1 # Contributor: Kevin Sullivan <ksullivan@archlinux.us>
6 pkgdesc="Lightweight application that will help you track and find your laptop if it ever gets stolen."
8 url="http://preyproject.com/"
10 install=prey-tracker.install
12 # DEPENDENCY NOTE: the project says curl *or* wget can be used.
13 # Also, it says scrot *or* imagemagick can be used. You may adjust the
14 # dependencies as needed with this information.
15 depends=('net-tools' 'wget' 'imagemagick' 'perl-io-socket-ssl' 'perl-net-ssleay' 'python2')
16 optdepends=('pygtk: for gui configuration'
17 'xawtv: webcam features'
18 'mpg123: needed for audible alarm'
20 # NOTE: if you want to exclusively use one of the below, feel free to delete the original dependency above
21 'curl: alternative to wget'
22 'scrot: alternative to imagemagick')
24 source=("http://preyproject.com/releases/$pkgver/prey-$pkgver-linux.zip")
25 md5sums=('28192a8ccf5172d7ef011aec02acec8e')
26 backup=('usr/share/prey-tracker/config')
29 # make directories and move files into /usr/share/prey-tracker/
30 mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share
31 cp -r $srcdir/prey $pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname
32 cd $pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/
34 # prey-config.py needs to know the new name for the directory. This package
35 # sticks to "prey-tracker" for naming conventions to reduce conflicts with
37 sed -i 's/share\/prey/share\/prey-tracker/g' ./platform/linux/prey-config.py
39 # it also needs to use Python 2.x
40 sed -i 's/env\ python/env\ python2/' ./platform/linux/prey-config.py
42 # the path to iwlist has to be fixed
43 sed -i 's/sbin/usr\/sbin/g' ./modules/geo/platform/linux/functions
45 # fix a bunch of permissions manually
46 chmod -R a-x LICENSE README version pixmaps/*
49 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: