2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32h7xx_hal_dac.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @brief DAC HAL module driver.
6 * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
7 * functionalities of the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) peripheral:
8 * + Initialization and de-initialization functions
9 * + IO operation functions
10 * + Peripheral Control functions
11 * + Peripheral State and Errors functions
15 ==============================================================================
16 ##### DAC Peripheral features #####
17 ==============================================================================
22 STM32H7 devices integrate two 12-bit Digital Analog Converters
24 The 2 converters (i.e. channel1 & channel2)
25 can be used independently or simultaneously (dual mode):
26 (#) DAC channel1 with DAC_OUT1 (PA4) as output or connected to on-chip
27 peripherals (ex. OPAMPs, comparators).
28 (#) DAC channel2 with DAC_OUT2 (PA5) as output or connected to on-chip
29 peripherals (ex. OPAMPs, comparators).
34 Digital to Analog conversion can be non-triggered using DAC_TRIGGER_NONE
35 and DAC_OUT1/DAC_OUT2 is available once writing to DHRx register.
37 Digital to Analog conversion can be triggered by:
38 (#) External event: EXTI Line 9 (any GPIOx_PIN_9) using DAC_TRIGGER_EXT_IT9.
39 The used pin (GPIOx_PIN_9) must be configured in input mode.
41 (#) Timers TRGO: TIM1, TIM2, TIM4, TIM5, TIM6, TIM7, TIM8, TIM15, TIM23 and TIM24
44 (#) Low Power Timers TRGO: LPTIM1, LPTIM2 and LPTIM3
47 (#) High Resolution Timer TRGO: HRTIM1
50 (#) Software using DAC_TRIGGER_SOFTWARE
51 *** DAC Buffer mode feature ***
52 ===============================
54 Each DAC channel integrates an output buffer that can be used to
55 reduce the output impedance, and to drive external loads directly
56 without having to add an external operational amplifier.
57 To enable, the output buffer use
58 sConfig.DAC_OutputBuffer = DAC_OUTPUTBUFFER_ENABLE;
60 (@) Refer to the device datasheet for more details about output
61 impedance value with and without output buffer.
63 *** DAC connect feature ***
64 ===============================
66 Each DAC channel can be connected internally.
68 sConfig.DAC_ConnectOnChipPeripheral = DAC_CHIPCONNECT_INTERNAL;
70 sConfig.DAC_ConnectOnChipPeripheral = DAC_CHIPCONNECT_BOTH;
72 *** GPIO configurations guidelines ***
75 When a DAC channel is used (ex channel1 on PA4) and the other is not
76 (ex channel2 on PA5 is configured in Analog and disabled).
77 Channel1 may disturb channel2 as coupling effect.
78 Note that there is no coupling on channel2 as soon as channel2 is turned on.
79 Coupling on adjacent channel could be avoided as follows:
80 when unused PA5 is configured as INPUT PULL-UP or DOWN.
81 PA5 is configured in ANALOG just before it is turned on.
83 *** DAC Sample and Hold feature ***
84 ========================
86 For each converter, 2 modes are supported: normal mode and
87 "sample and hold" mode (i.e. low power mode).
88 In the sample and hold mode, the DAC core converts data, then holds the
89 converted voltage on a capacitor. When not converting, the DAC cores and
90 buffer are completely turned off between samples and the DAC output is
91 tri-stated, therefore reducing the overall power consumption. A new
92 stabilization period is needed before each new conversion.
94 The sample and hold allow setting internal or external voltage @
95 low power consumption cost (output value can be at any given rate either
98 The Sample and hold block and registers uses either LSI & run in
99 several power modes: run mode, sleep mode, low power run, low power sleep
102 Low power stop1 mode allows only static conversion.
104 To enable Sample and Hold mode
105 Enable LSI using HAL_RCC_OscConfig with RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSI &
106 RCC_LSI_ON parameters.
108 Use DAC_InitStructure.DAC_SampleAndHold = DAC_SAMPLEANDHOLD_ENABLE;
109 & DAC_ChannelConfTypeDef.DAC_SampleAndHoldConfig.DAC_SampleTime,
110 DAC_HoldTime & DAC_RefreshTime;
112 *** DAC calibration feature ***
113 ===================================
115 (#) The 2 converters (channel1 & channel2) provide calibration capabilities.
