Merge pull request #11494 from haslinghuis/dshot_gpio
[betaflight.git] / lib / main / STM32H7 / Drivers / STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver / Src / stm32h7xx_hal_ramecc.c
1 /**
2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32h7xx_hal_ramecc.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @brief RAMECC HAL module driver.
6 * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
7 * functionalities of the RAM ECC monitoring (RAMECC) peripheral:
8 * + Initialization and de-initialization functions
9 * + Monitoring operation functions
10 * + Error informations functions
11 * + State and error functions
12 @verbatim
13 ==============================================================================
14 ##### How to use this driver #####
15 ==============================================================================
16 [..]
17 (#) Enable and latch error informations through HAL_RAMECC_Init().
19 (#) For a given Monitor, enable and disable interrupt through
20 HAL_RAMECC_EnableNotifiaction().
21 To enable a notification for a given RAMECC instance, use global
22 interrupts.
23 To enable a notification for only RAMECC monitor, use monitor interrupts.
24 All possible notifications are defined in the driver header file under
25 RAMECC_Interrupt group.
27 *** Silent mode ***
28 ===================
29 [..]
30 (+) Use HAL_RAMECC_StartMonitor() to start RAMECC latch failing
31 information without enabling any notification.
33 *** Interrupt mode ***
34 ======================
35 [..]
36 (+) Use HAL_RAMECC_EnableNotifiaction() to enable interrupts for a
37 given error.
38 (+) Configure the RAMECC interrupt priority using
39 HAL_NVIC_SetPriority().
40 (+) Enable the RAMECC IRQ handler using HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ().
42 *** Failing informations ***
43 ======================
44 [..]
45 (#) Use HAL_RAMECC_GetFailingAddress() function to return the RAMECC
46 failing address.
47 (#) Use HAL_RAMECC_GetFailingDataLow() function to return the RAMECC
48 failing data low.
49 (#) Use HAL_RAMECC_GetFailingDataHigh() function to return the RAMECC
50 failing data high.
51 (#) Use HAL_RAMECC_GetHammingErrorCode() function to return the RAMECC
52 Hamming bits injected.
53 (#) Use HAL_RAMECC_IsECCSingleErrorDetected() function to check if a single
54 error was detected and corrected.
55 (#) Use HAL_RAMECC_IsECCDoubleErrorDetected() function to check if a double
56 error was dedetected.
58 *** RAMECC HAL driver macros list ***
59 =============================================
60 [..]
61 Below the list of used macros in RAMECC HAL driver.
63 (+) __HAL_RAMECC_ENABLE_IT : Enable the specified ECCRAM Monitor
64 interrupts.
65 (+) __HAL_RAMECC_DISABLE_IT : Disable the specified ECCRAM Monitor
66 interrupts.
67 (+) __HAL_RAMECC_GET_FLAG : Return the current RAMECC Monitor selected
68 flag.
69 (+) __HAL_RAMECC_CLEAR_FLAG : Clear the current RAMECC Monitor selected
70 flag.
71 @endverbatim
72 ******************************************************************************
73 * @attention
75 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
76 * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
78 * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
79 * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
80 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
81 *
83 ******************************************************************************
86 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
87 #include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
89 /** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver
90 * @{
93 /** @defgroup RAMECC RAMECC
94 * @brief RAMECC HAL module driver
95 * @{
100 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
101 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
102 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
103 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
105 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
107 /** @addtogroup RAMECC_Exported_Functions
108 * @{
111 /** @addtogroup RAMECC_Exported_Functions_Group1
113 @verbatim
114 ===============================================================================
115 ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
116 ===============================================================================
117 [..]
118 This section provides functions allowing to initialize the RAMECC Monitor.
119 [..]
120 The HAL_RAMECC_Init() function follows the RAMECC configuration procedures
121 as described in reference manual.
122 The HAL_RAMECC_DeInit() function allows to deinitialize the RAMECC monitor.
124 @endverbatim
125 * @{
129 * @brief Initialize the RAMECC by clearing flags and disabling interrupts.
