1 --- src.orig/xjdic.h 2008-11-27 22:31:38.000000000 +0200
2 +++ src/xjdic.h 2008-11-27 23:05:33.000000000 +0200
4 #define NRKANA 250*2 /* size of the romaji to kana tables*/
5 #define NOFILT 10 /* maximum number of general filters */
6 #define VMAX 600 /* maximum entries in the verb table */
7 -#define DEFAULT_DICDIR "" /* could be: "/usr/local/lib/xjdic" */
8 +#define DEFAULT_DICDIR "/usr/share/xjdic" /* could be: "/usr/local/lib/xjdic" */
9 #define NOHITS 1000 /* size of hittab */
10 #define SPTAG '@' /* character that flags priority entries */
11 #define KFBUFFSIZE 2000 /* size of the KFlush buffer */