116 (++) Calibration aims at correcting some offset of output buffer.
117 (++) The DAC uses either factory calibration settings OR user defined
118 calibration (trimming) settings (i.e. trimming mode).
119 (++) The user defined settings can be figured out using self calibration
120 handled by HAL_DACEx_SelfCalibrate.
121 (++) HAL_DACEx_SelfCalibrate:
122 (+++) Runs automatically the calibration.
123 (+++) Enables the user trimming mode
124 (+++) Updates a structure with trimming values with fresh calibration
126 The user may store the calibration results for larger
127 (ex monitoring the trimming as a function of temperature
130 *** DAC wave generation feature ***
131 ===================================
133 Both DAC channels can be used to generate
137 *** DAC data format ***
138 =======================
140 The DAC data format can be:
141 (#) 8-bit right alignment using DAC_ALIGN_8B_R
142 (#) 12-bit left alignment using DAC_ALIGN_12B_L
143 (#) 12-bit right alignment using DAC_ALIGN_12B_R
145 *** DAC data value to voltage correspondence ***
146 ================================================
148 The analog output voltage on each DAC channel pin is determined
149 by the following equation:
151 DAC_OUTx = VREF+ * DOR / 4095
152 (+) with DOR is the Data Output Register
154 VREF+ is the input voltage reference (refer to the device datasheet)
156 e.g. To set DAC_OUT1 to 0.7V, use
157 (+) Assuming that VREF+ = 3.3V, DAC_OUT1 = (3.3 * 868) / 4095 = 0.7V
160 =====================
162 A DMA request can be generated when an external trigger (but not a software trigger)
163 occurs if DMA requests are enabled using HAL_DAC_Start_DMA().
164 DMA requests are mapped as following:
165 (#) DAC channel1: mapped on DMA_REQUEST_DAC1_CH1
166 (#) DAC channel2: mapped on DMA_REQUEST_DAC1_CH2
169 (@) For Dual mode and specific signal (Triangle and noise) generation please
170 refer to Extended Features Driver description
172 ##### How to use this driver #####
173 ==============================================================================
175 (+) DAC APB clock must be enabled to get write access to DAC
176 registers using HAL_DAC_Init()
177 (+) Configure DAC_OUTx (DAC_OUT1: PA4, DAC_OUT2: PA5) in analog mode.
178 (+) Configure the DAC channel using HAL_DAC_ConfigChannel() function.
179 (+) Enable the DAC channel using HAL_DAC_Start() or HAL_DAC_Start_DMA() functions.
181 *** Calibration mode IO operation ***
182 ======================================
184 (+) Retrieve the factory trimming (calibration settings) using HAL_DACEx_GetTrimOffset()
185 (+) Run the calibration using HAL_DACEx_SelfCalibrate()
186 (+) Update the trimming while DAC running using HAL_DACEx_SetUserTrimming()
188 *** Polling mode IO operation ***
189 =================================
191 (+) Start the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Start()
192 (+) To read the DAC last data output value, use the HAL_DAC_GetValue() function.
193 (+) Stop the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Stop()
195 *** DMA mode IO operation ***
196 ==============================
198 (+) Start the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Start_DMA(), at this stage the user specify the length
199 of data to be transferred at each end of conversion
200 First issued trigger will start the conversion of the value previously set by HAL_DAC_SetValue().
201 (+) At the middle of data transfer HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2()
202 function is executed and user can add his own code by customization of function pointer
203 HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2()
204 (+) At The end of data transfer HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2()
205 function is executed and user can add his own code by customization of function pointer
206 HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2()
207 (+) In case of transfer Error, HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1() function is executed and user can
208 add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1
209 (+) In case of DMA underrun, DAC interruption triggers and execute internal function HAL_DAC_IRQHandler.
210 HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2()
211 function is executed and user can add his own code by customization of function pointer
212 HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2() and
213 add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1()
214 (+) Stop the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Stop_DMA()
216 *** Callback registration ***
217 =============================================
219 The compilation define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1
220 allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks.
222 Use Functions @ref HAL_DAC_RegisterCallback() to register a user callback,
223 it allows to register following callbacks:
224 (+) ConvCpltCallbackCh1 : callback when a half transfer is completed on Ch1.
225 (+) ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1 : callback when a transfer is completed on Ch1.
