1 A2C_ERROR A2C_CreateMemoryStreamFromBytes(PA2C_STREAM *, PBYTE pb, int cb);
6 Would be nice to have a file-based stream, unless I'm missing something.
9 A2C_Free returns an int, not an A2C_ERROR. Not to mention it always returns -1
15 A2C_ERROR_bufferOverRun = -2,
17 I really hate this "positive is good, negative is bad" SCODE-type result shit.
18 For an enumerated value, it's also not very polite to use "< A2C_ERROR_Success".
21 Why do you differentiate between A2C_DecodeBer and A2C_DecodeDer?
24 A2C_Stream.h:A2C_ERROR A2C_GetDataFromStream(A2C_STREAM *, PBYTE * ppb, int * pcb);
26 pcb should probably be size_t*