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[betaflight.git] / lib / main / STM32F7 / Drivers / STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver / Src / stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.c
1 /**
2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @brief MDIOS HAL module driver.
6 * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
7 * functionalities of the MDIOS Peripheral.
8 * + Initialization and de-initialization functions
9 * + IO operation functions
10 * + Peripheral Control functions
12 @verbatim
13 ===============================================================================
14 ##### How to use this driver #####
15 ===============================================================================
16 [..]
17 The MDIOS HAL driver can be used as follows:
19 (#) Declare a MDIOS_HandleTypeDef handle structure.
21 (#) Initialize the MDIOS low level resources by implementing the HAL_MDIOS_MspInit() API:
22 (##) Enable the MDIOS interface clock.
23 (##) MDIOS pins configuration:
24 (+++) Enable clocks for the MDIOS GPIOs.
25 (+++) Configure the MDIOS pins as alternate function.
26 (##) NVIC configuration if you need to use interrupt process:
27 (+++) Configure the MDIOS interrupt priority.
28 (+++) Enable the NVIC MDIOS IRQ handle.
30 (#) Program the Port Address and the Preamble Check in the Init structure.
32 (#) Initialize the MDIOS registers by calling the HAL_MDIOS_Init() API.
34 (#) Perform direct slave read/write operations using the following APIs:
35 (##) Read the value of a DINn register: HAL_MDIOS_ReadReg()
36 (##) Write a value to a DOUTn register: HAL_MDIOS_WriteReg()
38 (#) Get the Master read/write operations flags using the following APIs:
39 (##) Bit map of DOUTn registers read by Master: HAL_MDIOS_GetReadRegAddress()
40 (##) Bit map of DINn registers written by Master : HAL_MDIOS_GetWrittenRegAddress()
42 (#) Clear the read/write flags using the following APIs:
43 (##) Clear read flags of a set of registers: HAL_MDIOS_ClearReadRegAddress()
44 (##) Clear write flags of a set of registers: HAL_MDIOS_ClearWriteRegAddress()
46 (#) Enable interrupts on events using HAL_MDIOS_EnableEvents(), when called
47 the MDIOS will generate an interrupt in the following cases:
48 (##) a DINn register written by the Master
49 (##) a DOUTn register read by the Master
50 (##) an error occur
52 -@@- A callback is executed for each genereted interrupt, so the driver provides the following
53 HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback(), HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback() and HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback()
54 -@@- HAL_MDIOS_IRQHandler() must be called from the MDIOS IRQ Handler, to handle the interrupt
55 and execute the previous callbacks
57 (#) Reset the MDIOS peripheral and all related ressources by calling the HAL_MDIOS_DeInit() API.
58 (##) HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit() must be implemented to reset low level ressources
59 (GPIO, Clocks, NVIC configuration ...)
61 *** Callback registration ***
62 =============================================
64 The compilation define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1
65 allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks.
66 Use Function @ref HAL_MDIOS_RegisterCallback() to register an interrupt callback.
68 Function @ref HAL_MDIOS_RegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks:
69 (+) WriteCpltCallback : Write Complete Callback.
70 (+) ReadCpltCallback : Read Complete Callback.
71 (+) ErrorCallback : Error Callback.
72 (+) WakeUpCallback : Wake UP Callback
73 (+) MspInitCallback : MspInit Callback.
74 (+) MspDeInitCallback : MspDeInit Callback.
76 This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
77 and a pointer to the user callback function.
79 Use function @ref HAL_MDIOS_UnRegisterCallback() to reset a callback to the default
80 weak function.
81 @ref HAL_MDIOS_UnRegisterCallback takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle,
82 and the Callback ID.
83 This function allows to reset following callbacks:
84 (+) WriteCpltCallback : Write Complete Callback.
85 (+) ReadCpltCallback : Read Complete Callback.
86 (+) ErrorCallback : Error Callback.
87 (+) WakeUpCallback : Wake UP Callback
88 (+) MspInitCallback : MspInit Callback.
89 (+) MspDeInitCallback : MspDeInit Callback.
91 By default, after the HAL_MDIOS_Init and when the state is HAL_MDIOS_STATE_RESET
92 all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak functions:
93 examples @ref HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback(), @ref HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback().
94 Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit functions that are
95 reset to the legacy weak function in the HAL_MDIOS_Init/ @ref HAL_MDIOS_DeInit only when
96 these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand).
97 if not, MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the HAL_MDIOS_Init/ @ref HAL_MDIOS_DeInit
98 keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand)
100 Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in HAL_MDIOS_STATE_READY state only.
101 Exception done MspInit/MspDeInit that can be registered/unregistered
103 thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used during the Init/DeInit.
104 In that case first register the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks
105 using @ref HAL_MDIOS_RegisterCallback() before calling @ref HAL_MDIOS_DeInit
106 or HAL_MDIOS_Init function.
108 When The compilation define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or
109 not defined, the callback registration feature is not available and all callbacks
110 are set to the corresponding weak functions.
113 @endverbatim
114 ******************************************************************************
115 * @attention
117 * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
118 * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
120 * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
121 * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
122 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
123 * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
125 ******************************************************************************
128 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
129 #include "stm32f7xx_hal.h"
131 /** @addtogroup STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver
132 * @{
135 /** @defgroup MDIOS MDIOS
136 * @brief HAL MDIOS module driver
137 * @{
141 #if defined (MDIOS)
143 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
144 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
145 #define MDIOS_PORT_ADDRESS_SHIFT ((uint32_t)8)
146 #define MDIOS_ALL_REG_FLAG ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)
149 #define MDIOS_DIN_BASE_ADDR (MDIOS_BASE + 0x100)
150 #define MDIOS_DOUT_BASE_ADDR (MDIOS_BASE + 0x180)
152 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
153 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
154 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
156 static void MDIOS_InitCallbacksToDefault(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios);
158 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
159 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
160 /** @defgroup MDIOS_Exported_Functions MDIOS Exported Functions
161 * @{
164 /** @defgroup MDIOS_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization/de-initialization functions
165 * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
167 @verbatim
168 ===============================================================================
169 ##### Initialization and Configuration functions #####
170 ===============================================================================
171 [..]
172 This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to initialize the MDIOS
173 (+) The following parameters can be configured:
174 (++) Port Address
175 (++) Preamble Check
177 @endverbatim
178 * @{
182 * @brief Initializes the MDIOS according to the specified parameters in
183 * the MDIOS_InitTypeDef and creates the associated handle .
184 * @param hmdios pointer to a MDIOS_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
185 * the configuration information for MDIOS module
186 * @retval HAL status
188 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_Init(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
190 uint32_t tmpcr = 0;
192 /* Check the MDIOS handle allocation */
193 if(hmdios == NULL)
195 return HAL_ERROR;
198 /* Check the parameters */
199 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_ALL_INSTANCE(hmdios->Instance));
200 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_PORTADDRESS(hmdios->Init.PortAddress));
201 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_PREAMBLECHECK(hmdios->Init.PreambleCheck));
203 /* Process Locked */
204 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
206 if(hmdios->State == HAL_MDIOS_STATE_RESET)
210 MDIOS_InitCallbacksToDefault(hmdios);
212 if(hmdios->MspInitCallback == NULL)
214 hmdios->MspInitCallback = HAL_MDIOS_MspInit;
217 /* Init the low level hardware */
218 hmdios->MspInitCallback(hmdios);
220 #else
221 /* Init the low level hardware */
222 HAL_MDIOS_MspInit(hmdios);
227 /* Change the MDIOS state */
228 hmdios->State = HAL_MDIOS_STATE_BUSY;
230 /* Get the MDIOS CR value */
231 tmpcr = hmdios->Instance->CR;
233 /* Clear PORT_ADDRESS, DPC and EN bits */
234 tmpcr &= ((uint32_t)~(MDIOS_CR_EN | MDIOS_CR_DPC | MDIOS_CR_PORT_ADDRESS));
236 /* Set MDIOS control parametrs and enable the peripheral */
237 tmpcr |= (uint32_t)(((hmdios->Init.PortAddress) << MDIOS_PORT_ADDRESS_SHIFT) |\
238 (hmdios->Init.PreambleCheck) | \
239 (MDIOS_CR_EN));
241 /* Write the MDIOS CR */
242 hmdios->Instance->CR = tmpcr;
244 /* Change the MDIOS state */
245 hmdios->State = HAL_MDIOS_STATE_READY;
247 /* Release Lock */
248 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
250 /* Return function status */
251 return HAL_OK;
256 * @brief DeInitializes the MDIOS peripheral.