226 (+) ErrorCallbackCh1 : callback when an error occurs on Ch1.
227 (+) DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1 : callback when an underrun error occurs on Ch1.
228 (+) ConvCpltCallbackCh2 : callback when a half transfer is completed on Ch2.
229 (+) ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2 : callback when a transfer is completed on Ch2.
230 (+) ErrorCallbackCh2 : callback when an error occurs on Ch2.
231 (+) DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2 : callback when an underrun error occurs on Ch2.
232 (+) MspInitCallback : DAC MspInit.
233 (+) MspDeInitCallback : DAC MspdeInit.
234 This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
235 and a pointer to the user callback function.
237 Use function @ref HAL_DAC_UnRegisterCallback() to reset a callback to the default
238 weak (surcharged) function. It allows to reset following callbacks:
239 (+) ConvCpltCallbackCh1 : callback when a half transfer is completed on Ch1.
240 (+) ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1 : callback when a transfer is completed on Ch1.
241 (+) ErrorCallbackCh1 : callback when an error occurs on Ch1.
242 (+) DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1 : callback when an underrun error occurs on Ch1.
243 (+) ConvCpltCallbackCh2 : callback when a half transfer is completed on Ch2.
244 (+) ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2 : callback when a transfer is completed on Ch2.
245 (+) ErrorCallbackCh2 : callback when an error occurs on Ch2.
246 (+) DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2 : callback when an underrun error occurs on Ch2.
247 (+) MspInitCallback : DAC MspInit.
248 (+) MspDeInitCallback : DAC MspdeInit.
250 This function) takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle and the Callback ID.
252 By default, after the @ref HAL_DAC_Init and if the state is HAL_DAC_STATE_RESET
253 all callbacks are reset to the corresponding legacy weak (surcharged) functions.
254 Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit callbacks that are respectively
255 reset to the legacy weak (surcharged) functions in the @ref HAL_DAC_Init
256 and @ref HAL_DAC_DeInit only when these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand).
257 If not, MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the @ref HAL_DAC_Init and @ref HAL_DAC_DeInit
258 keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand)
260 Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in READY state only.
261 Exception done for MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks that can be registered/unregistered
262 in READY or RESET state, thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used
263 during the Init/DeInit.
264 In that case first register the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks
265 using @ref HAL_DAC_RegisterCallback before calling @ref HAL_DAC_DeInit
266 or @ref HAL_DAC_Init function.
268 When The compilation define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or
269 not defined, the callback registering feature is not available
270 and weak (surcharged) callbacks are used.
272 *** DAC HAL driver macros list ***
273 =============================================
275 Below the list of most used macros in DAC HAL driver.
277 (+) __HAL_DAC_ENABLE : Enable the DAC peripheral
278 (+) __HAL_DAC_DISABLE : Disable the DAC peripheral
279 (+) __HAL_DAC_CLEAR_FLAG: Clear the DAC's pending flags
280 (+) __HAL_DAC_GET_FLAG: Get the selected DAC's flag status
283 (@) You can refer to the DAC HAL driver header file for more useful macros
286 ******************************************************************************
289 * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
290 * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
292 * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
293 * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
294 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
295 * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
297 ******************************************************************************
300 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
301 #include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
303 /** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver
308 #if defined(DAC1) || defined(DAC2)
310 /** @defgroup DAC DAC
311 * @brief DAC driver modules
315 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
316 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
317 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
318 /** @addtogroup DAC_Private_Constants DAC Private Constants
321 #define TIMEOUT_DAC_CALIBCONFIG 1U /* 1 ms */
327 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
328 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
329 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
330 /* Exported functions -------------------------------------------------------*/
332 /** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions DAC Exported Functions
336 /** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
337 * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
340 ==============================================================================
341 ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
342 ==============================================================================
343 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
344 (+) Initialize and configure the DAC.
345 (+) De-initialize the DAC.
352 * @brief Initialize the DAC peripheral according to the specified parameters
353 * in the DAC_InitStruct and initialize the associated handle.