130 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
131 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
132 * Monitor.
133 * @retval HAL status.
135 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_Init (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
137 /* Check the RAMECC peripheral handle */
138 if (hramecc == NULL)
140 /* Return HAL status */
141 return HAL_ERROR;
144 /* Check the parameters */
145 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
147 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
148 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_BUSY;
150 /* Disable RAMECC monitor */
151 hramecc->Instance->CR &= ~RAMECC_CR_ECCELEN;
153 /* Disable all global interrupts */
154 ((RAMECC_TypeDef *)((uint32_t)hramecc->Instance & 0xFFFFFF00U))->IER &= \
157 /* Disable all interrupts monitor */
160 /* Clear RAMECC monitor flags */
163 /* Initialise the RAMECC error code */
164 hramecc->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMECC_ERROR_NONE;
166 /* Update the RAMECC state */
167 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY;
169 /* Return HAL status */
170 return HAL_OK;
175 * @brief DeInitializes the RAMECC peripheral.
176 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
177 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
178 * Monitor.
179 * @retval HAL status.
181 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_DeInit (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
183 /* Check the RAMECC peripheral handle */
184 if (hramecc == NULL)
186 /* Return HAL status */
187 return HAL_ERROR;
190 /* Check the parameters */
191 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
193 /* Disable RAMECC monitor */
194 hramecc->Instance->CR &= ~RAMECC_CR_ECCELEN;
196 /* Disable all global interrupts */
197 ((RAMECC_TypeDef *)((uint32_t)hramecc->Instance & 0xFFFFFF00U))->IER &= \
200 /* Disable all interrupts monitor */
203 /* Clear RAMECC monitor flags */
206 /* Clean callback */
207 hramecc->DetectErrorCallback = NULL;
209 /* Initialise the RAMECC error code */
210 hramecc->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMECC_ERROR_NONE;
212 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
213 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_RESET;
215 /* Return HAL status */
216 return HAL_OK;
219 * @}
223 * @}
226 /** @addtogroup RAMECC_Exported_Functions_Group2
228 @verbatim
229 ===============================================================================
230 ##### Monitoring operation functions #####
231 ===============================================================================
232 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
233 (+) Configure latching error informations.
234 (+) Configure RAMECC Global/Monitor interrupts.
235 (+) Register and Unregister RAMECC callbacks
236 (+) Handle RAMECC interrupt request
238 @endverbatim
239 * @{
243 * @brief Starts the RAMECC latching error information.
244 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
245 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
246 * Monitor.
247 * @retval HAL status.
249 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_StartMonitor (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
251 /* Check the parameters */
252 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
254 /* Check RAMECC state */
255 if (hramecc->State == HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY)
257 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
258 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_BUSY;
260 /* Enable RAMECC monitor */
261 hramecc->Instance->CR |= RAMECC_CR_ECCELEN;
263 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
264 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY;
266 else
268 /* Update the error code */
269 hramecc->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMECC_ERROR_BUSY;
271 /* Return HAL status */
272 return HAL_ERROR;
275 /* Return HAL status */
276 return HAL_OK;
281 * @brief Stop the RAMECC latching error informations.
282 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
283 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
284 * Monitor.
285 * @retval HAL status.
287 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_StopMonitor (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
289 /* Check the parameters */
290 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
292 /* Check RAMECC state */
293 if (hramecc->State == HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY)
295 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
296 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_BUSY;
298 /* Disable RAMECC monitor */
299 hramecc->Instance->CR &= ~RAMECC_CR_ECCELEN;
301 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
302 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY;
304 else
306 /* Update the error code */
307 hramecc->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMECC_ERROR_BUSY;
309 /* Return HAL status */
310 return HAL_ERROR;
313 /* Return HAL status */
314 return HAL_OK;
319 * @brief Enable the RAMECC error interrupts.
320 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that
321 * contains the configuration information for the
322 * specified RAMECC Monitor.
