Merge pull request #11189 from klutvott123/move-telemetry-displayport-init
[betaflight.git] / lib / main / STM32H7 / Drivers / STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver / Src / stm32h7xx_hal_rng.c
1 /**
2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32h7xx_hal_rng.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @brief RNG HAL module driver.
6 * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
7 * functionalities of the Random Number Generator (RNG) peripheral:
8 * + Initialization and configuration functions
9 * + Peripheral Control functions
10 * + Peripheral State functions
12 @verbatim
13 ==============================================================================
14 ##### How to use this driver #####
15 ==============================================================================
16 [..]
17 The RNG HAL driver can be used as follows:
19 (#) Enable the RNG controller clock using __HAL_RCC_RNG_CLK_ENABLE() macro
20 in HAL_RNG_MspInit().
21 (#) Activate the RNG peripheral using HAL_RNG_Init() function.
22 (#) Wait until the 32 bit Random Number Generator contains a valid
23 random data using (polling/interrupt) mode.
24 (#) Get the 32 bit random number using HAL_RNG_GenerateRandomNumber() function.
26 ##### Callback registration #####
27 ==================================
29 [..]
30 The compilation define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1
31 allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks.
33 [..]
34 Use Function @ref HAL_RNG_RegisterCallback() to register a user callback.
35 Function @ref HAL_RNG_RegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks:
36 (+) ErrorCallback : RNG Error Callback.
37 (+) MspInitCallback : RNG MspInit.
38 (+) MspDeInitCallback : RNG MspDeInit.
39 This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
40 and a pointer to the user callback function.
42 [..]
43 Use function @ref HAL_RNG_UnRegisterCallback() to reset a callback to the default
44 weak (surcharged) function.
45 @ref HAL_RNG_UnRegisterCallback() takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle,
46 and the Callback ID.
47 This function allows to reset following callbacks:
48 (+) ErrorCallback : RNG Error Callback.
49 (+) MspInitCallback : RNG MspInit.
50 (+) MspDeInitCallback : RNG MspDeInit.
52 [..]
53 For specific callback ReadyDataCallback, use dedicated register callbacks:
54 respectively @ref HAL_RNG_RegisterReadyDataCallback() , @ref HAL_RNG_UnRegisterReadyDataCallback().
56 [..]
57 By default, after the @ref HAL_RNG_Init() and when the state is HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET
58 all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak (surcharged) functions:
59 example @ref HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback().
60 Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit functions that are respectively
61 reset to the legacy weak (surcharged) functions in the @ref HAL_RNG_Init()
62 and @ref HAL_RNG_DeInit() only when these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand).
63 If not, MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the @ref HAL_RNG_Init() and @ref HAL_RNG_DeInit()
64 keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand).
66 [..]
67 Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in HAL_RNG_STATE_READY state only.
68 Exception done MspInit/MspDeInit that can be registered/unregistered
69 in HAL_RNG_STATE_READY or HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET state, thus registered (user)
70 MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used during the Init/DeInit.
71 In that case first register the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks
72 using @ref HAL_RNG_RegisterCallback() before calling @ref HAL_RNG_DeInit()
73 or @ref HAL_RNG_Init() function.
75 [..]
76 When The compilation define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or
77 not defined, the callback registration feature is not available
78 and weak (surcharged) callbacks are used.
80 @endverbatim
81 ******************************************************************************
82 * @attention
84 * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
85 * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
87 * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
88 * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
89 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
90 *
92 ******************************************************************************
95 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
96 #include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
98 /** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver
99 * @{
102 #if defined (RNG)
104 /** @addtogroup RNG
105 * @brief RNG HAL module driver.
106 * @{
111 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
112 /* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
113 /** @defgroup RNG_Private_Defines RNG Private Defines
114 * @{
116 /* Health test control register information to use in CCM algorithm */
117 #define RNG_HTCFG_1 0x17590ABCU /*!< magic number */
118 #if defined(RNG_VER_3_1) || defined(RNG_VER_3_0)
119 #define RNG_HTCFG 0x000CAA74U /*!< for best latency and To be compliant with NIST */
120 #else /*RNG_VER_3_2*/
121 #define RNG_HTCFG 0x00007274U /*!< for best latency and To be compliant with NIST */
122 #endif
124 * @}
126 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
127 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
128 /** @defgroup RNG_Private_Constants RNG Private Constants
129 * @{
131 #define RNG_TIMEOUT_VALUE 2U
133 * @}
135 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
136 /* Private functions prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/
137 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
138 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
140 /** @addtogroup RNG_Exported_Functions
141 * @{
144 /** @addtogroup RNG_Exported_Functions_Group1
145 * @brief Initialization and configuration functions
147 @verbatim
148 ===============================================================================
149 ##### Initialization and configuration functions #####
150 ===============================================================================
151 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
152 (+) Initialize the RNG according to the specified parameters
153 in the RNG_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle
154 (+) DeInitialize the RNG peripheral
155 (+) Initialize the RNG MSP
156 (+) DeInitialize RNG MSP
158 @endverbatim
159 * @{
163 * @brief Initializes the RNG peripheral and creates the associated handle.
164 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
165 * the configuration information for RNG.
166 * @retval HAL status
168 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_Init(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
170 uint32_t tickstart;
171 /* Check the RNG handle allocation */
172 if (hrng == NULL)
174 return HAL_ERROR;
176 /* Check the parameters */
177 assert_param(IS_RNG_ALL_INSTANCE(hrng->Instance));
178 assert_param(IS_RNG_CED(hrng->Init.ClockErrorDetection));
181 if (hrng->State == HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET)
183 /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
184 hrng->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
186 hrng->ReadyDataCallback = HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback; /* Legacy weak ReadyDataCallback */
187 hrng->ErrorCallback = HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback; /* Legacy weak ErrorCallback */
189 if (hrng->MspInitCallback == NULL)
191 hrng->MspInitCallback = HAL_RNG_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */
194 /* Init the low level hardware */
195 hrng->MspInitCallback(hrng);
197 #else
198 if (hrng->State == HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET)
200 /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
201 hrng->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
203 /* Init the low level hardware */
204 HAL_RNG_MspInit(hrng);
208 /* Change RNG peripheral state */
209 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_BUSY;
211 #if defined(RNG_CR_CONDRST)
212 /* Disable RNG */
213 __HAL_RNG_DISABLE(hrng);
215 /* Clock Error Detection Configuration when CONDRT bit is set to 1 */
216 MODIFY_REG(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CED | RNG_CR_CONDRST, hrng->Init.ClockErrorDetection | RNG_CR_CONDRST);
218 #if defined(RNG_VER_3_2) || defined(RNG_VER_3_1) || defined(RNG_VER_3_0)
219 /*!< magic number must be written immediately before to RNG_HTCRG */
220 WRITE_REG(hrng->Instance->HTCR, RNG_HTCFG_1);
221 /* for best latency and to be compliant with NIST */
222 WRITE_REG(hrng->Instance->HTCR, RNG_HTCFG);
223 #endif
225 /* Writing bits CONDRST=0*/
226 CLEAR_BIT(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CONDRST);
228 /* Get tick */
229 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
231 /* Wait for conditioning reset process to be completed */
232 while (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CONDRST))
234 if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > RNG_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
236 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
237 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
238 return HAL_ERROR;
241 #else
242 /* Clock Error Detection Configuration */
243 MODIFY_REG(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CED, hrng->Init.ClockErrorDetection);
244 #endif /* end of RNG_CR_CONDRST */
246 /* Enable the RNG Peripheral */
247 __HAL_RNG_ENABLE(hrng);
249 /* verify that no seed error */
250 if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_SEI) != RESET)
252 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR;
253 return HAL_ERROR;
255 /* Get tick */
256 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
257 /* Check if data register contains valid random data */
258 while (__HAL_RNG_GET_FLAG(hrng, RNG_FLAG_SECS) != RESET)
260 if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > RNG_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
262 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR;
263 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
264 return HAL_ERROR;
268 /* Initialize the RNG state */
269 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
271 /* Initialise the error code */
272 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_NONE;
274 /* Return function status */
275 return HAL_OK;
279 * @brief DeInitializes the RNG peripheral.
280 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
281 * the configuration information for RNG.
282 * @retval HAL status
284 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_DeInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
286 #if defined(RNG_CR_CONDRST)
287 uint32_t tickstart;
289 #endif /* RNG_CR_CONDRST */
290 /* Check the RNG handle allocation */
291 if (hrng == NULL)
293 return HAL_ERROR;
296 #if defined(RNG_CR_CONDRST)
297 /* Clear Clock Error Detection bit when CONDRT bit is set to 1 */
300 /* Writing bits CONDRST=0*/
301 CLEAR_BIT(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CONDRST);
303 /* Get tick */
304 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
306 /* Wait for conditioning reset process to be completed */
307 while (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CONDRST))
309 if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > RNG_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
311 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
312 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
313 /* Process Unlocked */
314 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
315 return HAL_ERROR;
319 #else
320 /* Clear Clock Error Detection bit */
321 CLEAR_BIT(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_CED);
322 #endif /* RNG_CR_CONDRST */
323 /* Disable the RNG Peripheral */
324 CLEAR_BIT(hrng->Instance->CR, RNG_CR_IE | RNG_CR_RNGEN);
326 /* Clear RNG interrupt status flags */
327 CLEAR_BIT(hrng->Instance->SR, RNG_SR_CEIS | RNG_SR_SEIS);
330 if (hrng->MspDeInitCallback == NULL)
332 hrng->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_RNG_MspDeInit; /* Legacy weak MspDeInit */
335 /* DeInit the low level hardware */
336 hrng->MspDeInitCallback(hrng);
337 #else
338 /* DeInit the low level hardware */
339 HAL_RNG_MspDeInit(hrng);
342 /* Update the RNG state */
343 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET;
345 /* Initialise the error code */
346 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_NONE;
348 /* Release Lock */
349 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
351 /* Return the function status */
352 return HAL_OK;
356 * @brief Initializes the RNG MSP.
357 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
358 * the configuration information for RNG.
359 * @retval None
361 __weak void HAL_RNG_MspInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
363 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
364 UNUSED(hrng);
365 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
366 function HAL_RNG_MspInit must be implemented in the user file.
371 * @brief DeInitializes the RNG MSP.
372 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
373 * the configuration information for RNG.
374 * @retval None
376 __weak void HAL_RNG_MspDeInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
378 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
379 UNUSED(hrng);
380 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
381 function HAL_RNG_MspDeInit must be implemented in the user file.
387 * @brief Register a User RNG Callback
388 * To be used instead of the weak predefined callback
389 * @param hrng RNG handle
390 * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered
391 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
392 * @arg @ref HAL_RNG_ERROR_CB_ID Error callback ID
393 * @arg @ref HAL_RNG_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID
394 * @arg @ref HAL_RNG_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID
395 * @param pCallback pointer to the Callback function
396 * @retval HAL status
398 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_RegisterCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng, HAL_RNG_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pRNG_CallbackTypeDef pCallback)
400 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
402 if (pCallback == NULL)
404 /* Update the error code */
406 return HAL_ERROR;
408 /* Process locked */
409 __HAL_LOCK(hrng);
411 if (HAL_RNG_STATE_READY == hrng->State)
413 switch (CallbackID)
415 case HAL_RNG_ERROR_CB_ID :
416 hrng->ErrorCallback = pCallback;
417 break;
420 hrng->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
421 break;
424 hrng->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
425 break;
427 default :
428 /* Update the error code */
430 /* Return error status */
431 status = HAL_ERROR;
432 break;
435 else if (HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET == hrng->State)
437 switch (CallbackID)
440 hrng->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
441 break;
444 hrng->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
445 break;
447 default :
448 /* Update the error code */
450 /* Return error status */
451 status = HAL_ERROR;
452 break;
455 else
457 /* Update the error code */
459 /* Return error status */
460 status = HAL_ERROR;
463 /* Release Lock */
464 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
465 return status;
469 * @brief Unregister an RNG Callback
470 * RNG callabck is redirected to the weak predefined callback
471 * @param hrng RNG handle
472 * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered
473 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
474 * @arg @ref HAL_RNG_ERROR_CB_ID Error callback ID
475 * @arg @ref HAL_RNG_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID
476 * @arg @ref HAL_RNG_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID
477 * @retval HAL status
479 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_UnRegisterCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng, HAL_RNG_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID)
481 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
483 /* Process locked */
484 __HAL_LOCK(hrng);
486 if (HAL_RNG_STATE_READY == hrng->State)
488 switch (CallbackID)
490 case HAL_RNG_ERROR_CB_ID :
491 hrng->ErrorCallback = HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback; /* Legacy weak ErrorCallback */
492 break;
495 hrng->MspInitCallback = HAL_RNG_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */
496 break;
499 hrng->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_RNG_MspDeInit; /* Legacy weak MspDeInit */
500 break;
502 default :
503 /* Update the error code */
505 /* Return error status */
506 status = HAL_ERROR;
507 break;
510 else if (HAL_RNG_STATE_RESET == hrng->State)
512 switch (CallbackID)
515 hrng->MspInitCallback = HAL_RNG_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */
516 break;
519 hrng->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_RNG_MspDeInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */
520 break;
522 default :
523 /* Update the error code */
525 /* Return error status */
526 status = HAL_ERROR;
527 break;
530 else
532 /* Update the error code */
534 /* Return error status */
535 status = HAL_ERROR;
538 /* Release Lock */
539 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
540 return status;
544 * @brief Register Data Ready RNG Callback
545 * To be used instead of the weak HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback() predefined callback
546 * @param hrng RNG handle
547 * @param pCallback pointer to the Data Ready Callback function
548 * @retval HAL status
550 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_RegisterReadyDataCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng, pRNG_ReadyDataCallbackTypeDef pCallback)
552 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
554 if (pCallback == NULL)
556 /* Update the error code */
558 return HAL_ERROR;
560 /* Process locked */
561 __HAL_LOCK(hrng);
563 if (HAL_RNG_STATE_READY == hrng->State)
565 hrng->ReadyDataCallback = pCallback;
567 else
569 /* Update the error code */
571 /* Return error status */
572 status = HAL_ERROR;
575 /* Release Lock */
576 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
577 return status;
581 * @brief UnRegister the Data Ready RNG Callback
582 * Data Ready RNG Callback is redirected to the weak HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback() predefined callback
583 * @param hrng RNG handle
584 * @retval HAL status
586 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_UnRegisterReadyDataCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
588 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
590 /* Process locked */
591 __HAL_LOCK(hrng);
593 if (HAL_RNG_STATE_READY == hrng->State)
595 hrng->ReadyDataCallback = HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback; /* Legacy weak ReadyDataCallback */
597 else
599 /* Update the error code */
601 /* Return error status */
602 status = HAL_ERROR;
605 /* Release Lock */
606 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
607 return status;
613 * @}
616 /** @addtogroup RNG_Exported_Functions_Group2
617 * @brief Peripheral Control functions
619 @verbatim
620 ===============================================================================
621 ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
622 ===============================================================================
623 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
624 (+) Get the 32 bit Random number
625 (+) Get the 32 bit Random number with interrupt enabled
626 (+) Handle RNG interrupt request
628 @endverbatim
629 * @{
633 * @brief Generates a 32-bit random number.
634 * @note This function checks value of RNG_FLAG_DRDY flag to know if valid
635 * random number is available in the DR register (RNG_FLAG_DRDY flag set
636 * whenever a random number is available through the RNG_DR register).
637 * After transitioning from 0 to 1 (random number available),
638 * RNG_FLAG_DRDY flag remains high until output buffer becomes empty after reading
639 * four words from the RNG_DR register, i.e. further function calls
640 * will immediately return a new u32 random number (additional words are
641 * available and can be read by the application, till RNG_FLAG_DRDY flag remains high).
642 * @note When no more random number data is available in DR register, RNG_FLAG_DRDY
643 * flag is automatically cleared.
644 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
645 * the configuration information for RNG.
646 * @param random32bit pointer to generated random number variable if successful.
647 * @retval HAL status
650 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_GenerateRandomNumber(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng, uint32_t *random32bit)
652 uint32_t tickstart;
653 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
655 /* Process Locked */
656 __HAL_LOCK(hrng);
658 /* Check RNG peripheral state */
659 if (hrng->State == HAL_RNG_STATE_READY)
661 /* Change RNG peripheral state */
662 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_BUSY;
664 /* Get tick */
665 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
667 /* Check if data register contains valid random data */
668 while (__HAL_RNG_GET_FLAG(hrng, RNG_FLAG_DRDY) == RESET)
670 if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > RNG_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
672 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
673 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
674 /* Process Unlocked */
675 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
676 return HAL_ERROR;
680 /* Get a 32bit Random number */
681 hrng->RandomNumber = hrng->Instance->DR;
682 *random32bit = hrng->RandomNumber;
684 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
686 else
688 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_BUSY;
689 status = HAL_ERROR;
692 /* Process Unlocked */
693 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
695 return status;
699 * @brief Generates a 32-bit random number in interrupt mode.
700 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
701 * the configuration information for RNG.
702 * @retval HAL status
704 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RNG_GenerateRandomNumber_IT(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
706 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
708 /* Process Locked */
709 __HAL_LOCK(hrng);
711 /* Check RNG peripheral state */
712 if (hrng->State == HAL_RNG_STATE_READY)
714 /* Change RNG peripheral state */
715 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_BUSY;
717 /* Enable the RNG Interrupts: Data Ready, Clock error, Seed error */
718 __HAL_RNG_ENABLE_IT(hrng);
720 else
722 /* Process Unlocked */
723 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
725 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_BUSY;
726 status = HAL_ERROR;
729 return status;
733 * @brief Handles RNG interrupt request.