354 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
355 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
358 HAL_StatusTypeDef
360 /* Check DAC handle */
365 /* Check the parameters */
366 assert_param(IS_DAC_ALL_INSTANCE(hdac
368 if (hdac
371 /* Init the DAC Callback settings */
372 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1
373 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1
374 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1
375 hdac
= HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1
377 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ConvCpltCallbackCh2
378 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2
379 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ErrorCallbackCh2
380 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2
382 if (hdac
384 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspInit
388 /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
389 hdac
392 /* Init the low level hardware */
393 hdac
395 /* Init the low level hardware */
396 HAL_DAC_MspInit(hdac
400 /* Initialize the DAC state*/
401 hdac
403 /* Set DAC error code to none */
404 hdac
406 /* Initialize the DAC state*/
407 hdac
409 /* Return function status */
414 * @brief Deinitialize the DAC peripheral registers to their default reset values.
415 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
416 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
419 HAL_StatusTypeDef
421 /* Check DAC handle */
427 /* Check the parameters */
428 assert_param(IS_DAC_ALL_INSTANCE(hdac
430 /* Change DAC state */
431 hdac
434 if (hdac
436 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspDeInit
438 /* DeInit the low level hardware */
439 hdac
441 /* DeInit the low level hardware */
442 HAL_DAC_MspDeInit(hdac
445 /* Set DAC error code to none */
446 hdac
448 /* Change DAC state */
449 hdac
454 /* Return function status */
459 * @brief Initialize the DAC MSP.
460 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
461 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
464 __weak
void HAL_DAC_MspInit(DAC_HandleTypeDef
466 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
469 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
470 the HAL_DAC_MspInit could be implemented in the user file
475 * @brief DeInitialize the DAC MSP.
476 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
477 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
480 __weak
void HAL_DAC_MspDeInit(DAC_HandleTypeDef
482 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
485 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
486 the HAL_DAC_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file
494 /** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions
495 * @brief IO operation functions
498 ==============================================================================
499 ##### IO operation functions #####
500 ==============================================================================
501 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
502 (+) Start conversion.
504 (+) Start conversion and enable DMA transfer.
505 (+) Stop conversion and disable DMA transfer.
506 (+) Get result of conversion.
513 * @brief Enables DAC and starts conversion of channel.
514 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
515 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
516 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
517 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
518 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
519 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
522 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
524 /* Check the parameters */
525 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
530 /* Change DAC state */
531 hdac
533 /* Enable the Peripheral */
534 __HAL_DAC_ENABLE(hdac
, Channel
536 if (Channel
538 /* Check if software trigger enabled */
539 if ((hdac
541 /* Enable the selected DAC software conversion */
542 SET_BIT(hdac
547 /* Check if software trigger enabled */
548 if ((hdac
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
550 /* Enable the selected DAC software conversion*/
551 SET_BIT(hdac
555 /* Change DAC state */
556 hdac
558 /* Process unlocked */
561 /* Return function status */
566 * @brief Disables DAC and stop conversion of channel.
567 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
568 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
569 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
570 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
571 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
572 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
575 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
577 /* Check the parameters */
578 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
580 /* Disable the Peripheral */
581 __HAL_DAC_DISABLE(hdac
, Channel
583 /* Change DAC state */
584 hdac
586 /* Return function status */
591 * @brief Enables DAC and starts conversion of channel.
592 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
593 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
594 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
595 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
596 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
597 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
598 * @param pData The destination peripheral Buffer address.
599 * @param Length The length of data to be transferred from memory to DAC peripheral
600 * @param Alignment Specifies the data alignment for DAC channel.
