1 This xdgmime implementation is copied out of GTK+ rather than being the
2 upstream repository. The upstream version appears to be unmaintained,
3 and the GTK+ version contains a number of bug fixes that are currently
4 in the freedesktop.org bugzilla but ignored.
6 If you find bugs or want to make changes here, please first check to
7 see if it's been fixed in the GTK+ version instead:
9 http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/gtk%2B/gtk/xdgmime/ChangeLog?view=annotate
11 If it's out of date, please feel free to update it. Moreover, the list
12 of upstream xdgmime bugs is here:
14 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&bug_status=__all__&product=xdgmime&content=&order=bugs.delta_ts&query_based_on=
16 At the time of this writing, we've hit the following three bugs in Beagle,
17 all of which are fixed in the GTK+ copy and none of which are fixed in the
18 upstream copy: #5241, #6824, #7496.
20 Joe Shaw <joeshaw@novell.com>