257 * @param hmdios MDIOS handle
258 * @retval HAL status
260 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_DeInit(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
262 /* Check the MDIOS handle allocation */
263 if(hmdios == NULL)
265 return HAL_ERROR;
268 /* Check the parameters */
269 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_ALL_INSTANCE(hmdios->Instance));
271 /* Change the MDIOS state */
272 hmdios->State = HAL_MDIOS_STATE_BUSY;
274 /* Disable the Peripheral */
275 __HAL_MDIOS_DISABLE(hmdios);
279 if(hmdios->MspDeInitCallback == NULL)
281 hmdios->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit;
283 /* DeInit the low level hardware */
284 hmdios->MspDeInitCallback(hmdios);
286 #else
288 /* DeInit the low level hardware */
289 HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit(hmdios);
293 /* Change the MDIOS state */
294 hmdios->State = HAL_MDIOS_STATE_RESET;
296 /* Release Lock */
297 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
299 /* Return function status */
300 return HAL_OK;
304 * @brief MDIOS MSP Init
305 * @param hmdios mdios handle
306 * @retval None
308 __weak void HAL_MDIOS_MspInit(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
310 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
311 UNUSED(hmdios);
313 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
314 the HAL_MDIOS_MspInit can be implemented in the user file
319 * @brief MDIOS MSP DeInit
320 * @param hmdios mdios handle
321 * @retval None
323 __weak void HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
325 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
326 UNUSED(hmdios);
328 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
329 the HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit can be implemented in the user file
335 * @brief Register a User MDIOS Callback
336 * To be used instead of the weak predefined callback
337 * @param hmdios mdios handle
338 * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered
339 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
340 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_WRITE_COMPLETE_CB_ID Write Complete Callback ID
341 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_READ_COMPLETE_CB_ID Read Complete Callback ID
342 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_ERROR_CB_ID Error Callback ID
343 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_WAKEUP_CB_ID Wake Up Callback ID
344 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID
345 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID
346 * @param pCallback pointer to the Callback function
347 * @retval status
349 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_RegisterCallback(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios, HAL_MDIOS_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pMDIOS_CallbackTypeDef pCallback)
351 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
353 if(pCallback == NULL)
355 /* Return error status */
356 return HAL_ERROR;
358 /* Process locked */
359 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
361 if(hmdios->State == HAL_MDIOS_STATE_READY)
363 switch (CallbackID)
366 hmdios->WriteCpltCallback = pCallback;
367 break;
370 hmdios->ReadCpltCallback = pCallback;
371 break;
374 hmdios->ErrorCallback = pCallback;
375 break;
378 hmdios->WakeUpCallback = pCallback;
379 break;
382 hmdios->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
383 break;
386 hmdios->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
387 break;
389 default :
390 /* Return error status */
391 status = HAL_ERROR;
392 break;
395 else if(hmdios->State == HAL_MDIOS_STATE_RESET)
397 switch (CallbackID)
400 hmdios->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
401 break;
404 hmdios->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
405 break;
407 default :
408 /* Return error status */
409 status = HAL_ERROR;
410 break;
413 else
415 /* Return error status */
416 status = HAL_ERROR;
419 /* Release Lock */
420 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
422 return status;
426 * @brief Unregister an MDIOS Callback
427 * MDIOS callabck is redirected to the weak predefined callback
428 * @param hmdios mdios handle
429 * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered
430 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
431 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_WRITE_COMPLETE_CB_ID Write Complete Callback ID
432 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_READ_COMPLETE_CB_ID Read Complete Callback ID
433 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_ERROR_CB_ID Error Callback ID
434 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_WAKEUP_CB_ID Wake Up Callback ID
435 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID
436 * @arg @ref HAL_MDIOS_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID
437 * @retval status
439 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_UnRegisterCallback(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios, HAL_MDIOS_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID)
441 HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
443 /* Process locked */
444 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
446 if(hmdios->State == HAL_MDIOS_STATE_READY)
448 switch (CallbackID)
451 hmdios->WriteCpltCallback = HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback;
452 break;
455 hmdios->ReadCpltCallback = HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback;
456 break;
459 hmdios->ErrorCallback = HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback;
460 break;
463 hmdios->WakeUpCallback = HAL_MDIOS_WakeUpCallback;
464 break;
467 hmdios->MspInitCallback = HAL_MDIOS_MspInit;
468 break;
471 hmdios->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit;
472 break;
474 default :
475 /* Return error status */
476 status = HAL_ERROR;
477 break;
480 else if(hmdios->State == HAL_MDIOS_STATE_RESET)
482 switch (CallbackID)
485 hmdios->MspInitCallback = HAL_MDIOS_MspInit;
486 break;
489 hmdios->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_MDIOS_MspDeInit;
490 break;
492 default :
493 /* Return error status */
494 status = HAL_ERROR;
495 break;
498 else
500 /* Return error status */
501 status = HAL_ERROR;
504 /* Release Lock */
505 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
507 return status;
510 static void MDIOS_InitCallbacksToDefault(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
512 /* Init the MDIOS Callback settings */
513 hmdios->WriteCpltCallback = HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback; /* Legacy weak WriteCpltCallback */
514 hmdios->ReadCpltCallback = HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback; /* Legacy weak ReadCpltCallback */
515 hmdios->ErrorCallback = HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback; /* Legacy weak ErrorCallback */
516 hmdios->WakeUpCallback = HAL_MDIOS_WakeUpCallback; /* Legacy weak WakeUpCallback */
521 * @}
524 /** @defgroup MDIOS_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions
525 * @brief MDIOS Read/Write functions
527 @verbatim
528 ===============================================================================
529 ##### IO operation functions #####
530 ===============================================================================
531 This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the MDIOS
532 read and write operations.