601 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
602 * @arg DAC_ALIGN_8B_R: 8bit right data alignment selected
603 * @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_L: 12bit left data alignment selected
604 * @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_R: 12bit right data alignment selected
607 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
, uint32_t *pData
, uint32_t Length
610 HAL_StatusTypeDef status
611 uint32_t tmpreg
= 0U;
613 /* Check the parameters */
614 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
615 assert_param(IS_DAC_ALIGN(Alignment
620 /* Change DAC state */
621 hdac
623 if (Channel
625 /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback for channel1 */
626 hdac
= DAC_DMAConvCpltCh1
628 /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback for channel1 */
629 hdac
= DAC_DMAHalfConvCpltCh1
631 /* Set the DMA error callback for channel1 */
632 hdac
= DAC_DMAErrorCh1
634 /* Enable the selected DAC channel1 DMA request */
635 SET_BIT(hdac
637 /* Case of use of channel 1 */
640 case DAC_ALIGN_12B_R
641 /* Get DHR12R1 address */
642 tmpreg
= (uint32_t)&hdac
644 case DAC_ALIGN_12B_L
645 /* Get DHR12L1 address */
646 tmpreg
= (uint32_t)&hdac
649 /* Get DHR8R1 address */
650 tmpreg
= (uint32_t)&hdac
658 /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback for channel2 */
659 hdac
= DAC_DMAConvCpltCh2
661 /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback for channel2 */
662 hdac
= DAC_DMAHalfConvCpltCh2
664 /* Set the DMA error callback for channel2 */
665 hdac
= DAC_DMAErrorCh2
667 /* Enable the selected DAC channel2 DMA request */
668 SET_BIT(hdac
670 /* Case of use of channel 2 */
673 case DAC_ALIGN_12B_R
674 /* Get DHR12R2 address */
675 tmpreg
= (uint32_t)&hdac
677 case DAC_ALIGN_12B_L
678 /* Get DHR12L2 address */
679 tmpreg
= (uint32_t)&hdac
682 /* Get DHR8R2 address */
683 tmpreg
= (uint32_t)&hdac
690 /* Enable the DMA Stream */
691 if (Channel
693 /* Enable the DAC DMA underrun interrupt */
694 __HAL_DAC_ENABLE_IT(hdac
696 /* Enable the DMA Stream */
697 status
= HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdac
, (uint32_t)pData
, tmpreg
, Length
701 /* Enable the DAC DMA underrun interrupt */
702 __HAL_DAC_ENABLE_IT(hdac
704 /* Enable the DMA Stream */
705 status
= HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdac
, (uint32_t)pData
, tmpreg
, Length
708 /* Process Unlocked */
711 if (status
713 /* Enable the Peripheral */
714 __HAL_DAC_ENABLE(hdac
, Channel
718 hdac
721 /* Return function status */
726 * @brief Disables DAC and stop conversion of channel.
727 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
728 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
729 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
730 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
731 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
732 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
735 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
737 HAL_StatusTypeDef status
739 /* Check the parameters */
740 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
742 /* Disable the selected DAC channel DMA request */
743 hdac
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
745 /* Disable the Peripheral */
746 __HAL_DAC_DISABLE(hdac
, Channel
748 /* Disable the DMA Stream */
750 /* Channel1 is used */
751 if (Channel
753 /* Disable the DMA Stream */
754 status
= HAL_DMA_Abort(hdac
756 /* Disable the DAC DMA underrun interrupt */
759 else /* Channel2 is used for */
761 /* Disable the DMA Stream */
762 status
= HAL_DMA_Abort(hdac
764 /* Disable the DAC DMA underrun interrupt */
768 /* Check if DMA Stream effectively disabled */
769 if (status
771 /* Update DAC state machine to error */
772 hdac
776 /* Change DAC state */
777 hdac
780 /* Return function status */
785 * @brief Handles DAC interrupt request
786 * This function uses the interruption of DMA
788 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
789 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
792 void HAL_DAC_IRQHandler(DAC_HandleTypeDef
794 if (__HAL_DAC_GET_IT_SOURCE(hdac
796 /* Check underrun flag of DAC channel 1 */
797 if (__HAL_DAC_GET_FLAG(hdac
799 /* Change DAC state to error state */
800 hdac
802 /* Set DAC error code to chanel1 DMA underrun error */
803 SET_BIT(hdac
805 /* Clear the underrun flag */
808 /* Disable the selected DAC channel1 DMA request */
809 CLEAR_BIT(hdac
813 hdac
815 HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1(hdac
820 if (__HAL_DAC_GET_IT_SOURCE(hdac
822 /* Check underrun flag of DAC channel 2 */
823 if (__HAL_DAC_GET_FLAG(hdac
825 /* Change DAC state to error state */
826 hdac
828 /* Set DAC error code to channel2 DMA underrun error */
829 SET_BIT(hdac
831 /* Clear the underrun flag */
834 /* Disable the selected DAC channel2 DMA request */
835 CLEAR_BIT(hdac
839 hdac
841 HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2(hdac
848 * @brief Set the specified data holding register value for DAC channel.
849 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
850 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
851 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
852 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
853 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
854 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
855 * @param Alignment Specifies the data alignment.
856 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
857 * @arg DAC_ALIGN_8B_R: 8bit right data alignment selected
858 * @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_L: 12bit left data alignment selected
859 * @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_R: 12bit right data alignment selected
860 * @param Data Data to be loaded in the selected data holding register.