323 * @param Notifications Select the notification.
324 * @retval HAL status.
326 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_EnableNotification (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc, uint32_t Notifications)
328 /* Check the parameters */
329 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
330 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_INTERRUPT (Notifications));
332 /* Check RAMECC state */
333 if (hramecc->State == HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY)
335 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
336 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_BUSY;
338 /* Enable RAMECC interrupts */
339 __HAL_RAMECC_ENABLE_IT (hramecc, Notifications);
341 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
342 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY;
344 else
346 /* Update the error code */
347 hramecc->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMECC_ERROR_BUSY;
349 /* Return HAL status */
350 return HAL_ERROR;
353 /* Return HAL status */
354 return HAL_OK;
359 * @brief Disable the RAMECC error interrupts.
360 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that
361 * contains the configuration information for the
362 * specified RAMECC Monitor.
363 * @param Notifications Select the notification.
364 * @retval HAL status.
366 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_DisableNotification (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc, uint32_t Notifications)
368 /* Check the parameters */
369 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
370 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_INTERRUPT (Notifications));
372 /* Check RAMECC state */
373 if (hramecc->State == HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY)
375 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
376 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_BUSY;
378 /* Disable RAMECC interrupts */
379 __HAL_RAMECC_DISABLE_IT (hramecc, Notifications);
381 /* Change RAMECC peripheral state */
382 hramecc->State = HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY;
384 else
386 /* Update the error code */
387 hramecc->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMECC_ERROR_BUSY;
389 /* Return HAL status */
390 return HAL_ERROR;
393 /* Return HAL status */
394 return HAL_OK;
399 * @brief Register callbacks.
400 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
401 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
402 * Monitor.
403 * @param pCallback pointer to private callbacsk function which has pointer to
404 * a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure as parameter.
405 * @retval HAL status.
407 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_RegisterCallback (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc, void (* pCallback)(RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *_hramecc))
409 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
411 if (pCallback == NULL)
413 /* Update the error code */
416 /* Return HAL status */
417 return HAL_ERROR;
420 /* Check the parameters */
421 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
423 /* Check RAMECC state */
424 if (hramecc->State == HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY)
426 hramecc->DetectErrorCallback = pCallback;
428 else
430 /* Update the error code */
433 /* Update HAL status */
434 status = HAL_ERROR;
437 /* Return HAL status */
438 return status;
443 * @brief UnRegister callbacks.
444 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
445 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
446 * Monitor.
447 * @retval HAL status.
449 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_UnRegisterCallback (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
451 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
453 /* Check the parameters */
454 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
456 /* Check RAMECC state */
457 if(hramecc->State == HAL_RAMECC_STATE_READY)
459 hramecc->DetectErrorCallback = NULL;
461 else
463 /* Update the error code */
466 /* Update HAL status */
467 status = HAL_ERROR;
470 /* Return HAL status */
471 return status;
476 * @brief Handles RAMECC interrupt request.
477 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
478 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
479 * Monitor.
480 * @retval None.
482 void HAL_RAMECC_IRQHandler (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
484 uint32_t ier_reg = ((RAMECC_TypeDef *)((uint32_t)hramecc->Instance & 0xFFFFFF00U))->IER;
485 uint32_t cr_reg = hramecc->Instance->CR >> 1U;
486 uint32_t sr_reg = hramecc->Instance->SR << 1U;
488 /* Update global interrupt variables */
489 if ((ier_reg & RAMECC_IER_GIE) == RAMECC_IER_GIE)
491 ier_reg = RAMECC_IT_GLOBAL_ALL;
494 /* Clear active flags */
495 __HAL_RAMECC_CLEAR_FLAG (hramecc, (((ier_reg | cr_reg) & sr_reg) >> 1U));
497 /* Check if a valid double error callback is registred */
498 if (hramecc->DetectErrorCallback != NULL)
500 /* Error detection callback */
501 hramecc->DetectErrorCallback(hramecc);
506 /** @addtogroup RAMECC_Exported_Functions_Group3
508 @verbatim
509 ===============================================================================
510 ##### Error informations functions #####
511 ===============================================================================
512 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
513 (+) Get failing address.