534 (#) APIs that allow to the MDIOS to read/write from/to the
535 values of one of the DINn/DOUTn registers:
536 (+) Read the value of a DINn register: HAL_MDIOS_ReadReg()
537 (+) Write a value to a DOUTn register: HAL_MDIOS_WriteReg()
539 (#) APIs that provide if there are some Slave registres have been
540 read or written by the Master:
541 (+) DOUTn registers read by Master: HAL_MDIOS_GetReadRegAddress()
542 (+) DINn registers written by Master : HAL_MDIOS_GetWrittenRegAddress()
544 (#) APIs that Clear the read/write flags:
545 (+) Clear read registers flags: HAL_MDIOS_ClearReadRegAddress()
546 (+) Clear write registers flags: HAL_MDIOS_ClearWriteRegAddress()
548 (#) A set of Callbacks are provided:
549 (+) HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback()
550 (+) HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback()
551 (+) HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback()
553 @endverbatim
554 * @{
558 * @brief Writes to an MDIOS output register
559 * @param hmdios mdios handle
560 * @param RegNum MDIOS input register number
561 * @param Data Data to write
562 * @retval HAL status
564 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_WriteReg(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios, uint32_t RegNum, uint16_t Data)
566 uint32_t tmpreg;
568 /* Check the parameters */
569 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_REGISTER(RegNum));
571 /* Process Locked */
572 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
574 /* Get the addr of output register to be written by the MDIOS */
575 tmpreg = MDIOS_DOUT_BASE_ADDR + (4 * RegNum);
577 /* Write to DOUTn register */
578 *((uint32_t *)tmpreg) = Data;
580 /* Process Unlocked */
581 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
583 return HAL_OK;
587 * @brief Reads an MDIOS input register
588 * @param hmdios mdios handle
589 * @param RegNum MDIOS input register number
590 * @param pData pointer to Data
591 * @retval HAL status
593 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_ReadReg(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios, uint32_t RegNum, uint16_t *pData)
595 uint32_t tmpreg;
597 /* Check the parameters */
598 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_REGISTER(RegNum));
600 /* Process Locked */
601 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
603 /* Get the addr of input register to be read by the MDIOS */
604 tmpreg = MDIOS_DIN_BASE_ADDR + (4 * RegNum);
606 /* Read DINn register */
607 *pData = (uint16_t)(*((uint32_t *)tmpreg));
609 /* Process Unlocked */
610 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
612 return HAL_OK;
616 * @brief Gets Written registers by MDIO master
617 * @param hmdios mdios handle
618 * @retval bit map of written registers addresses
620 uint32_t HAL_MDIOS_GetWrittenRegAddress(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
622 return hmdios->Instance->WRFR;
626 * @brief Gets Read registers by MDIO master
627 * @param hmdios mdios handle
628 * @retval bit map of read registers addresses
630 uint32_t HAL_MDIOS_GetReadRegAddress(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
632 return hmdios->Instance->RDFR;
636 * @brief Clears Write registers flag
637 * @param hmdios mdios handle
638 * @param RegNum registers addresses to be cleared
639 * @retval HAL status
641 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_ClearWriteRegAddress(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios, uint32_t RegNum)
643 /* Check the parameters */
644 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_REGISTER(RegNum));
646 /* Process Locked */
647 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
649 /* Clear write registers flags */
650 hmdios->Instance->CWRFR |= (RegNum);
652 /* Release Lock */
653 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
655 return HAL_OK;
659 * @brief Clears Read register flag
660 * @param hmdios mdios handle
661 * @param RegNum registers addresses to be cleared
662 * @retval HAL status
664 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_ClearReadRegAddress(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios, uint32_t RegNum)
666 /* Check the parameters */
667 assert_param(IS_MDIOS_REGISTER(RegNum));
669 /* Process Locked */
670 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
672 /* Clear read registers flags */
673 hmdios->Instance->CRDFR |= (RegNum);
675 /* Release Lock */
676 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
678 return HAL_OK;
682 * @brief Enables Events for MDIOS peripheral
683 * @param hmdios mdios handle
684 * @retval HAL status
686 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_EnableEvents(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
688 /* Process Locked */
689 __HAL_LOCK(hmdios);
691 /* Enable MDIOS interrupts: Register Write, Register Read and Error ITs */
694 /* Process Unlocked */
695 __HAL_UNLOCK(hmdios);
697 return HAL_OK;
701 * @brief This function handles MDIOS interrupt request.