863 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
, uint32_t Alignment
, uint32_t Data
865 __IO
uint32_t tmp
= 0;
867 /* Check the parameters */
868 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
869 assert_param(IS_DAC_ALIGN(Alignment
870 assert_param(IS_DAC_DATA(Data
872 tmp
= (uint32_t)hdac
873 if (Channel
875 tmp
+= DAC_DHR12R1_ALIGNMENT(Alignment
879 tmp
+= DAC_DHR12R2_ALIGNMENT(Alignment
882 /* Set the DAC channel selected data holding register */
883 *(__IO
uint32_t *) tmp
= Data
885 /* Return function status */
890 * @brief Conversion complete callback in non-blocking mode for Channel1
891 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
892 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
895 __weak
void HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef
897 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
900 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
901 the HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
906 * @brief Conversion half DMA transfer callback in non-blocking mode for Channel1
907 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
908 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
911 __weak
void HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef
913 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
916 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
917 the HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
922 * @brief Error DAC callback for Channel1.
923 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
924 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
927 __weak
void HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef
929 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
932 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
933 the HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
938 * @brief DMA underrun DAC callback for channel1.
939 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
940 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
943 __weak
void HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef
945 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
948 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
949 the HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
957 /** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions
958 * @brief Peripheral Control functions
961 ==============================================================================
962 ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
963 ==============================================================================
964 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
965 (+) Configure channels.
966 (+) Set the specified data holding register value for DAC channel.
973 * @brief Returns the last data output value of the selected DAC channel.
974 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
975 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
976 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
977 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
978 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
979 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
980 * @retval The selected DAC channel data output value.
982 uint32_t HAL_DAC_GetValue(DAC_HandleTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
984 /* Check the parameters */
985 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
987 /* Returns the DAC channel data output register value */
988 if (Channel
990 return hdac
994 return hdac
999 * @brief Configures the selected DAC channel.
1000 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1001 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
1002 * @param sConfig DAC configuration structure.
1003 * @param Channel The selected DAC channel.
1004 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
1005 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
1006 * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
1007 * @retval HAL status
1009 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, DAC_ChannelConfTypeDef
, uint32_t Channel
1014 uint32_t connectOnChip
1016 /* Check the DAC parameters */
1017 assert_param(IS_DAC_TRIGGER(sConfig
1018 assert_param(IS_DAC_OUTPUT_BUFFER_STATE(sConfig
1019 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHIP_CONNECTION(sConfig
