1 [[!meta title="Release Manager"]]
5 * Making the release happen: [[contribute/release_process]].
6 - sending the release schedule on tails-dev when beginning their shift
8 * Go to the `todo/*` and `bugs/*` pages, and for every ticket:
9 - ensure the proper set of tags
10 (and either update tags or ping whoever could/should do it)
11 - ensure it is clearly stated what is the next
12 thing to do, and that someone is feeling responsible to make it happen.
13 (or it's a wishlist/patches-welcome/don't-care-that-much = would be great,
14 but *We* don't feel commited to make it happen any time soon).
15 - For "todo/qa" (quality assurance) make sure reviews and merges
17 - Add todo/easy tags where relevant.
18 - For todo/wait and todo/upstream check if what was blocking was
19 eventually resolved outside of Tails.
23 The release manager shifts could be done by a team. They start right after the
24 publication of the previous release to the publication and announcement of the
25 release they are taking care of, which should be 6 weeks long if everything goes