 for theme in gnome hicolor locolor; do
16 if [ -e /usr/share/icons/$theme/icon-theme.cache ] ; then
17 # touch it, just in case we cannot find the binary...
18 touch /usr/share/icons/$theme
19 gtk-update-icon-cache -q /usr/share/icons/$theme
20 # ignore errors (e.g. when there is a cache, but no index.theme)
26 ## arg 1: the new package version
27 ## arg 2: the old package version
32 ## arg 1: the old package version
35 ## code from freedesktop-menus rpm tag postun
36 ## matches the remaining post_install