1020 assert_param(IS_DAC_TRIMMING(sConfig
1021 if ((sConfig
1023 assert_param(IS_DAC_TRIMMINGVALUE(sConfig
1025 assert_param(IS_DAC_SAMPLEANDHOLD(sConfig
1026 if ((sConfig
1028 assert_param(IS_DAC_SAMPLETIME(sConfig
1029 assert_param(IS_DAC_HOLDTIME(sConfig
1030 assert_param(IS_DAC_REFRESHTIME(sConfig
1032 assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel
1034 /* Process locked */
1037 /* Change DAC state */
1038 hdac
1040 /* Sample and hold configuration */
1041 if (sConfig
1044 tickstart
= HAL_GetTick();
1046 if (Channel
1048 /* SHSR1 can be written when BWST1 is cleared */
1049 while (((hdac
) != 0UL)
1051 /* Check for the Timeout */
1052 if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart
1054 /* Update error code */
1055 SET_BIT(hdac
1057 /* Change the DMA state */
1058 hdac
1064 hdac
= sConfig
1066 else /* Channel 2 */
1068 /* SHSR2 can be written when BWST2 is cleared */
1069 while (((hdac
) != 0UL)
1071 /* Check for the Timeout */
1072 if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart
1074 /* Update error code */
1075 SET_BIT(hdac
1077 /* Change the DMA state */
1078 hdac
1084 hdac
= sConfig
1088 MODIFY_REG(hdac
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
), (sConfig
) << (Channel
& 0x10UL
1090 MODIFY_REG(hdac
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
), (sConfig
) << (Channel
& 0x10UL
1093 if (sConfig
1096 /* Get the DAC CCR value */
1097 tmpreg1
= hdac
1098 /* Clear trimming value */
1099 tmpreg1
&= ~(((uint32_t)(DAC_CCR_OTRIM1
)) << (Channel
& 0x10UL
1100 /* Configure for the selected trimming offset */
1101 tmpreg2
= sConfig
1102 /* Calculate CCR register value depending on DAC_Channel */
1103 tmpreg1
|= tmpreg2
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
1104 /* Write to DAC CCR */
1105 hdac
= tmpreg1
1107 /* else factory trimming is used (factory setting are available at reset)*/
1108 /* SW Nothing has nothing to do */
1110 /* Get the DAC MCR value */
1111 tmpreg1
= hdac
1112 /* Clear DAC_MCR_MODEx bits */
1113 tmpreg1
&= ~(((uint32_t)(DAC_MCR_MODE1
)) << (Channel
& 0x10UL
1114 /* Configure for the selected DAC channel: mode, buffer output & on chip peripheral connect */
1115 if (sConfig
1117 connectOnChip
= 0x00000000UL
1119 else if (sConfig
1121 connectOnChip
1123 else /* (sConfig->DAC_ConnectOnChipPeripheral == DAC_CHIPCONNECT_BOTH) */
1125 if (sConfig
1127 connectOnChip
1131 connectOnChip
= 0x00000000UL
1134 tmpreg2
= (sConfig
| sConfig
| connectOnChip
1135 /* Calculate MCR register value depending on DAC_Channel */
1136 tmpreg1
|= tmpreg2
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
1137 /* Write to DAC MCR */
1138 hdac
= tmpreg1
1140 /* DAC in normal operating mode hence clear DAC_CR_CENx bit */
1141 CLEAR_BIT(hdac
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
1143 /* Get the DAC CR value */
1144 tmpreg1
= hdac
1145 /* Clear TENx, TSELx, WAVEx and MAMPx bits */
1146 tmpreg1
&= ~(((uint32_t)(DAC_CR_MAMP1
)) << (Channel
& 0x10UL
1147 /* Configure for the selected DAC channel: trigger */
1148 /* Set TSELx and TENx bits according to DAC_Trigger value */
1149 tmpreg2
= sConfig
1150 /* Calculate CR register value depending on DAC_Channel */
1151 tmpreg1
|= tmpreg2
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
1152 /* Write to DAC CR */
1153 hdac
= tmpreg1
1154 /* Disable wave generation */
1155 hdac
<< (Channel
& 0x10UL
1157 /* Change DAC state */
1158 hdac
1160 /* Process unlocked */
1163 /* Return function status */
1171 /** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State and Errors functions
1172 * @brief Peripheral State and Errors functions
1175 ==============================================================================
1176 ##### Peripheral State and Errors functions #####
1177 ==============================================================================
1179 This subsection provides functions allowing to
1180 (+) Check the DAC state.
1181 (+) Check the DAC Errors.
1188 * @brief return the DAC handle state
1189 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1190 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
1193 HAL_DAC_StateTypeDef
1195 /* Return DAC handle state */
1201 * @brief Return the DAC error code
1202 * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1203 * the configuration information for the specified DAC.
