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7 <title>New QEMU USB syntax</title>
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9 <h1>azarus' page</h1>
10 <h2>New QEMU USB syntax</h2>
11 <p>Date: 2017-09-03</p>
12 <p>I've upgraded from QEMU 2.9.0 to 2.10.0, and noticed that my USB passthrough
13 wasn't working anymore, so I had to change the parameters. The syntax is quite
14 confusing, so I'll document it here.</p>
15 <p>Take, for example, this nice, and simple, legacy syntax:<p>
16 <pre>-usbdevice host:05ac:0205</pre>
17 <p>to change that into the new [-device usb-...] syntax, it turns into:</p>
18 <pre>-device usb-host,vendorid='0x05ac',productid='0x0205'</pre>
19 <p>This really threw me off at first, because of the `0x` you have to prepend
20 before the vendorid and productid parameters.</p>
21 <p>Hope this help for people that upgrade to 2.10.</p>
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