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9 <h1>azarus' page</h1>
10 <h2>SSH recommendations</h2>
11 <p>Date: 2018-09-06</p>
12 <p>I realized how inconvenient and what a hassle it is to use ssh with its
13 default settings, so here's what I use to save my fingers from typing lots.
14 <h2>ssh-agent</h2>
15 <p>You certainly use public-key based authentiation in SSH with locally
16 encrypted keys <i>(right?)</i>. If you're wondering how people keep sane when
17 entering their key password multiple times daily: <b>They don't.</b> They
18 use ssh-agent, which is provided with OpenSSH. To make it start and be the same
19 across all your shell sessions, here's a fragment of my ~/.kshrc:</p>
20 <pre>
21 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh-agent.sock
22 ssh-add -l 2&lt;/dev/null &gt;dev/null
23 if [ $? -ge 2 ]; then
24 ssh-agent -a "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" &gt;/dev/null
26 </pre>
27 <p>To make ssh-agent add your keys when you first use them in the session, add
28 this in your ~/.ssh/config:</p>
29 <pre>
30 AddKeysToAgent yes
31 </pre>
32 <h2>SSH multiplexing</h2>
33 <p>SSH connections take a while to establish, and waiting for things to happen
34 is just so... <i>80s</i>. So the clever folks who invented and wrote the SSH
35 protocol added a handy feature: <b>multiplexed connections.</b></p>
36 <p>When using a multiplexed connection, any subsequent connection is initialized
37 almost instantaneously, since there is no need for:
38 <ul>
39 <li>DNS lookup (possibly even a timely reverse one)</li>
40 <li>Establishing a TCP connection</li>
41 <li>Authentication</li>
42 </ul>
43 And thus, multiplexing is very handy for when you want to use multiple or many
44 SSH sessions subsequently. To enable them (which I recommend), add to
45 ~/.ssh/config:</p>
46 <pre>
47 ControlMaster auto
48 ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm-%r@%h:%p
49 ControlPersist 10m
50 </pre>
51 <h2>Note</h2>
52 <p>Everything described here is also (of course) documented in the
53 <a href="">ssh man page</a> <i>(also see the "see
54 also" <a href="">section</a>)</i> provided
55 with OpenSSH.</p>
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