1204 * @retval DAC Error Code
1206 uint32_t HAL_DAC_GetError(DAC_HandleTypeDef
1208 return hdac
1219 /** @addtogroup DAC_Exported_Functions
1223 /** @addtogroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group1
1228 * @brief Register a User DAC Callback
1229 * To be used instead of the weak (surcharged) predefined callback
1230 * @param hdac DAC handle
1231 * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered
1232 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
1233 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK DAC Error Callback ID
1234 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH1 Complete Callback ID
1235 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_HALF_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH1 Half Complete Callback ID
1236 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_ERROR_ID DAC CH1 Error Callback ID
1237 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_UNDERRUN_CB_ID DAC CH1 UnderRun Callback ID
1238 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH2 Complete Callback ID
1239 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_HALF_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH2 Half Complete Callback ID
1240 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_ERROR_ID DAC CH2 Error Callback ID
1241 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_UNDERRUN_CB_ID DAC CH2 UnderRun Callback ID
1242 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_MSPINIT_CB_ID DAC MSP Init Callback ID
1243 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID DAC MSP DeInit Callback ID
1245 * @param pCallback pointer to the Callback function
1248 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, HAL_DAC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID
1249 pDAC_CallbackTypeDef pCallback
1251 HAL_StatusTypeDef status
1253 if (pCallback
1255 /* Update the error code */
1256 hdac
1260 /* Process locked */
1263 if (hdac
1268 hdac
= pCallback
1271 hdac
= pCallback
1273 case HAL_DAC_CH1_ERROR_ID
1274 hdac
= pCallback
1277 hdac
= pCallback
1280 hdac
= pCallback
1283 hdac
= pCallback
1285 case HAL_DAC_CH2_ERROR_ID
1286 hdac
= pCallback
1289 hdac
= pCallback
1292 hdac
= pCallback
1295 hdac
= pCallback
1298 /* Update the error code */
1299 hdac
1300 /* update return status */
1305 else if (hdac
1310 hdac
= pCallback
1313 hdac
= pCallback
1316 /* Update the error code */
1317 hdac
1318 /* update return status */
1325 /* Update the error code */
1326 hdac
1327 /* update return status */
1337 * @brief Unregister a User DAC Callback
1338 * DAC Callback is redirected to the weak (surcharged) predefined callback
1339 * @param hdac DAC handle
1340 * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered
1341 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
1342 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH1 tranfer Complete Callback ID
1343 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_HALF_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH1 Half Complete Callback ID
1344 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_ERROR_ID DAC CH1 Error Callback ID
1345 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH1_UNDERRUN_CB_ID DAC CH1 UnderRun Callback ID
1346 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH2 Complete Callback ID
1347 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_HALF_COMPLETE_CB_ID DAC CH2 Half Complete Callback ID
1348 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_ERROR_ID DAC CH2 Error Callback ID
1349 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_CH2_UNDERRUN_CB_ID DAC CH2 UnderRun Callback ID
1350 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_MSPINIT_CB_ID DAC MSP Init Callback ID
1351 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID DAC MSP DeInit Callback ID
1352 * @arg @ref HAL_DAC_ALL_CB_ID DAC All callbacks
1355 HAL_StatusTypeDef
, HAL_DAC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID
1357 HAL_StatusTypeDef status
1359 /* Process locked */
1362 if (hdac
1367 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1
1370 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1
1372 case HAL_DAC_CH1_ERROR_ID
1373 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1
1376 hdac
= HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1
1379 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ConvCpltCallbackCh2
1382 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2
1384 case HAL_DAC_CH2_ERROR_ID
1385 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ErrorCallbackCh2
1388 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2
1391 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspInit
1394 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspDeInit
1396 case HAL_DAC_ALL_CB_ID
1397 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1
1398 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1
1399 hdac
= HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1
1400 hdac
= HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1
1401 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ConvCpltCallbackCh2
1402 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2
1403 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_ErrorCallbackCh2
1404 hdac
= HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2
1405 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspInit
1406 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspDeInit
1409 /* Update the error code */
1410 hdac
1411 /* update return status */
1416 else if (hdac
1421 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspInit
1424 hdac
= HAL_DAC_MspDeInit
1427 /* Update the error code */
1428 hdac
1429 /* update return status */
1436 /* Update the error code */
1437 hdac
1438 /* update return status */
1456 /** @addtogroup DAC_Private_Functions
1461 * @brief DMA conversion complete callback.
1462 * @param hdma pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1463 * the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
1466 void DAC_DMAConvCpltCh1(DMA_HandleTypeDef
1468 DAC_HandleTypeDef
= (DAC_HandleTypeDef
1471 hdac
1473 HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1(hdac
1476 hdac
1480 * @brief DMA half transfer complete callback.
1481 * @param hdma pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1482 * the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
1485 void DAC_DMAHalfConvCpltCh1(DMA_HandleTypeDef
1487 DAC_HandleTypeDef
= (DAC_HandleTypeDef
1488 /* Conversion complete callback */
1490 hdac
1492 HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1(hdac
1497 * @brief DMA error callback
1498 * @param hdma pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1499 * the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
1502 void DAC_DMAErrorCh1(DMA_HandleTypeDef
1504 DAC_HandleTypeDef
= (DAC_HandleTypeDef
1506 /* Set DAC error code to DMA error */
1507 hdac
1510 hdac
1512 HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1(hdac
1515 hdac
1526 #endif /* DAC1 || DAC2 */
1528 #endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */
1534 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/