702 * @param hmdios MDIOS handle
703 * @retval None
705 void HAL_MDIOS_IRQHandler(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
707 /* Write Register Interrupt enabled ? */
710 /* Write register flag */
711 if(HAL_MDIOS_GetWrittenRegAddress(hmdios) != RESET)
714 /* Call registered Write complete callback */
715 hmdios->WriteCpltCallback(hmdios);
716 #else
717 /* Write callback function */
718 HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback(hmdios);
721 /* Clear write register flag */
722 HAL_MDIOS_ClearWriteRegAddress(hmdios, MDIOS_ALL_REG_FLAG);
726 /* Read Register Interrupt enabled ? */
729 /* Read register flag */
730 if(HAL_MDIOS_GetReadRegAddress(hmdios) != RESET)
733 /* Call registered Read complete callback */
734 hmdios->ReadCpltCallback(hmdios);
735 #else
736 /* Read callback function */
737 HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback(hmdios);
740 /* Clear read register flag */
741 HAL_MDIOS_ClearReadRegAddress(hmdios, MDIOS_ALL_REG_FLAG);
745 /* Error Interrupt enabled ? */
748 /* All Errors Flag */
752 /* Call registered Error callback */
753 hmdios->ErrorCallback(hmdios);
754 #else
755 /* Error Callback */
756 HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback(hmdios);
759 /* Clear errors flag */
764 /* check MDIOS WAKEUP exti flag */
768 /* Call registered WakeUp callback */
769 hmdios->WakeUpCallback(hmdios);
770 #else
771 /* MDIOS WAKEUP interrupt user callback */
772 HAL_MDIOS_WakeUpCallback(hmdios);
775 /* Clear MDIOS WAKEUP Exti pending bit */
781 * @brief Write Complete Callback
782 * @param hmdios mdios handle
783 * @retval None
785 __weak void HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
787 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
788 UNUSED(hmdios);
790 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
791 the HAL_MDIOS_WriteCpltCallback can be implemented in the user file
796 * @brief Read Complete Callback
797 * @param hmdios mdios handle
798 * @retval None
800 __weak void HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
802 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
803 UNUSED(hmdios);
805 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
806 the HAL_MDIOS_ReadCpltCallback can be implemented in the user file
811 * @brief Error Callback
812 * @param hmdios mdios handle
813 * @retval None
815 __weak void HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
817 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
818 UNUSED(hmdios);
820 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
821 the HAL_MDIOS_ErrorCallback can be implemented in the user file
826 * @brief MDIOS WAKEUP interrupt callback
827 * @param hmdios mdios handle
828 * @retval None
830 __weak void HAL_MDIOS_WakeUpCallback(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
832 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
833 UNUSED(hmdios);
835 /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
836 the HAL_MDIOS_WakeUpCallback could be implemented in the user file
841 * @}
844 /** @defgroup MDIOS_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions
845 * @brief MDIOS control functions
847 @verbatim
848 ===============================================================================
849 ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
850 ===============================================================================
851 [..]
852 This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to control the MDIOS.
853 (+) HAL_MDIOS_GetState() API, helpful to check in run-time the state.
854 (+) HAL_MDIOS_GetError() API, returns the errors occurred during data transfer.
856 @endverbatim
857 * @{
861 * @brief Gets MDIOS error flags
862 * @param hmdios mdios handle
863 * @retval bit map of occurred errors
865 uint32_t HAL_MDIOS_GetError(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
867 /* return errors flags on status register */
868 return hmdios->Instance->SR;
872 * @brief Return the MDIOS HAL state
873 * @param hmdios mdios handle
874 * @retval MDIOS state
876 HAL_MDIOS_StateTypeDef HAL_MDIOS_GetState(MDIOS_HandleTypeDef *hmdios)
878 /* Return MDIOS state */
879 return hmdios->State;
883 * @}
887 * @}
889 #endif /* MDIOS */
892 * @}
896 * @}
899 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/