734 * @note In the case of a clock error, the RNG is no more able to generate
735 * random numbers because the PLL48CLK clock is not correct. User has
736 * to check that the clock controller is correctly configured to provide
737 * the RNG clock and clear the CEIS bit using __HAL_RNG_CLEAR_IT().
738 * The clock error has no impact on the previously generated
739 * random numbers, and the RNG_DR register contents can be used.
740 * @note In the case of a seed error, the generation of random numbers is
741 * interrupted as long as the SECS bit is '1'. If a number is
742 * available in the RNG_DR register, it must not be used because it may
743 * not have enough entropy. In this case, it is recommended to clear the
744 * SEIS bit using __HAL_RNG_CLEAR_IT(), then disable and enable
745 * the RNG peripheral to reinitialize and restart the RNG.
746 * @note User-written HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback() API is called once whether SEIS
747 * or CEIS are set.
748 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
749 * the configuration information for RNG.
750 * @retval None
753 void HAL_RNG_IRQHandler(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
755 uint32_t rngclockerror = 0U;
757 /* RNG clock error interrupt occurred */
758 if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_CEI) != RESET)
760 /* Update the error code */
761 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_CLOCK;
762 rngclockerror = 1U;
764 else if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_SEI) != RESET)
766 /* Update the error code */
767 hrng->ErrorCode = HAL_RNG_ERROR_SEED;
768 rngclockerror = 1U;
770 else
772 /* Nothing to do */
775 if (rngclockerror == 1U)
777 /* Change RNG peripheral state */
778 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR;
781 /* Call registered Error callback */
782 hrng->ErrorCallback(hrng);
783 #else
784 /* Call legacy weak Error callback */
785 HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback(hrng);
788 /* Clear the clock error flag */
792 /* Check RNG data ready interrupt occurred */
793 if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_DRDY) != RESET)
795 /* Generate random number once, so disable the IT */
796 __HAL_RNG_DISABLE_IT(hrng);
798 /* Get the 32bit Random number (DRDY flag automatically cleared) */
799 hrng->RandomNumber = hrng->Instance->DR;
801 if (hrng->State != HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR)
803 /* Change RNG peripheral state */
804 hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
805 /* Process Unlocked */
806 __HAL_UNLOCK(hrng);
809 /* Call registered Data Ready callback */
810 hrng->ReadyDataCallback(hrng, hrng->RandomNumber);
811 #else
812 /* Call legacy weak Data Ready callback */
813 HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback(hrng, hrng->RandomNumber);
820 * @brief Read latest generated random number.
821 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
822 * the configuration information for RNG.
823 * @retval random value
825 uint32_t HAL_RNG_ReadLastRandomNumber(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
827 return (hrng->RandomNumber);
831 * @brief Data Ready callback in non-blocking mode.
832 * @note When RNG_FLAG_DRDY flag value is set, first random number has been read
833 * from DR register in IRQ Handler and is provided as callback parameter.
834 * Depending on valid data available in the conditioning output buffer,
835 * additional words can be read by the application from DR register till
836 * DRDY bit remains high.
837 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
838 * the configuration information for RNG.
839 * @param random32bit generated random number.
840 * @retval None
842 __weak void HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng, uint32_t random32bit)
844 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
845 UNUSED(hrng);
846 UNUSED(random32bit);
847 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
848 function HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback must be implemented in the user file.
853 * @brief RNG error callbacks.
854 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
855 * the configuration information for RNG.
856 * @retval None
858 __weak void HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
860 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
861 UNUSED(hrng);
862 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
863 function HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback must be implemented in the user file.
867 * @}
871 /** @addtogroup RNG_Exported_Functions_Group3
872 * @brief Peripheral State functions
874 @verbatim
875 ===============================================================================
876 ##### Peripheral State functions #####
877 ===============================================================================
878 [..]
879 This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral
880 and the data flow.
882 @endverbatim
883 * @{
887 * @brief Returns the RNG state.
888 * @param hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
889 * the configuration information for RNG.
890 * @retval HAL state
892 HAL_RNG_StateTypeDef HAL_RNG_GetState(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
894 return hrng->State;
898 * @brief Return the RNG handle error code.
899 * @param hrng: pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure.
900 * @retval RNG Error Code
902 uint32_t HAL_RNG_GetError(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
904 /* Return RNG Error Code */
905 return hrng->ErrorCode;
908 * @}
912 * @}
916 #endif /* HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */
918 * @}
921 #endif /* RNG */
924 * @}
927 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/