Fix gen-special when an entity is commented out:
[automated_linux_from_scratch.git] / branches / 2.3.x / common /
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #$Id$
4 set -e
9 LINE="================================================================================"
11 # Make sure that we have a directory as first argument
12 [[ ! -d "$LOGSDIR" ]] && \
13 echo -e "\nUSAGE: logs_directory [book_version]\n" && exit
15 # Make sure that the first argument is a jhalfs logs directory
16 [[ ! -f "$LOGSDIR"/000-masterscript.log ]] && \
17 echo -e "\nLooks like $LOGSDIR isn't a jhalfs logs directory.\n" && exit
19 # If this script is run manually, the book version may be unknown
20 [[ -z "$VERSION" ]] && VERSION=unknown
22 # If there is iteration logs directories, copy the logs inside iteration-1
23 # to the top level dir
24 [[ -d "$LOGSDIR"/build_1 ]] && \
25 cp $LOGSDIR/build_1/* $LOGSDIR
27 # Set the report file
28 REPORT="$VERSION"-SBU_DU-$(date --iso-8601).report
30 [ -f $REPORT ] && : >$REPORT
32 # Dump generation time stamp and book version
33 echo -e "\n`date`\n" > "$REPORT"
34 echo -e "Book version is:\t$VERSION\n" >> "$REPORT"
36 # If found, dump jhalfs.config file in a readable format
37 if [[ -f jhalfs.config ]] ; then
38 echo -e "\n\tjhalfs configuration settings:\n" >> "$REPORT"
39 cat jhalfs.config | sed -e '/parameters/d;s/.\[[013;]*m//g;s/</\t</;s/^\w\{1,6\}:/&\t/' >> "$REPORT"
40 else
41 echo -e "\nNOTE: the jhalfs configuration settings are unknown" >> "$REPORT"
44 # Dump CPU and memory info
45 echo -e "\n\n\t\tCPU type:\n" >> "$REPORT"
46 cat /proc/cpuinfo >> "$REPORT"
47 echo -e "\n\t\tMemory info:\n" >> "$REPORT"
48 free >> "$REPORT"
50 # Parse only that logs that have time data
51 BUILDLOGS="`grep -l "^Totalseconds:" ${LOGSDIR}/*`"
53 # Match the first timed log to extract the SBU unit value from it
54 BASELOG=`grep -l "^Totalseconds:" $LOGSDIR/* | head -n1`
55 echo -e "\nUsing ${BASELOG#*[[:digit:]]-} to obtain the SBU unit value."
56 SBU_UNIT=`sed -n 's/^Totalseconds:\s\([[:digit:]]*\)$/\1/p' $BASELOG`
57 echo -e "\nThe SBU unit value is equal to $SBU_UNIT seconds.\n"
58 echo -e "\n\n$LINE\n\nThe SBU unit value is equal to $SBU_UNIT seconds.\n" >> "$REPORT"
60 # Set the first value to 0 for grand totals calculation
61 SBU2=0
65 # Start the loop
66 for log in $BUILDLOGS ; do
68 # Strip the filename
69 PACKAGE="${log#*[[:digit:]]*-}"
71 # Start SBU calculation
72 # Build time
73 TIME=`sed -n 's/^Totalseconds:\s\([[:digit:]]*\)$/\1/p' $log`
74 SECS=`perl -e 'print ('$TIME' % '60')';`
75 MINUTES=`perl -e 'printf "%.0f" , (('$TIME' - '$SECS') / '60')';`
76 SBU=`perl -e 'printf "%.1f" , ('$TIME' / '$SBU_UNIT')';`
78 # Append SBU value to SBU2 for grand total
79 SBU2=`perl -e 'printf "%.1f" , ('$SBU2' + '$SBU')';`
81 # Start disk usage calculation
82 # Disk usage before unpacking the package
83 DU1=`grep "^KB: " $log | head -n1 | cut -f1 | sed -e 's/KB: //'`
84 DU1MB=`perl -e 'printf "%.3f" , ('$DU1' / '1024')';`
85 # Disk usage before deleting the source and build dirs
86 DU2=`grep "^KB: " $log | tail -n1 | cut -f1 | sed -e 's/KB: //'`
87 DU2MB=`perl -e 'printf "%.3f" , ('$DU2' / '1024')';`
88 # Calculate disk space required to do the build
89 REQUIRED1=`perl -e 'print ('$DU2' - '$DU1')';`
90 REQUIRED2=`perl -e 'printf "%.3f" , ('$DU2MB' - '$DU1MB')';`
92 # Append installed files disk usage to the previous entry,
93 # except for the first parsed log
94 if [ "$log" != "$BASELOG" ] ; then
95 INSTALL=`perl -e 'print ('$DU1' - '$DU1PREV')';`
96 INSTALLMB=`perl -e 'printf "%.3f" , ('$DU1MB' - '$DU1MBPREV')';`
97 echo -e "Installed files disk usage:\t\t\t\t$INSTALL KB or $INSTALLMB MB\n" >> $REPORT
98 # Append install values for grand total
99 INSTALL2=`perl -e 'printf "%.3f" , ('$INSTALL2' + '$INSTALL')';`
100 INSTALLMB2=`perl -e 'printf "%.3f" , ('$INSTALLMB2' + '$INSTALLMB')';`
103 # Set variables to calculate installed files disk usage
104 DU1PREV=$DU1
107 # Dump time and disk usage values
108 echo -e "$LINE\n\t\t\t\t[$PACKAGE]\n" >> $REPORT
109 echo -e "Build time is:\t\t\t\t\t\t$MINUTES minutes and $SECS seconds" >> $REPORT
110 echo -e "Build time in seconds is:\t\t\t\t$TIME" >> $REPORT
111 echo -e "Approximate SBU time is:\t\t\t\t$SBU" >> $REPORT
112 echo -e "Disk usage before unpacking the package:\t\t$DU1 KB or $DU1MB MB" >> $REPORT
113 echo -e "Disk usage before deleting the source and build dirs:\t$DU2 KB or $DU2MB MB" >> $REPORT
114 echo -e "Required space to build the package:\t\t\t$REQUIRED1 KB or $REQUIRED2 MB" >> $REPORT
116 done
118 # Dump grand totals
119 echo -e "\n$LINE\n\nTotal time required to build the systen:\t\t$SBU2 SBU" >> $REPORT
120 # Total disk usage: including /tools but not /sources.
121 echo -e "Total Installed files disk usage:\t\t\t$INSTALL2 KB or $INSTALLMB2 MB" >> $REPORT