514 (+) Get failing data low.
515 (+) Get failing data high.
516 (+) Get hamming bits injected.
517 (+) Check single error flag.
518 (+) Check double error flag.
520 @endverbatim
521 * @{
525 * @brief Return the RAMECC failing address.
526 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
527 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
528 * Monitor.
529 * @retval Failing address offset.
531 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_GetFailingAddress (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
533 /* Check the parameters */
534 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
536 /* Return failing address */
537 return hramecc->Instance->FAR;
542 * @brief Return the RAMECC data low.
543 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
544 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
545 * Monitor.
546 * @retval Failing data low.
548 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_GetFailingDataLow (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
550 /* Check the parameters */
551 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
553 /* Return failing data low */
554 return hramecc->Instance->FDRL;
559 * @brief Return the RAMECC data high.
560 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
561 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
562 * Monitor.
563 * @retval Failing data high.
565 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_GetFailingDataHigh (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
567 /* Check the parameters */
568 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
570 /* Return failing data high */
571 return hramecc->Instance->FDRH;
576 * @brief Return the RAMECC Hamming bits injected.
577 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
578 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
579 * Monitor.
580 * @retval Hamming bits injected.
582 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_GetHammingErrorCode (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
584 /* Check the parameters */
585 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
587 /* Return hamming bits injected */
588 return hramecc->Instance->FECR;
592 * @brief Check if an ECC single error was occured.
593 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
594 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
595 * Monitor.
596 * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
598 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_IsECCSingleErrorDetected (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
600 /* Check the parameters */
601 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
603 /* Return the state of SEDC flag */
604 return ((READ_BIT(hramecc->Instance->SR, RAMECC_SR_SEDCF) == (RAMECC_SR_SEDCF)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
608 * @brief Check if an ECC double error was occured.
609 * @param hramecc Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
610 * the configuration information for the specified RAMECC
611 * Monitor.
612 * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
614 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_IsECCDoubleErrorDetected (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
616 /* Check the parameters */
617 assert_param (IS_RAMECC_MONITOR_ALL_INSTANCE (hramecc->Instance));
619 /* Return the state of DEDF | DEBWDF flags */
620 return ((READ_BIT(hramecc->Instance->SR, (RAMECC_SR_DEDF | RAMECC_SR_DEBWDF)) != 0U) ? 1UL : 0UL);
623 * @}
627 /** @addtogroup RAMECC_Exported_Functions_Group4
629 @verbatim
630 ===============================================================================
631 ##### State and Error Functions #####
632 ===============================================================================
633 [..]
634 This section provides functions allowing to check and get the RAMECC state
635 and the error code .
636 [..]
637 The HAL_RAMECC_GetState() function allows to get the RAMECC peripheral
638 state.
639 The HAL_RAMECC_GetError() function allows to Get the RAMECC peripheral error
640 code.
642 @endverbatim
643 * @{
647 * @brief Get the RAMECC peripheral state.
648 * @param hramecc : Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that
649 * contains the configuration information for the
650 * specified RAMECC instance.
651 * @retval RAMECC state.
653 HAL_RAMECC_StateTypeDef HAL_RAMECC_GetState (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
655 /* Return the RAMECC state */
656 return hramecc->State;
660 * @brief Get the RAMECC peripheral error code.
661 * @param hramecc : Pointer to a RAMECC_HandleTypeDef structure that
662 * contains the configuration information for the
663 * specified RAMECC instance.
664 * @retval RAMECC error code.
666 uint32_t HAL_RAMECC_GetError (RAMECC_HandleTypeDef *hramecc)
668 /* Return the RAMECC error code */
669 return hramecc->ErrorCode;
672 * @}
677 * @}
681 * @}
685 * @}
689 * @}
692 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/